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Could this be considered a sample of Bush rubbing off on Obama?

It seems that when Bush left the White House, he left a little reminder for our new president. It is only a little gift but it makes a big boom! The propensity to make little mistakes into bid boo boos seems to have rubbed off on O baa ma! He's as big a flub as was old George, so it appears.

Barack Obama has incurred the fury of France. He sent a letter to former French President Jacques Chirac rather than their current President Nicolas Sarkozy. Whoops. Huées! Another faux pas! The French don’t seem to think its funny.

Oh dear. It seems the French are mad at us! I know this isn’t an uncommon occurrence. The French have seemed to take pride in being mad at us, but until now we really haven’t given them that much cause to be snotty towards us. Now, our President, the King of Gaffs, has given them just cause and they are nothing short of appalled.

Today’s Obama Gaff and embarrassment has to do with a letter he sent to French President Jacques Chirac that read: “I am certain that we will be able to work together, in the coming four years, in a spirit of peace and friendship to build a safer world.”

The list of Obama gaffs and diplomatic messes seems almost endless. I’ve lost track. There are several a day it seems. Of course, the media hardly notices, presumably because they are still covering for his lack of experience and sophistication. The affront is just not as important as the glow that emanates from the person of Obama.

Besides, how can people be so judgmental of him? He’s insulted British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who still can’t watch the movies Obama gave him cause Obama apparently didn’t realize DVDs are formated differently in Europe. Or he didn’t care. Now he’s insulted the French President Nicholas Sarkosy. The news in Britain and France is all the place. They are debating the Sarkosy snub and the Gordon Brown snub. They are making fun of our President for his lack of polish and outraged that he’s insulting our allies.

But its all in a day’s work for Obama.

What can anyone expect? There are like HUNDREDS of countries out there and all of them have people who are in charge of them. There tons of names for the people in charge. Some of them are presidents, some are prime ministers. There’s Dear Leaders and Supreme Ayatollahs. There’s Chancellors, Kings, Queens, Emperors and Empresses. How is a man supposed to have learned all of them in just two short months? Not to mention, he has to learn all their names too and which country they go with. It has to be so confusing!! Like a crash study course before a big exam. Remember cramming for the test? It was so easy to forget which answer went with which question. Its kind of like that. Does Sarkozy go with France or Belgium? Is Brown a Prime Minister or President? Is Queen Elizabeth the Queen of England or of Europe? Look at Putin, he’s president and then prime minister of Russia. How’s someone supposed to keep that straight?

Have you ever read some of their names? They are confusing and hard to pronounce. Why do people expect him to have all of this memorized already? I bet you’d have trouble remembering it all.

Of course, most Presidents have people who remember stuff for them, but Obama hasn’t gotten around to filling all those cabinet positions yet. That’s a lot of work and he has comedy shows to do and tons of American capital to spend.

So, Obama sent a letter to the former French President rather than to their current president. The French think that Obama snubbed Sarkozy. They are saying stuff like Obama avez le cervau d’un sandwich au fromage et es betes comme tes pieds. Ewww. That’s not pretty! They are also saying that the American people will brûlez dans l’enfer and are êtes stupide for electing him.

No one in the Obama administration has commented on this faux pas because no one knows who to contact about it cause no one has appointed anyone to the office that handles faux pas as yet. We strongly suggest that the Obama Administration consider yet another layer of bureaucracy by creating an Office of Gaff Management. It would be a very busy office.


I didn't write this. it came to me in an Email, and from a news story. therefore it is not a rant, but news. If they can print it, I can make fun of it!

Update 2:

I don't just watch one networks news. I watch them all and then filter out the B.S. and read between the lines and get to a nearer truth. I am not a follower of any political party in particular, but enjoy a good laugh, as you guys has with Bush. Now that the table has turned, you are not happy. Tough stuff! Live with it!

Update 3:

Everyone had a good laugh over the blunders that bush made, but when the tables reverse, they don't think it's funny. Where's your sense of humor?

Update 4:

So true, Wider Scope. I believe they have been eating green persimmons or sour apples. To have a healthy life, one must laugh, even at their own mistakes.

Update 5:

"To err is human, to forgive, divine" but when one is trying to destroy my country I will retaliate in any manner I feel fit! When and if we get this phony, anti liberty imposter and his goons out of office, I will rest easier.

