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What are the types of girls that men hate to date/marry?

so i was just reading this thing on aol about the worst types of women that men hate to date/marry. it was kind of funny. i usually dont read articles like this - only once in a blue moon. but dashboard pops up with my AIM so whatever.

i somewhat disagreed with the list...probably because a couple of them were me! X D my bf confirmed this btw but he doesnt mind me at all so thats all that matters.

here are the "types"

*Church girls - basically types that do all kinds of things but justify it with going to church. hypocrites basically.

*Constant housewife - takes on all responsibilities of the home then wants all of the guys free time in return.

*The Cheater - compulsive cheater. enough said.

*Toxic Date - apparently doesnt treat people, herself, or her bf with respect.

*Too good to be true girls - i didnt quite understand this one. this is what the guy said, "OK, so almost every guy is bad. But guys need to look out for the girls who can melt anyone with their smile. You have to prove your worth a million times over while the greaseball at the bar only has to buy her a few drinks and practice some "Pick-up Artist," "Glamour," "Desperate Housewives," and "SATC" lines to guide them. "

*The loudmouth - girl who is used to using a loud voice, yelling, and lecturing. yup. thats me : D

*The manipulator - girl who tries to change her bf sometime down the road in their relationship into the man she wants him to be.

*Attention seeker - needs constant male attention from ANY guy.

*The so-called feminist - okay i didnt get this one so ill just quote what he said, My ex-girlfriend used to refuse to pay for anything, to the point where she wouldn't even bring her wallet along. One time we went to a place that didn't accept credit cards, and since I didn't have enough cash to cover both of us and she didn't have anything on her, we couldn't go. The one time she did treat me to a movie, it was used against me for the next month -- i.e., '"You buy dinner since I got the tickets; you get this movie since I got the last one," etc.

She also gave me a list of minimum things to get her for Valentine's Day (at least a dozen roses, at least a box of chocolates), which in addition to being expensive (especially since I was just a student), took the fun out of surprising her. She didn't get me anything in return, incidentally. " i am kind of a feminist but im still not understanding this one...

*Talkers - girls who talk a lot and apparently guys cant talk about more than one topic at a time? idk. but i am a talker as well haha

*City girls - okay he said, "Most city women are useless Barbies. Country or small town women are less likely to be pampered lazy idiots." um such bullshit might i add. im definitely a city girl and im not a "useless barbie"!! >:\

*Dishonest diva - lol at the name first of all. I think its a girl who isnt honest with herself and says shes one kind of person when shes the opposite. also she isnt honest about how she feels about small things and brings up later.

*Girl looking for mr. perfect - self explanatory.

*The beauty queen - okay i didnt understand this one either. apparently its better to go with "average looking no frills" (wtf??!) types because they arent "princesses" and are less likely to cheat. i dont agree with that at all.

*Super insecure girls - needs constant "verbal affirmation" and compares herself to other people all the time.

*Girl who pops pills all the time and is on an emotional roller coaster.

so do you agree with these?

AND IF YOU DIDNT HAVE THE PATIENCE TO READ ALL OF THAT just tell me what types of girls you think guys hate the most.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    the ones who complain a lot and think they are all that. also anyone who has an attitude and is loud i dont accept her even as a friend.

  • 1 decade ago

    The worst is a girl who cannot be pleased. Guys feel helpless when they cannot please their date/spouse. Some girls are never satisfied with their looks, their clothes, their they are never pleased with anybody else's either.

    Next is a girl who embarrasses a guy for whatever the reason. Some girls flirt with other guys when on a date. Some girls have no social skills at restaurants or events. Some girls wear too much make-up, perfume, or low-cut/high-slit clothing and draw too much attention to themselves.

    My last suggestion is the group of girls who have a reputation of dating just because they are bored. If someone isn't interested in me, I'd rather stay home.

  • Matrix
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    Insecure women

    Women who blame American Black men for all there self hating problems...i.e. the user Forever Young who just blocked me.

    Emotionally co-dependent: There needs to be an emotional connection, but she needs to maintain her's a thin line to walk sometimes.

    I'm always happy with a woman who can love herself and respect others for their beliefs regardless of what she believes herself. A woman wise enough to curb my little chauvinistic streak without being domineering always has the upper hand over me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a girl.

    But i agree with the list. Apart from the city girl- that's bull.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Firstly, i didn't have the energy to read all your question. For me, i hate heaps of types. Goth, cynical, bitchy, arrogant, disrespectful, rude, trashy, .......the list goes on....oh and i caught sight of 'beauty queen' - no way, of course i'd love to go out with a beauty queen.

    And another thing - if she's got big jugs, i'll put up with alot more....

  • 7 years ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I love city girls and super insecure girls because they like successful men and I'm planning on being an engineer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    *Super insecure girls - needs constant "verbal affirmation" and compares herself to other people all the time.

    As much as I hate to say it,that's me...

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i hate dating black women. i will never ever marry a black lady. i'd rather be single than do that.

    also i hate gold diggers, and girls that try and act tough. i like girls that have respect for their man, have respect for the elderly, and are nice, and fun to talk with.

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