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Out there somewhere is the space where you will..........?

Out there somewhere is the space where you will find love without hatred, justice without prejudice, reason without ranting and religion without pageantry.


Some Friend may say that it is merely an utopian dream. May be.... but when the world may become full of hatred, violence, injustice, then why not the opposite of it is possible ?

Interesting answers will get response.



Noki the Wanderer ............

» " Dream the impossible because dreams do come true".- Elijah Wood


Update 2:



I am not talking about death or the end. I wish to do somerhing for this life only. What would I do when I'm dead. So whatever I can do it is during my lifetime & your lifetime only.

Shouldn't we do some thing right now ?


Update 3:



Man has perfected the art of violence through battles/ wars, man has perfected all sort of immoral practices and has reached the zenith of negativity.

Why can't he reach for the positivity ?

At least a try will make a difference.


Update 4:


Dooby ...

You give a smile and get back the same instantly unless the other person hates you. This indicates that you are not IMMUNE to love & hate relationship as you said.


Update 5:



Clever answer. You wish to find the space which we are looking for, after death where you will meet me.

Thanx but I have a desire to meet you in our lives only ' in that space'. Surprisingly you will find few people who abandoned their wealth for the sake of finding the space I am talking about. e.g. Buddha.

But it is indeed very difficult for me too if I am to choose btwn 1M dollars & peace, love, justice.

You have a point there but becoz of this only more & more people are becoming millionaire and yet you find more injustice, more stressful life, more violence & more negativities.

What if Buddha would have chosen 1M dollars ?

Like some of you I also feel that the space I'm talking about is a distant dream yet I have to say something if it is possible.


Update 6:



I'm honoured.


Update 7:


NAZAR Bhai.......

But Allah has not sent us to be a mere spectator of the things around us. He certainly wants us to change the things, change the conditions for good.

"Surely God does not change the state in which a people are until they change that which is in themselves." [ar-Ra`d, 11]...


14 Answers

  • Hally
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This reminds me of a Rumi poem:

    "Out beyond ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing

    there is a field. I'll meet you there.

    When the soul lies down in that grass,

    the world is too full to talk about.

    Ideas, language, even the phrase 'each other'

    make no sense."

    Rumi was a thirteenth-century mystic and Sufi poet. And very, very wise. He envisioned such a place, too.


    Source(s): I believe in it too.
  • 1 decade ago

    Dear Capt.

    You know, this universe is fundamentally based on RELATIVITY. What we experience or imagine is the influence of level where we are standing. Love Hatred, Peace, Violence, justice, injustice all are relative. If we develop a SAKSHI BHAO ( mere spectator) to view the things, we can have that space as you dream. And Sakshi Bhao never comes unless you 100% rely ,leave and surrender every thing on Allah (the creator of all spaces)

  • 1 decade ago

    How are you so sure that will meet anybody herein in an after -life ?

    You must know one thing which the modern religions do not teach.When you go you would have nothing with you.You go with nothing in you mind you take , nothing - no mind ,no knowledge or information-. You were none and you had no name when you came .so shall you go .

    " Some men, not understanding the dissolution of mortal nature but conscious of the sufferings of life , are troubled while they live by anxieties and fears , inventing false stories of a time after death"

    "They are fools who hate life yet wish to go on living through fear of the unknown"

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no love or hatred where I live. I live within myself and I hate no one and love no one.

    It's all in your mind. Be at peace with yourself and the world will follow.

    When you walk past someone in the street, just say gidday or hi or smile and nod your head. It's an acknowledgment that you and another person exist in the same space at the same time.

    There is war that rages in many places. They are fighting for a cause they want to win. Both sides don't really hate each other, they just hate that neither side can win or lose.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    difficult to imagine a world like you expect ( rather all of us expect ). there are so many other things that take a bigger toll in our life, this sometimes even devalues the truth. of course it is possible for us to contribute in a small but powerful way. right now i have to finish my MATHS HOMEWORK, SCIENCE PROJECT...see there are soo many other things, desires, duties to be done in life. so people just forget nonviolence, love etc.they feel they are secondary. PLEASE TRY TO OFFER A STREET BEGGAR 2 OPTIONS:

    1) A 100000000$MILLION DOLLARS



    see what he chooses, you will know what is going on in each's life and how much they care about all you ask for.


  • 1 decade ago

    It is possible, most definitely! I do believe in people, I know we can do it, But it is soooo hard, we are too selfish for love, love that is given without any expectations in return, just pure love, the willingness to sacrifice yourself for anyone else. I have seen and heard of this sort of thing happening throughout my life, but it is rare, but hopefully, we can do it, it starts with you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The world I live in is filled with neither hatred or violence, why don't theists join me there?

    Or they could always stop hating on and committing violence on each other.

    Source(s): atheist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The world is so full of hate. Religion destroys people. People destroy people. There will never be a "perfect" utopia.

    Source(s): 14 year old
  • Rana
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In Dream.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wrong section btw.

    But, I say that any TRULY intelligent extra terrestrials would try avoiding us at all costs, because we are extremely untrustable creatures.

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