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Jim Z
Lv 6
Jim Z asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Why does Washington ask Rick Wagoner to step down as CEO of GM, but they don't ask one bank CEO to step down.?

Auto CEO's have voluntarily agreed to a cut in salary, and a termination of bonuses till the auto industry gets back on its feet. I understand asking CEO's to step down after they have led their corporation into bankruptcy, but why haven't they asked the Wallstreet leaders to do the same. Is this fair and smart?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am not sure where the government has any right to tell anyone in private business how to run their company. Not even GM.. yes we gave them money..but gesh name one large company we aren't helping. The Postal service is next in line with the hand outs.. Commercial Real Estate is looking bad too...Credit Card Companies are already whining ... Airlines are projecting large losses. Are we going to step in are run All of these companies? If so that is even more scary that these corrupt business people running their companies in the ground. The governments track record isn't too good with the programs they now control (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Homeland Security, FEMA) I shutter to think what will happen when government starts running everything..

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    relatively the GM board of directors could desire to have approximately 3 years in the past. GM were dropping money for the previous 5 years, and had persevered to blame the Unions whilst increasing vegetation and production in Mexico (they opened the main recent one in 2006) the vegetation in the U. S. needed upgrading to have the skill to alter production to smaller vehicles while needed, even nonetheless it in no way surpassed off. President Bush instructed GM in November that in the event that they did no longer have a possible plan via March of 2009, then they could face financial disaster. the top of GM actual disregarded this, and went genuine back to Washington with out plan, and asked for extra money, it relatively is the reason he get the smack down utilized. it relatively is precisely what bush stated: The loans are designed to stabilize the two automakers via March, at which era they could desire to coach they're financially possible. examine the hyperlinks

  • -RKO-
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That's a good question! The only logical answer I might offer is that the crisis in the banking and financial industries actually began under the Bush administration, and Bush never bothered to demand such resignations. Bush, after all, believed in "all for one....ME" and saw nothing wrong with the Wall Street capitalists making out like bandits at the expense of American taxpayers.

    Bush, remember, wrote $8.5 TRILLION in corporate welfare checks* before he left office. Our social welfare programs were a pittance compared to the largess Bush allowed 'big business'. -RKO- 03/29/09

    Source(s): *Bloomberg News [and U.S. Government data]
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the Government needs to tell Barney Frank , Chris Dodd , Pelosi,

    Reid and a bunch more to step down . Is this the 4 Reich or something?

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  • VC
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because the Fed runs the show, and their not gonna get their Buddy's in trouble!

    Yes, Obama is just another wall street insider!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    One day at a time, one problem at a time. It took a few years of mis management for this mess to come together, it can not be straightened out in a few days.

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