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Anonymous asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsOther - Diseases · 1 decade ago

Dizziness, headache, ringing in ears! whats wrong?

I’m usually dizzy, it’s a common thing for me... i never thought anything of it... until recently. I've been getting so dizzy I need to sit down or lean against something in order to not fall over. I’ve been having these surges of dizziness more frequently. And along with this... Recently I’ve had surges of ringing in my ears that gradually increase then decrease, they last usually 5-10 seconds. I’ve also had an increase in headaches... They feel more like pressure. These happen mostly in my left temporal and directly behind my left eye.

When this happens... I’ve checked my blood sugar... it was 108. Which is normal...

My blood pressure, temp., pulse... everything was normal.

I haven’t been sick with anything like s sinus infection... anything of that sort

I’m not taking any medications at all that would be causing this...

I’ve noticed my eyes feel tired very often...i don’t wear glasses. And I can still see.. my vision is clear. They just feel like they have been strained.

And I feel tired often...

I don’t know what’s wrong...Im 19 years old... I don’t have insurance that’s the main reason I don’t bother going to the Dr. what’s going on with me??


24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If your blood sugar level is within a reasonable range and you still feel dizzy, most likely it is your adrenal glands being overworked. Most likely you are eating a LOW FAT diet and LOW SALT diet, as well as being dehydrated. If you are not getting at least 5 hours of UNINTERRUPTED SLEEP each night, this will contribute greatly to this problem.

    Before you see a doctor about this that has no idea what he is doing with nutrition, you can try a few things to see if things don't improve for you.

    If you are not eating good fats and focused on eating lots of carbs, you will be producing your energy from cortisol, primarily and your adrenals will be exhausted.

    When you sit in a chair for about 5 minutes and are at rest, then stand up quickly and feel dizzy, that is a definite sign of adrenal fatigue. This can affect your thyroid gland and your metabolism will slow down and this also contributes to the problem.

    Not eating salt will definitely create this issue. Salt nourishes the adrenal glands and when you don't eat salt, this usually means you are not getting good electrolytes in your body and this also contributes to this problem.

    You need to make sure you are getting properly hydrated and that means more than drinking water, but you also need those electrolytes.

    Take your total body weight and divide by 2. That number is the amount of water in ounces that you need to drink each and everyday. Along with that, you should consume 1/4 teaspoon of "air dried sea salt" in conjunction with each quart of water you drink. This puts the electrolytes in your body that will give you proper hydration. The typical white table salt you buy in stores like the Morton Salt, for instance, is terrible for you and has loads of chemicals added. Avoid that junk. If you drink ANY diuretic drinks like, sodas, coffee, tea, alcohol, commercially prepared fruit drinks, energy drinks, etc., these all dehydrate you and you will need to add more water to the total to compensate for the water loss due to these diuretic drinks. Take the total ounces of the diuretic drinks and multiply by 1.5 and add that total to the original total to come up with the proper amount of water you need to drink each day.

    Make sure you get about 1 to 2 teaspoons of that air dried sea salt for a few days because that is loaded with minerals you need.

    The next thing is to change your diet to reduce the carb intake to about 75 grams per day and get plenty of good fats. AVOID ALL BAD FATS like VEGETABLE OILS (soybean, canola, cottonseed, and corn oils) are all bad, fried foods, trans fats, and all hydrogenated oils are very bad for you. Avoid all that completely.

    Make a mixture of: 1/3 olive oil, 1/3 sesame seed oil, 1/3 coconut oil and use that for all your cooking where oil is used and mix some balsamic vinegar with that oil for salad dressings.

    The headaches you are experiencing are most likely from food allergies. To test a food to see if you have an allergic reaction to it or are just sensitive to it, do this test. Sit in a chair and get calm. Take your pulse rate for a full 60 seconds (not the 15 sec. multiply by four thing). Now put whatever you want to check for allergic reaction in your mouth and chew it for 30 seconds. Then take your pulse again. If your pulse increases more than 6 beats in a minute, you are allergic. If you have type "O" blood, use 4 beats.

    The mix of food you should strive for is 40% carbs (75 grams), 30% fats, and 30% proteins. Your 30% fat mix should be in the following ratio: 60% monounsaturated fat (like olive oil); 30% saturated fats (like that in real butter --try to get raw butter made from cows that are fed grass, not grain and coconut oil); and 10% polyunsaturated fats from nuts and seeds preferably, not vegetable oils, NONE of that garbage.

