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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 1 decade ago

Out of sight, out of mind: is this true?

So my ex and I have been broken up for 4 months now. He put me on an emotional roller coaster toward the end and played the "I want you now I don't, now I do, now I don't" it was just.. bleh. Anyways.. yeah so it ended by him; not even talking to me. We're in classes together yet we don't talk. Most days I feel fine without him because I know I am better off without him. But when I see him at school it kind of throws me off a little.

Anyways, we are juniors and he is leaving high school early. (GED or something?) I don't know. I think today was his last day. I won't be seeing him everyday, and I'm relieved because of that. Is it true that it is out of sight; out of mind?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's not 100% true...but I would say it is at least like 95% true! People are so much easier to get over once you don't have as much contact with them! You will definitely think about him less since he won't be there every day to remind you of him.

    Also, congrats on realizing you are better off without him! So many people never seem to pick up on that fact, even after a bad relationship.

  • 1 decade ago

    Chances are that he'll never become completely 'out of mind', but he'll go the the back of your mind when you move on.

    I'd say the best thing for you to do is find a group of friends in the classes you share, and hang out with them after school and such that way in that class he wont be the only person you know.

    And you don't need to date somebody that cant make up their own mind about their feeling if it ever happen tell them to make up their mind or its over, because not much is worse then the false hope that comes when he comes crawling back, only to leave again.

    Hope I answered you question and remeber...

    ... Jesus loves you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not really sometimes out of sight means more on the mind it all depends on you! I felt that way about my ex! I think the most important thing is to stay focus on you and your goals and not some roller coaster of and ex that's why he is your ex, he is not important enough to be in your future! stop taking the ride no matter how interesting it looks!

    Source(s): had the same ex feelings and ride!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you still have feelings for him he will be in your mind til you get rid of those feelings.My boyfriend goes to a different school and i think aobut him 24/7

    Question Do you think people that have family in the marines right now have them out of there minds........nope

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  • Not for me. I haven't seen the guy I like since the last school year, but I still like him. Wow, that's sad, but true.

    How you feel about him wont just go away, but time will help.

  • 1 decade ago

    It can be true, it depends on you. On how fast you are willing to let go move on and forget about it. But u won't be *** stressed out about it because you will not be seeing him all of the time. Time heals everything.

  • 1 decade ago

    i saw its basically how you feel. if you think that not seeing him so often will help you,then it probably will. give it time and you will find out if that's whats best for you to move on and enjoy the rest of your life. you've got a lot left!

    Source(s): me
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is sooooo true!!! Well they might not be completely out of your mind, but it makes things so much easier for you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Outta SIGHT! Outta my MIND! ABSENCE makes the heart grow fonder...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes i think this is true, unless you try hard to make it otherwise

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