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What has the MTV/Reality generation done to perpetuate our downfall as a society?

Both Culturally and Economically have we lost our damn minds?


Gregory~ Your smugness speaks volumes about your charecter. "never happens" Society as a whole has fallen many many times if it hadn't you might well be speaking German or Italian right now and not on Y!Answers speaking of your ineptness in answering a simple question about your society!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Culturally it has contributed a lot. People these days enjoy watching scripted shows that aren't really scripted. It's fake, which is a metaphor for what a lot of society is nowadays, FAKE. I don't watch MTV at all anymore. I'm more an E! guy..

    What's go-ing on out on the floor?? I love this record baby, but I can't see straight anymore. KKeep, it cool. What's the name of this club?? I can't remember but it's alright, oh alright. JUST DANCE.

  • 1 decade ago

    People have been predicting the downfall of society because of <some thing they don't approve of> for a long as there's been any form of society that could be talked about.

    It never happens. Learn some history and stop complaining.

  • Sam
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Besides put it all out there in the open for the public to gape at?


    We were screwed before.

    But now we can TiVo our downfall and watch it before going to bed!


  • 1 decade ago

    besides existing?

    everything, its like a never ending soap opera of mind numbing "reality shows" that continue to provide halfassed role models and idols for future generations to fawn over and strive to become.

    meatheads, token black people and spoiled white girls.

    god bless america!!!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LMAO! at the first answer... that would suck if that happened.

    But yeah, it's just trash, and it's like the producers just make them keep doing trashy things for ratings and it's all so pointless and has no value to your mind.

    =) yup.

  • 1 decade ago

    I go to UW-Madison and the newest show is College Life. I actually know one of the cast members on the show. She puts down my best friend on national TV.

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