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Has anyone seen the web movie 'Zeitgeist'?

If so what do you think? Now I love a good conspiracy theory but never buy in, this one however has made me think................


Edit. Yeah well worth the watch, makes you wonder.

Update 2:

And yes I too thought the religion part was flawed I was more interested in the Illuminati and 9/11 side of it.

Update 3:

SFH the whole movie is streamed at the link above as is the second installment Zeitgeist Adendum

Update 4:

Just had a look on that prothink link. Sorry but fascist websites blaming all Jews for the worlds troubles dont do anything for me.

7 Answers

  • Josiah
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I thought the religion part was the most accurate. For the most part, I agree with what the film is trying to say. Most of this information I'd heard before, from independent sources.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, seen it. This is all stuff I have studied for decades, the film shows me nothing new but does a very nice job of packaging it into a comprehensive overview. NOTE: It is not a 'conspiracy theory'. Everything reported in the film is documented common knowledge and easily verifiable. It is factual, not speculative. Verify it for yourself. The conclusion that economic institutions 'intend' the results is technically speculative only in that it assumes to know what others are thinking, but the intent hardly matters, the results are what they are in any event. Calling it a conspiracy theory suggests to me you are missing the point of the film (or maybe you're just using the phrase for fun). You are not supposed to walk away entertaining interesting conspiracy theories. You are supposed to recognize our learned economic beliefs as mythology. The facts are the facts. What we have been taught based on the facts is mythology. When we recognize our learned beliefs as mythology then we appreciate the facts we have already known all along as the evidence of a monstrous pattern of behavior and a fraud of astronomical proportion.

    Try watching it again with that perspective and see if makes more sense.

    My one criticism of the film: I think the 'future world' stuff gets maybe a little bit carried away with the supersonic tube train and all that, but as far as the overview of current conditions, I think it's real nice work.

    P.S. Yes, also (after reading some of the other comments and your additional notes) the makers of the film unnecessarily jepordize their own credibility with some overreach. The stuff I'm calling fact is the economics (which means 'conspiracy theory' is in fact not quite as inappropriate as I initially state) so, qualifying: the economic facts are not 'conspiracy theories', while some other portions are.

    P.P.S. Yeah, the fascists international Jewish conspiracies don't do a lot for me either.

    P.P.P.S. 'grey shadow' is right about the religioun and 9/11 topics (that's the stuff I allege jepordizes their own credibility) On the economic side, I don't see anybody doubting the facts. I consider the 'American owned' banks of the federal reserve international players, and in that context, I call them 'international' so I think grey shadow might be nitpicking a tad over technicalities. Again repeating myself... The fraudulent (and arguably malevolent) nature of central banking and monetarism is so overwhelming, I don't understand why after doing such a nice job of overviewing it, Zeigeist compromises its work by piling on and overreaching.

    If we had legitimate journalism, we wouldn't need to rely on Zeitgeist, so that is why I appreciate and respect the work even though I have some criticisms. At least they're trying.

  • 1 decade ago

    I consider Zeitgeist to be an intellectually dishonest documentary, not because of the filmmakers personal bias, but because of its disregard for the truth. There is so much questionable statements that can easily be refuted, or controversial points that have legitimate opposing views that should have been presented.

    - Regarding part 1: Jesus

    The "Mythology of Jesus" theory was an obscure and generally dismissed theory.

    It has gained exposure due to author "Acharya S" and her collaboration with the Zeitgeist filmmaker. (She is also author of the films companion guide). But even the casual but astute viewer will find considerable silliness in the some of the conjectures where practically any numerical or astrological connection 'proves' mytholical derision. Son=sun? Three stars in Orions belt = three kings? Virgo = Mary because the astrological sign sort of looks like an M? Who buys this stuff?

    Some other views:

    " The idea of Jesus as a myth is rejected by the majority of biblical scholars and historians. In 2004, Richard Burridge and Graham Gould stated that they did not know of any "respectable" scholars that held the view today. Robert E. Van Voorst has stated that biblical scholars and historians regard the thesis as "effectively refuted"."

    For a point-by-point analysis, see

    For more rebuttals, see

    - Regarding Part II: 9/11

    It should be noted upfront that being skeptical of the 'official version' of anything presented by the government or media, is a good thing for society. And it should also be noted that questioners of 9/11 'offical versions' range from genuine intellectual pursuits of greater truths, to bizarre interpretations specifically intended to support a unwavering point of view.

    The Zeitgeist filmmaker is part of that spectrum that has bought into the theory that the government orchestrated the whole thing. Unfortunately the evidence they selected and presented was sloppy and much of it easily disproved, even by members of the Truth movement. (I've heard some speculate this may have been a red-herring to discredit the 'truth' movement).

    For a point by point analysis, see

    - Regarding Part III: Men behind the curtain

    As a liberatarian, I found this part to have had the most potential in exposing abuses of government and men in power. Instead, it trots out tired long disproven conspiracy theories.

    "Income Tax law Doesn't exist" theory - Very stale. Consistently disproven over-and-over again. No new information, just new victims going to jail that fall for these arguments. Very sad.

    "Federal Reserve System is owned by international bankers" - Still a common conspiracy theory. Still wrong. The Federal Reserve System, is headed by the Board of Governors, a Government Agency (look it up - ). The Federal Reserve branches can definitely be considered tightly regulated corporations owned by their member banks, all of which must be American-owned by law. It is receives regular audits, and is overseen by congress.

    For a point-by-point analysis, check out:

    Other views:

    "There is no shortage of information which refutes this viewpoint. But this type of conspiracy relies on two elements common to web surfers: First, they're only willing to check facts at the most superficial level, which usually means they'll read a message or watch a clip just once before forming an opinion and moving on. " Ref:

    "...(a) common problem in the film: presenting something in such a shallow manner without further corroboration or scholarly evidence." - Ref:

  • 1 decade ago

    I've seen the Zeitgeist movie on the Federal Reserve. Check that one out; it's in 5 part segments on youtube.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    their are some really good points on the new world order but otherwise its seriously flawed. the talks about Christianity are blatant lies. i studied theology and history, culture you name it on the bible and i was appalled when i saw those claims. it fails to expose who is really behind the globalist movement and you have to look deeper and in uncharted taboo waters to find that out. ill give a link that will get you started.

    i spoke to the owner of this website a few days ago. hes a nice gentleman with no intentions other than revealing truth. hes got a video called missing links. watch that it will show you what Alex deters his listeners from. prothiink is non for profit in everything they do and will not accept money. they just want to expose the truth.

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I haven't, but I probably should at some point.

    I mean, now that Obama's Homeland Security fusion centers say watching it is a sign of a domestic terrorist, I'm really curious about what it says.

    And after the G20 communique...

  • 1 decade ago

    Its pants.

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