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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicTelevisionDrama · 1 decade ago

LOST fans ~~ Claire's migratory birds?

I just saw a repeat of LOST. In the episode, Claire sent a message attached to a tagged migratory bird (looked like a seagull to me) Do you think that will have any significance to the ending of the story?

P.S. suggested category ~~ Soap Operas! lol

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't remember that part, but I looooove LOST. That bird will probably show up again!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I doubt the birds will have any major significance...(beware, I am going into full LOST-nerd mode now)... There are a few reasons why I think this; 1- the Island seems to be in some sort of time-dilation bubble, remember that when anyone leaves the Island they have to go towards a certain bearing, and there are only a few, or maybe only the one, exits from this bubble. I doubt the birds will make it out of the the area of the Island. and 2- I don't know if the birds are actually migratory, meaning they live on the Island. Most birds move to warmer climates in the winter, and since they landed in September and are already in a warm climate they would not need to relocate.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    How unhappy! Set your cage interior the backyard, or by using an open window in case he comes lower back he could circulate lower back in it. I had a love fowl as quickly as who escaped, i ought to work out him flying everywhere in the community, He sat for the longest time down the line up in a a hundred ft fir tree. I positioned his cage exterior and he finally flew lower back off to it. course I had 2 birds, the different one replaced into nevertheless interior the cage calling for him so i'm particular that helped. post warning signs. positioned an advert interior the misplaced and located. i think so undesirable for you..i'm hoping he comes lower back, or somebody reveals him and returns him to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can't even remember that... but no, it'll probably have nothing to do with anything.

    if it does...then my guess will be that it'll fly back and have the head of a tiger. It'll go around telling everyone to kill each other and eventually Jack will get pissed off with it spreading rumours about him and Sawyer getting it on while Charlies ghost filmed everything on the beach, and rip it's head off... only to find that inside the birds open neck is a portal into the mind of Ben.

    Then it gets really weird...

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  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    hmm, i forgot all about it, but when u started describing it, i remember it vividly now!

    well, since the oceanic 6 have been 'saved', i don't....u know what...i'm gonna stop my answer right now cause it doesn't make any sense at all. that's what this show does to you!

    maybe it will, maybe it won't?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    maybe, but that was many seasons ago!

    keep watching, everything will probably tie in to the ending!

    i cant wait!

  • ACE
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    nope i don't see it coming up so much has happened since then. this season is so amazing so far i cant wait to see how how everything develops

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I'm officially done with lost... they just keep adding plot lines that will never get resolved... I'll probably just watch the series final.

  • 1 decade ago

    oh my gosh i luv LOST

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