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REAL ESTATE INVESTING? Is this a scam? Has anybody ever tried this kind of thing?

So my wife and I were watchin tv and saw a show about John Becks "foolproof real estate system". We were thinkin about buyin his product, after all, that did look like a lot of info on how to get started for only 40 bucks. A friend of ours said they bought this product, and "didn't work". When we asked why, she couldn't give a straight answer. So that leads me to believe they didn't try, or didn't put any effort into it.Has anybody ever tried Beck's product? If you did, what do u think? Has anybody ever tried any products like this from real estate investors that say they can teach you how? Like Robert Kiyosaki, Russ Whitney, John Beck, ect.?I know there's people out there who have been to real estate seminars and done the classes and bought the products they offer. If you did, were u succesful? I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU, especially if you've had success from buying these classes and buyin products. Tell me who and what worked (or DIDN'T work) for you!

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only person who is successful at this is John Beck. He is making money off of selling you and others a system that only 000001% of the population could make work. Also, that $40..honey, that is just the thing you know, you will be getting calls saying that you have been chosen to be a special student of his system and that they have a seminar coming up to teach you more insider tricks, and that you only have to pay $2500 to attend! Lucky you! Meanwhile, in the boiler room, they have a team of sharks calling every other sap who ordered this system on late night tv thinking it was their road to owning a house free and clear for only $100.. LOL and telling them that THEY are the chosen of very few who can learn even more insider tips if you go to a seminar.

    Look, google John Beck and the word rip off. You will be led to read of a lot of people's frustration and dissatisfaction with him and every other guy who has a late night tv commercial acting as if YOU could do what he claims he has done.

    Then again, if you have $40 to burn, order it, and just TRY to make heads or tails of it and see if you can actually find a property that owes back taxes and you can waltz in and buy for pennies on the dollar..

    I will bet you a nickel you would be just like your friend who ordered the course but can't seem to pinpoint why they didn't succeed..

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