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misoma5 asked in Science & MathematicsBiology · 1 decade ago

Humans seem to be driving their own evolution to a higher brain capacity?

The amount of information storage that's required has increased over the past 5000 years.

Will there be a maximum storage capacity?

Is there a higher percentage of humans with increased brain capacity compared to 2000 years ago?

Are there specific genes identified that account for this?

We seem to be limited in brain size by the dimensions of the birth canal. Does this imply that increased C-sections will allow for increased brain capacity?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In order to evolve higher intelligence, there has to be some sort of selective pressure. In other words, smart people have to have more children, either by simply reproducing more or by having a greater chance of surviving to maturity. Since premature mortality is insignificant (compared to the wild), that means smarter people would have to have more children... and that's not happening. The movie "Idiocracy" has a short segment illustrating this (it's exaggerated, but hilarious).

    It's also dependent on intelligence being entirely genetic. It obviously has a genetic component, but it also has an environmental one. Higher brain capacity relies, in part, on upbringing and mental exercise. If you compare a child that spends all its free time in front of the TV with one that is active and playful, you'll see a difference greater than one caused by genetics.

    C-sections really don't have anything to do with it. By and large, C-sections are mostly unnecessary. They're a product of the "birthing industry" - a trend in hospitals for doctors to intervene to get the birth over and done with, and get the mother out of the hospital. For example, the "on the back" labor position you see on TV puts the birth canal at a bad angle for childbirth, and is one of the worst possible positions... but it's the only possible position on a hospital gurney. Women can handle a lot more than doctors give them credit for, so even if head size was increasing, it would be a loooooong time before C-sections became necessary (and that would be neglecting the complementary evolution that would occur in women to accommodate the larger head size).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    > Humans seem to be driving their own evolution to a higher brain capacity?

    False. We're not breeding for hat size.

    > The amount of information storage that's required has increased over the past 5000 years.

    No it hasn't. Quite the contrary. I write things down so I can forget them. Before writing was invented, people had to remember more stuff.

    > Is there a higher percentage of humans with increased brain capacity compared to 2000 years ago?

    Yes, but it's from better nutrition, not from genes. You'll notice that the children of immigrants are taller than their parents. It's from eating more cheeseburgers in childhood. Their brains are bigger because their heads are bigger because, overall, they're bigger, because they got better meals.

    > Are there specific genes identified that account for this?


    > Does this imply that increased C-sections will allow for increased brain capacity?

    Doesn't matter since we're not breeding for hat size.


    Right at the moment, we're breeding for reduced intelligence. Women with college educations tend to have fewer children than women without college educations. That means that, on average, the human race is breeding toward decreased intelligence.

  • 1 decade ago

    Given that the average brain capacity of /Homo sapiens/ hasn't noticeable changed for over a hundred thousand years, and that of /H. neanderthalus/ was somewhat larger, your underlying assumption seems to be a mess.

    <<Is there a higher percentage of humans with increased brain capacity compared to 2000 years ago?>>


  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Evolution has taken greater advantageous than 500 tens of millions years. Scientists think of human has stepped forward for 4 tens of millions years. Islam began 1500 years in the past. The Qua-ran consists of plenty greater approximately Jews than existence-forms of the previous - extremely of the sea. And it would not say the place humankind become created - in spite of if interior the midsection East. And it additionally would not say how people have stepped forward from which state to now. definite, how does Qua-ran clarify how human concepts has stepped forward or bigger its ability? As situation-free, religions would desire to persist with scientific findings. they could be this versatile!

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