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Muslims, non Muslims, what do you know about the term "Wahhabi"?

Have you ever heard of Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdul Wahhab? What do you know about him?

I keep see some narrow minded people use the term Wahhabi as if it means terrorist or something. I'm just wondering.


@Amir: just don't mention that to anybody, or they will laugh at you.

Update 2:

Some answers tell me I was accurate calling some people "narrow minded". They no nothing about his biography, movement or principles.

11 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Below is an excerpt from the book "The Wahhabi Myth" by Haneef James Oliver. The term "Wahhabi" is a slanderous term, used to attack Muslims who believe in following the Noble Qur'an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, with the same interpretation as the Companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and the scholars throughout Islamic history who also followed this way. For more information, see the book's website at , inshaa-Allaah the read will be quite beneficial and insightful. And anyone who has studied the biography of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab, will not find any evidence of "extremism."


    ☞ABRIDGED EXCERPT from "The Wahabi Myth"

    ☞What is a Salafi and What is Salafism?

    The reader will notice that the word "Wahhabi" is always indented with quotation marks here at Those who are labeled with this word do not themselves use this term, as it is used as a means of belittlement. The reasons for the rejection of this term are clearly outlined throughout this book. The correct way of referring to them is by terming them "Salafis", as they are those who adhere to the way of the "Salaf" - the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) and his companions.

    Following the way of the Salaf is the way which has been legislated in the Quran and Sunnah, the very sources of Islam. The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) said to his daughter Fatimah: "Indeed, I am for you a blessed Salaf." (1)

    When asked about which was the correct and acceptable way of understanding Islam, the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) replied by saying: "That which I and my companions are upon." (2)

    Similarly, Allah says in the Quran that He is pleased with the companions "and also those who follow them exactly (in faith)." (3)

    As such, He said regarding the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him security) and his companions:

    "So if they believe as you (i.e. the Salaf) believe, they are indeed rightly guided." (4)

    All of the orthodox scholars of Islam followed the way of the Salaf in understanding religion. Early scholars such as Imam al-Awzaa'ee, who died 157 years after the Prophet's emigration to Medina, said: "Be patient upon the Sunnah, and stop where the people (i.e. where the Salaf) stopped, and say what they said, and refrain from what they refrained from, and follow the path of your righteous Salaf; for verily, sufficient for you is what was sufficient for them." (5)

    Today, one of the famous Sunni schools of jurisprudence is named after a scholar named Abu Haneefah. Millions of Muslims all over the world ascribe themselves to his school of jurisprudence; those who the media would term "mainstream" Muslims. Regarding adherence to the Salafi methodology, he said, "Adhere to the narrations and way of the Salaf, and beware of newly invented matters (in religion), for all of it is innovation." (6)

    The media claim that Salafis/"Wahhabis" believe that all those who do not follow their form of Islam are "heathens" (10) is a tall tale. Salafis believe that those Muslims who do not follow the understanding of the Salaf are not adhering to these and other clear texts. As such, they do not fall under the above-mentioned Quranic verse as being "rightly guided." Salafis distinguish between those who fall into religious innovation and those who fall into disbelief.

    When considering the proofs which are contained within the Quran and Sunnah and the statements of all the orthodox scholars of Islam from the earliest generations to the present time, it becomes obvious that it is a great blunder for the media to refer to Salafism as being a new movement called "Wahhabism" which came about only two centuries ago during the time of Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab in Saudi Arabia.

    "So after the truth, what else can there be, save error?" [Quran 10:32]



    For anyone interested in learning more, I encourage you to actually read the treatises of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhaab. Many of them are relatively short and amazingly beneficial. One would be hard-pressed to find anything from his essays calling to extremism. Rather, much of his work is simply about educating the common Muslim in the basics of Islamic Monotheism.

    ☞Available below are links to the Shaykh's translated works (English Language):

    ►"The Four Rules (of Islamic Monotheism)"

    ►"The Three Basic Principles of Islaam"

    ►"The Pillars, Conditions, and Requirements of Prayer"

    Source(s): (1) al-Bukhaaree (no. 2652) (2) Saheeh Sunan at-Tirmidhee (3/54) (3) Quran 9:100 (4) Quran 2:137 (5) al-Hujjah (6/A-B) of Ismail Abu Fadhl (6) Sawnul-Mantaq wal-Kalaam (p. 32) of As-Suyuti (10) Saudi Time Bomb? Analysis: Wahhabism, PBS Frontline (Nov. 15, 2001)
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Those who know the truth knows 'Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdul Wahhab' was no more than a scholar and also a reformer like the many in the Islamic history. The British used the term 'Wahhabi' to scare Muslims of the true teachings of Islam and later some amongst Muslims also made it a label to distinguish one another. So far no office or people in the name of 'Wahhabi' is found anywhere. Just a label that's uttered by those creating Fitna.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know what it means, but I've seen some Muslims here use it as a slur, so I assume it has something to do with a different idea of Islam because I've seen it used the same way a sunni insults a shia and vice versa.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    @ismail eliat: i agree with u 100%


    mohammed bn abdul wahhab as i was told was a religious man who was rich but helped the poor ppl to have a better life and to be religious more,...i think he was a good muslim, i respect him. but later i think the real terrorist in saudi arabia, they wanted to have the power in the government and to rule saudi, so they used force in everything and whoever asked them, why they are using force? they said its the wahabbi way, while the sheikh mohammed bn abdul wahab never taught islam like wasnt by power.

    Allah(swt) knows best.

    and i agree with u lots of ppl call wahabbi 'the terrorist' and they even say that they are so extremist and they are killing ppl.

    i dont trust what ppl say, its true that i dont really know any wahabbi nor i know what there deep beliefs are, but ppl these days call everyone terrorist especially muslims all over the world.

    honestly if a shiaa will call us sunni, as 'wahabbi', even if i dont know what wahabbi is, i wont be quiet about it,its not there business, well lets everyone put there noses in there own business.and here on yahoo we all hear it, but yeah if yahoo will be the last source on earth i wont trust what shiaa spread here.

    and thats it.


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  • Saify
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    This term is used by Fitna mungers

  • 1 decade ago

    that means baby in arabic but a muslim couldnt say that to a lady only to his kids

  • Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Some Shia think: We follow the man and praise him i.e praise which is attrubuted to Allah (swt).

    I admire his work all he did was to call to Tawheed and explain about Shrik, what is so wrong about that?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wahabi/salafi/neo-khawarij blow up innocent people (9/11, 7/7) and are destroying Pakistan (Swat). The preach hatred and intolerance. They hate women (Afghanistan).

  • 1 decade ago

    They're not muslims

    and they don't have iman at all

    They just want to hurt islam;

    Curse on them!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wahabi's are the REAL terrorists that go and do suicide bombers, They are the Sunni's.

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