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Lv 5
Dan asked in SportsAuto RacingFormula One · 1 decade ago

First Practice BBC 5Live Red Button coverage: Anthony Davidson and David Croft?

I thought that they covered the first practice very well, especially Davidson who although not in the same class as Brundle showed immense knowledge and unbiased opinion, with a good touch of humour to boot. He seemed to work really well with Crofty and I wouldn't mind having them on the full TV coverage (we've yet to hear the Legard/Brundle linkup but I'm sure it's as good and probs better!)

Also, just want to say how happy I am to see both my tips for this year Brawn and Williams at the top of the tables... Toyota seem a wee bit behind them but I expect Trulli to be up there with Rosberg, Button and Barrichello in qualifying... Nico looks excellent here this weekend as he always does!

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah, watched it this morning before work, great commentary, no excited hyped up biased bu**sh*it that we've got from itv in the past.

    Barrichello looked so composed and what about the Force India's? Sutil beating the Ferrari's to 9Th place!

    F1 is well and truly back, now if only ecclestone was to have a little accident.....

    Source(s): Edit, Hi Matrix, we never got any practice footage before this year, sometimes the qualifying wasn't shown till 6 hours after it happened but as you could probably tell after the 2,000 questions about it over the winter F1 has changed network over here to a station that shows more than amateur skating and singing by people who were famous 15 years ago
  • Tilly
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I haven't listened to the 5 Live coverage but its good to have a thoughtful recommendation.

    I am bubbling with excitement in anticipation of tomorrows qualifiers.

    I certainly agree with you regarding Williams and the new Brawn GP.

    I have thought that ever since Brawn joined Honda that he would most certainly have some very special things instore.

    Two British teams with something potentially very exciting to inject into F1 this year!

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree entirely. I have been following Honda for a few years, and was relieved when they not only survived being culled by Honda Corp, but was overjoyed when their test times at Jerez were so positive.

    Now, with the first practices over, it seems their lap times are "distinctly competitive".

  • Matrix
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You guys are so lucky in the UK. We get second practice, quali, and the race live in the US. We only get first practice highlights :-(

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