Update 6:

I saw the Biden remark. I just wonder what he really thinks! Umm!

Update 7:

W hen I was in a managerial position I had a secretary who proofread my correspondence to make sure the 'Tees' were crossed and the ''I's' were dotted. To do this job, I hired qualified people. It appears our government has failed in this vital component. from the top to the bottom.

Update 8:

At least Napoleon was willing to step on the battlefield.

Update 9:

While it might appear that Bush had respect for the people, he still had his agenda and orders to obey, just like most of his predecessors toward the destruction of the Freedom and Liberty of America. I trust no politician nor their words.

19 Answers

  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "What can anyone expect? There are like HUNDREDS of countries out there" LOL! That is one classic SCREW UP! I can't wait to see the dems defend this one LMAO! Wait till Hannity gets his hands on this!

  • 1 decade ago

    His mistakes haven't caused a 9/11...yet.

    Remember, he is withdrawing from Iraq more quickly than planned,according to our best General, Petraeus.

    He thinks the two countries are exactly the same, and the same solutions apply.

    It was Petraeus's plan to get us out of Iraq, and even HE doesn't support the same answer for Afghanistan and certain areas of Pakistan. He is, however, ordered to do it again, by our C (Clown)OTUS.

    Take note that another of the Gitmo prisoners, released in 2007, for being "not guilty, by US legal standards" is now the Operations officer for the Taliban in Southern Afghanistan.

    He wants to let the absolute worst of the terrorists in custody, the "Gitmo 5" to be placed in normal US prisons, and tried like common criminals....which means that these monsters, who CELEBRATE 9/11 and WANT TO DO IT AGAIN, can be potentially released, in the US, for technicalities in their "arrest" rather than their capture in war.

    Soldiers do not read Miranda Rights to the enemy, when they capture them. This fool will allow them to be released in the US.

    Another 9/11 is only a matter of time, now.

    He is also going to force Israel to defend itself, and make them have to attack the Iranian Nuclear facilities.

    Bloopers aside....his actions are creating huge potential disasters.

  • You forgot Iran and wasn't it Chavez who called Obama an "ignoramus?" Our boy is charming the pants off the international world leaders. Not everyone loves him as much as he loves himself.

    PS I only noting this because it has to do with Bush leaving office. Apparently, Biden said during the Gridiron dinner Obama did not attend that when Bush left office, Cheney left Obama's birth certificate in the drawer... [for Biden] Amongst other most colorful things...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope - Bush is like a saint compared to Obama

    Obama is a true fraud

    Bush at least had dignity and respect for the American People

    What ever mistakes Obama makes is of his own doing.

    Source(s): Disabled American Veteran
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you take care of small details, major problems don't normally ensue.

    This letter coupled with Hillarys problem with the Russians, leads to

    a much bigger problem. Staff members aren't taking there job very

    seriously. Staffers who are on the ball. don't allow these kind of mistakes.

    If Obama can't influence excellence from low level staffers, He can't

    exhibit the leadership to promote excellence from his more key people.

    Its just that simple.

    So what you wind up facing is what we have happening now. To much

    splash in the water and no results anywhere,

  • bozieu
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Errare humanum est! and gaffe is a French word

    I smile and the fact he forgot the name of our small Président recall him to more modesty.

    One of his nick name is Bling-bling noise made by jewelry and by poeple who like to show.

    He may call him Napoleon.

    And during the elections all the press was on the side of Obama they begin to know the candidate now!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We will send Obama to Alaska I want Sarah Palin to ask him how it feels. She was tormented for her error in a spoof this was the President Some say the smartest one ever and the staff of his choice. Boy Blunder gets at least one in a day but he apologizes but again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago not really sure what to say..

    my mind is not fully made up on obama...i did read all of ur email...

    i did find it very interesting and i thank u for the knowledge

    theres alot i like about obama..and alot i am leary of...

    i guess only time will tell...

    i will star ur question and try to pass it on


    Source(s): and for TheMom.... the question is not ranting.. and surely u should know that sharing knowledge is perfectly acceptable in the community guidelines
  • With every mistake he makes, I laugh harder and harder at how the media said he would get our allies to like us again.

  • 1 decade ago

    no, say what they may, bush was never such a uncultured klutz.

    they don't have a sense of humor and were never amused w/ bush, only outraged, as is their norm - even here tonight.

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