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David Archuleta's Touch My Hand music video?

Is this music video legit?

If it is, it's so cute!

I can't believe that as a fan I havent heard about it!

So what, is it the next single?

Gosh I'm so confused rite nhow.



Here's something interesting from FOD:

Touch My Hand Video from the Chicago House of Blues

When I was backstage at the House of Blues in Chicago, I heard David shooting a short commercial for his “new video” for Touch My Hand, and I noticed during the concert that professional videographers seemed to be everywhere. I couldn’t say anything to anyone, but finally, finally, it has been leaked!

And I swear I see myself! And I KNOW I see at least 2 or 3 FOD’ers in this video! The fact that this video is just as much about the fans as it is about David makes me a bit emotional. David reaching for hands gets me every time.

Email us and let us know if you are in this video!

Update 2:


Update 3:

According to FOD it's from House of Blues,

I went to the CVlarence concert :(

But if you were in this, that's way cool!

Update 4:

Thanks guys =)

Thats cool if you went!

So this is the next single right?

Anywhen know the date?

Update 5:

aquastar, FOD is,

its the biggest david archuleta fanpage :) you should check it out!

11 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    i saw it too and i was like "huh when did he make a vid for touch my hand??"..but i don't think it's real..unless he posts it on his official Youtube.


  • 1 decade ago

    It IS at the House of Blues Chicago, I was there!!!! :D

    There were a TON of professional video camera people there! I'm in the video, I was so excited when I saw it! This is such a surprise (like when they would release it)!!! It definitely made my day. =]

    EDIT: It is legit, I remember on FOD a fan said in her story that Jeff told her that one of the songs David performed at the HOB will be released as a music video! This is definitely real.

    EDIT again: IT IS LEGIT!!! I mean this for real now!!! Here is the link to the video on David's official YouTube!!!

    EDIT EDIT: The link I gave you did work two days ago, but for some reason it's on private! Anywho, the date of this concert (if that's what you were asking) was March 8th, 2009. Also, I'm pretty sure it's the new single because a TON of news sites are saying it's the new single! =] Can't wait for David on AI tonight!

  • 1 decade ago

    Fans heard beforehand that professional photographers would be in front of the stage at David's House of Blues concert and that they were making a live video of Touch My Hand.

    That video first leaked at an Asian site.

    Someone at Idolforums translated the Chinese video description text as the following.

    (NOTE - keep in mind this has no more validity that any random person's description of any video on YouTube. I.e. this may not be true)


    "David Archuleta, Latest Single Touch My Hand MV, WorldWide Premiere. Up until now, dont know if there will be another shoot for the MV but this is taken at Chicago, HOB."

    Then the official version was posted on theofficialarchuleta YouTube channel (where David's official videos and video blogs are posted)

    That is truly all we know. Nobody knows if it is just a promo or his next single. Maybe we will find out on American Idol Wednesday April 22 (tomorrow) and maybe not. We do not know.

    EDIT - NEW INFO - David texted his cell phone club that he is doing Touch My Hand on Idol.

  • 1 decade ago

    What's FOD?

    And anyway, this video claims to be official, and it HAD been official that TMH will be the next single. Just not sure that this is it though.

    Anyway, will the leakage of this video affect David?

    I mean, if a song leaks, it will be downloaded and sales will go down. What about a video?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I WAS TOTALLY THERE! i remember waiting on the bridge over the chicago river outside the house of blues, freezing, and these 2 guys with a camera come over. i was wondering what all the screaming was for earlier - they were getting the outside crowd in the video! i was THIS CLOSE to getting in the shot, but hey, i was there and i had a blast!!! that's so cool how they picked the show i went to for david's new video ;D

    Source(s): my amazing archuleta experience <33
  • 1 decade ago

    TMH isn't even officially radio-released yet, so i'm guessing it's the official video, but it was just leaked? haha :P

    but, OMG, i have watched that video for a couple times already, and it just makes me CRY! marvelous video!

    black & white... the fans... him reaching the fans' hands... live concert...


    and to those of you who were there, u guys are so lucky!!!

    (i really hope i'll see him in person *sigh*)


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes im pretty sure this music video is ligit! He performed Touch My Hand on American Idol last night and this video was playing on the screen behind him. i love it! i wish they would have done this at the columbus concert cuz i was there! it was awesome :)

  • 1 decade ago

    OMG i was there. and my friend said that she saw me in the video, but i didn't catch it, so i'm gonna watch it again later lol. i think it's pretty legit, i saw lots of camera people there.

  • haha..THATS AWESOME!!!! I went to the one in va beach!! IDK,it kinda looks legit but im not sure..if it is that pretty dang awesome!! haha...N tht first girl is stupid...david is

  • 1 decade ago

    yes i am in the video!!lol jk idk if i am or not hope so

    it looks kinda real!

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