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What would you do in this situation moms?

I really want/need/must have a break at some point.

I stay home with our 3 kids (22 month old twins and a 2 month old baby) and my husband wants me to take our baby with me when I get out of the house for my relaxation time. He goes out whenever he wants to and leaves me alone with all 3 kids. My son will take a bottle and I can pump milk for him so there is no reason why I should have to take him with me whenever I go out and I really need the time alone!

I think that he is doing things on purpose to make me not trust him. This morning one of our twins was really screaming for me and my baby was crying too so I gave the baby to my husband so I could take care of one of my 22 month olds.

He said to our baby "what? What? What's wrong? Nothing? Ok." and he went and put him down crying and walked away.

Now he knows that's not acceptable. Not unless he is about to really lose his cool and he needs a timeout. He knows now that I am never going to trust him with our baby.

Is that low down or what? What would you do? I really desperately need some time out away from my kids, my 24 hours a day 7 days a week job but now I can't do it because I know that if my baby cries he could be left screaming alone and afraid until I get home or he stops on his own.

He never ever did that with our twins. I could trust him with them. Why is he doing this?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He may assume that since you have taken the role as stay at home mom that you don't find it too tiresome (yeah right, I only have one and when I'm not working and I stay at home he's a handful I can only imagine 3) He may have forgotten how to deal with a little one I know the twins aren't that old but still. Also he might think that since he's at work that he deserves a break and assumes that you are just at ease taking the kids out than just on your own. If you really need a time out you may have to recruit a babysitter for a couple of times a week so that you can leave and your husband does not have to be alone with the baby, If family is close by you can ask them. Ultimately you should have a heart to heart with your husband because he may not realize how you feel and that a stay at home mom has a hard job and needs a vacation from time to time also.

    Source(s): Mother of one
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's hard...for both of you....3 kids is way different than two...mine does that now and then...but so do I....I have just said "Right bye!" and left the house...I dont get any relaxation time either...most Mothers dont...unless you take it by force...I don't think it is low down as such..just a symptom of his own exhaustion. You are both tired....can you get sitter one night and go out? EDIT....I agree with him..he wont leave the baby like that if you're not there to help.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ugh, I'm with you hun. My husband has been losing his temper SO much recently..he gave Olivia her bottle straight from the microwave and she spit it out (too hot). He said in this scarily calm voice, "Oh? It's too hot? Too hot, huh? Let's wait for it to cool down." She continued to cry, and he said, "Patience is a virtue," and walked away!

    What I am planning on doing is honestly asking him, "Do you need a day or two off, honestly off, where you go out, I stay here, I watch the girls?" But you also need to remind him that although you are the mom, it is his son as well. He's done it before, you know he can do it! I know that you need time alone, but giving him time to recuperate might earn you that time. It seems to me like he's overwhelmed, and trying to run away from the responsibilities that he's dumping on you!

    If this works, which, for my sake and yours hopefully it will, warn him one/two days in advance that he will watch them for a day. I've found that it always helps to be specific. Instead of saying, "I'm going out," say, "I'm planning on going to the library, then picking up lunch and coming back."

    Do you do your laundry in your home? If so, then one day while you both are home, leave him with the girls and your son while you do laundry (or even wash dishes or something). This will give him a chance to do stuff with the kids, but you will be close enough to watch. =]

    Also, call home often! Not only will this give you a chance to check up on him and your kids, it'll show him that you do care, and you aren't trying to avoid him or get away from him.

    Lastly, talk!!! He might even be having similar feelings to you. I don't know your husband, but a lot of guys, in general don't like to talk about their feelings, but when they get going, it helps so so much.

    Good luck! My thoughts are with you!!!!!! <3

  • 1 decade ago

    Men just aren't as nurturing as us moms are It doesnt come naturally to them Try to get some time for yourself at a time when the kids are well rested and fed. I give my husband specific things to do Like take them to the park or maybe color with them when Im gone so I know my kids wont be left to their own devices. Good luck

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This happened to me so you know what i did I got the children all washed and fed prepared everything for meals on the morning and then turned to husband and said: "So and so has had this and that I am off out for a few hours bye" And walked straight out of door and went shopping for FIVE hours!!

    When i got back he was so relieved to see me he never took it for granted again after that.

    trust him with his son perhaps this is his problem he feels and knows you do not so therefor will do nothing.

  • 1 decade ago

    oh, that is mean. whats his problem? its too much for him? oh god, he needs to try being u, but u couldnt even trust him to live a day in your shoes bc u dont know if your kids r going to be safe. that really sucks for him to do that to u. gosh. i really hope there are men out there that arent like this, but i can tell u from my experience with my husband, they all seem to be like that. he yelled at my son when he was 2 months old (the first time i left my sons side, for 45 minutes) and i knew something was wrong when i got home so i confronted him and he admitted it. he called me 30 minutes in yelling and telling me i need to get home bc he hates this f-in baby! when i got home my son was obviously frightened. it was awful, i felt like i could trust him but i soon learned my babies r safest with me. it sucks but thats how it turns out for some women.

    husbands catch on pretty quick that if they cant be trusted with the kids it turns out better for them bc they arent expected to be responsible for them anymore.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My _guess_ is he's as strung out as you are; it sounds like something one would do right before losing their cool &c.

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