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Anonymous asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

what is a good workout routine?

im 17, i weigh 225, im 5'10, and im trying to lose weight. ive cut all sodas and junk food. but i need a workout routine. please help

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm 16 and and 6 foot and weighed 202 and for the past 6 weeks I have ran for 30-45 minutes per day for 2-4 days a week and I'm not at 185. It's all about commitment. Another thing is eating good foods and eating until you're satisfied, not full. Good luck :)

  • 1 decade ago

    The guy that posted the 2nd comment is retarded.

    To form a habit it takes around 10-21 days depending on your body and stuff.

    Exercise everyday until it becomes a habit! I would say start out walking for 25 minutes and then when you can jog, jog for 30-40 minutes then when you are in shape to run, run for 45-an hour. You have to work up to this!

    This is my routine. Oh and on the weekends, right when you wake up go for a warm-up run, I do it for 15 minutes, they say if you exercise on an empty stomach you lose weight faster.

    I've been doing this for a month almost and I've lost 10 pounds!

    But I'm a girl so it's harder for me, lucky you're a boy so the weight will just come off.

    Goodluck! :)

  • 1 decade ago

    4 days a week. 2 for the upper body, and 2 for the lower body. Be sure to do endurance workouts (less weight, more reps; I use 40 pound dumbells) for this will help you lose weight as you get cut. Cardio always helps. I hate running, so I use jump-ropes, or my workout routine to increase my heart rate. Hope this helps.

    Source(s): Personal experience and research.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sorry im not a professionaly and im not gunna pretend i know what im talking about but however there is a really good video on youtube called "two minute abs". Its not a "get abs quick " scheme. Its a technique you use to finsih off your workout. So at the end of all your workouts just take 2 minutes to do it and in no time youll have a flat stomach

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    for 30- 45 mins do core and ab stretches

    then for about 30 mins lift weights

    for 15 mins do some stretches to relax your muscles

    then go for a run or bike ride for about 1 hour

    this is a great workout! and you can change it up a little but, if you are focusing on one part of the body, like the stomach, then you can do a little more in that part. just make sure you stretch and go for a run or bike ride to relax your muscles and DO NOT forget to drink water!

    good luck!

    Source(s): experience
  • 1 decade ago

    so first you gotta wake up early and jog man jog!then if u walk home from school take a longer way yeah like if its just a few blocks away try to like make a big circle or something, then when u get home uh i dont know just run and walk a lot and try to eat a lot of fruits and veggies and everyhing healthy this is what i did and i lost some good weight haha

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lift weights and do 30-45 mins of cardio

    for extreme blubber burning do this

    5-7 days of cardio 30-45 mins

    3-4 days of weight lifting 30-60 mins

    take green tea extract, fish oil, multi, protein shakes after weight workouts

  • 7 years ago

    Right now man I would just do cardio, dont even think about weight training. Just burn all that fat until you get skinny, run as much as you can each day, and jump rope. After your skinny then start bulking muscle. But if you start lifting now you'll have muslce and fat and it will be more work. So just focus on cardio now.

  • 1 decade ago

    try cardio exercise for about 40 minutes on a moderately high intensity.

    then i would say 3 times a week hit the weights and the other days focus on your core section.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you have stairs near your house, Like a huge staircase, do that once everyday for two weeks. Then, twice everyday for three weeks. And then try three times. Near my house, there's 501 stairs, I run those sat & sun. Football mon-thurs for two hours. Try some sports. Volleyball is a really good one. ;)

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