    The proteins should be "complete" proteins if possible like what you get from eating the whole egg or a combination of foods that make a complete protein like beans and corn. Animal protein is very good for you if it comes from grass fed cows or wild fish. Avoid farm raised any sea food, it is junk and contains none to minute amounts of omega 3 fatty acids.

    Eliminate ALL SUGAR from your diet; ALL OF IT.

    To jump start your body's nutrition, I also suggest you get some nutrients from the following place: Call: (800) 370 - 3447 and order these items:

    Adrenal Complex --- take 9 of these before noon each day

    Tranquinol -- take (2) 1 hour before bed

    Melatonin -- take 3 to 5 drops under your tongue before you go to sleep. (this is a very special melatonin, unlike anything you buy in typical stores and is the fully reduced form)

    Within a day or two you should see dramatic results and feel much more energy than you do now.

    good luck to you

    Source(s): CNT, B.A. biology & chemistry Advanced nutritional research
  • 6 years ago

    I know how bad dizziness can be. Putting up with a headache is also unbearable. I don't even want to talk about the ringing in my left ear. If you feel that in your ears as well, you need . The next time you feel dizzy, give this cure a try. If you thought you could treat your issue in another way, you are wrong. There is no better treatment for the surges. You don't want them to increase again, right? This cure will decrease them fast. It will also lessen the pressure in your eyes. I used to have the same issue with my eye some time ago. My blood pressure was high, too. There was nothing normal about it. After testing many medications, I gave this cure a try. I got tired of everything else. I was aware that glasses can't help me either.

    Although a headache and dizziness are two separate and distinct conditions, there are many people who can experience them at the same time. What are the circumstances that might cause both dizziness and a headache to occur at precisely the same time? There are at least five possible causes that need to be considered when it happens. I have never really understood how athletes, especially figure skaters can do the spins, without getting dizzy. Although getting drunk can cause both headache and dizziness, but the dizziness that is caused by vertigo is more serious, as it involves a problem with your equilibrium, controlled by the inner ear. It is a horrible and terrifying experience to experience frequent episodes of vertigo, with or without a headache.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need to get checked out medically. Any form of dizziness or headaches might be fairly serious, but you can't know for sure until you get a medical opinion. Any advice you get here cannot be treated as a medical opinion in the same way as you might expect once a doctor has examined you and you have had diagnostic tests. So, if you have no insurance I'm not sure what the consequences for that may be as I'm not in the US but surely, you might go to some public hospital and get checked out there? Hope you are feeling better soon.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I heard ringing in my ears too, like louder hearing test. It could be tinnitus. Gets louder over time. Use this to reduce the ringing.

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  • 5 years ago

    Reduce your own stress. Your stress hormone cortisol may be activated by extremely low-calorie diets, intense training, lack of rest and day-to-day worries, which ends up with a spike in glucose levels in your blood. More worryingly, it can give rise to blocked arteries and fat build-up around your internal organs, putting you susceptible to diabetes and heart disease. The one prescription for this is to… calm down.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    In the mood for a hot meal? Make a enormous pot of veggie bean soup, divide into two-cup containers, and store from the freezer. Before bed, place a container inside fridge, then grab it before heading out the door every day.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I also struggle with dizziness, tinnitus and head pressure. I see an ENT (thankfully I live in Canada and don't have to worry about insurance) But even so, you should defientaly get it checked out, it oculd be serious or something that is managable. There are alot of disease's that happen in your ear and are hard to diaginos.

    Please go to your doctor and get a refurral to an ENT ( ear, nose, throat specialist) That way you are sure it isn't something life threatning.

    Good Luck

  • 4 years ago

    Keep healthier dessert options available so you have something to enjoy during office birthdays and some other celebrations.

  • 5 years ago

    For sandwich-lovers, use spinach or swiss chard leaves rather then a wrap, skip the slice of cheese, and load high on the veggies.

  • 1 decade ago

    To me thats a flu or cold i think. But im not sure about that much dizziness.. I have a cold now and had bad throb pains above my ear but that couldve been my sinus, like you, if you have a blocked nose, you dont have to have something wrong with your sinus for it to hurt, I was also dizzy,that comes with a headache sometimes, but doesnt sound that bad. As i said i have a cold but you might have a greater one, try looking up symptoms of flu and cold. I hope this helps. Do you have a blocked nose? Take a panadol and relax. Dont use headsets and dont strain your eyes on things like looking on mobiles and stuff, sleep, hope you feel better.

  • 5 years ago

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