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REAL ESTATE INVESTING? Is this a scam? Has anybody ever tried this kind of thing?

Ok. So my wife and I were watchin tv and saw a show about John Becks "foolproof real estate system". We were thinkin about buyin his product, after all, that did look like a lot of info on how to get started for only 40 bucks.

A friend of ours said they bought this product, and "didn't work". When we asked why, she couldn't give a straight answer. So that leads me to believe they didn't try, or didn't put any effort into it.

Has anybody ever tried John Beck's product? If you did, what do u think? Has anybody ever tried any products like this from real estate investors that say they can teach you how? Like Robert Kiyosaki, Russ Whitney, John Beck, ect.?

I know there's people out there who have been to real estate seminars and done the classes and bought the products they offer. If you did, were u succesful? I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU, especially if you've had success from buying these classes and buyin products. Tell me who and what worked (or DIDN'T work) for you!

7 Answers

  • godged
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes it is a scam. The reason it doesn't work is because the information on tax foreclosures is readily available (tax foreclosures are not the type that are in the news every night, those are bank foreclosures, an entirely different breed of animal). The only way John Beck's system would work is if:

    A) There were a number of homes in your area going to auction for back taxes (unlikely)

    B) You are the only one who shows up to the auction (highly unlikely)

    If you do a search for this, you will find detailed information about why this is a big fat waste of money and time.

    I know investors who are snapping up cheap REO properties, using them as rentals until the market turns around. You don't need someone's "system" to make money in RE, you just need to be smart with what you do with your money.

    Source(s): Oregon Realtor
  • 1 decade ago

    Don't fall for those infomercials. The scam is only the number of people who send him money. You can buy real estate yourself. If you are looking for a foreclosure to buy, work with a professional real estate agent who specializes in these. Ask your friends or use your local Yellow Pages. The buyer does not pay the sales commission (at least in California). The seller does. It's not easy sitting on courthouse steps and hoping you win the bids without representation (not to mention tying up your cash). I know the ads sound very convincing. John Beck is the only one getting rich quick. By the way, these types of offers have been around for decades.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't ever go with crap you see on tv. It's all a scam. If you want to make money fast in the real estate market, go to There are a list of foreclosures and goverment and bank owned properties. If you're lucky, you won't even have to fix them up. ALWAYs remember "Buy low, sell high!!!" Rehabilitation projects are the best way to do this.

  • Ranger
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If the system worked, John Beck would be doing it and keeping very quiet about how to do it so there won't be any competition.

    Since he is selling it, he probably has one or two examples that were a fluke and he portrays them as being the norm.

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  • MadMan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Is it a scam? Yes and no. No because it is possible to do what he describes. Yes because there are very few such properties available that you end up owning at such low prices. The only one really getting rich is John Beck for selling his book.

  • rtfm
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    A good way to check whether something's legitimate or not is to google the name + SCAM and see what kind of hits you get.

    Googling "john beck + scam" gets a lot.

  • hanora
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There was an article about this sort of thing in yesterday's New York Times.

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