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I judge people when they use bad grammar. Does that make me a bad person?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, just a bit arrogant. But I do understand why since I have a habit of doing it on occasion myself. However, I have to remember there is a reason I am a professional writer and I'm expected to write well (most of the time, I do have my bad days after all).

    If people deliberately refuse to take the time or effort to write well I lose respect for them. Those that make the effort and simply have not fully grasped how to write well I am fair with. It's not necessarily a bad thing to judge but you have to take into consideration the age, experience, education, and the person overall.

    I'll be honest, I lost a lot of friends in college because I was the grammar Nazi and people hated me correcting all the time. I've learned to back off and be understanding more than judgmental but I admit I am not perfect and still have a tendency to be an arrogant b*tch.

    As long as you don't run around with your nose in the air like you're superior to those who are less educated on grammar than you are then you'll be fine. I've had to learn the hard way. Let's hope you don't.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. I do it too. I'm not much of a stickler for grammar though, unless it's really bad. It's bad spelling that I hate. Chatspeak is my biggest pet peeve. It makes the poster look stupid and it doesn't take any longer to type out the whole word. Unless it's a text or something, but it drives me nuts when I see it in places like this.

  • 1 decade ago

    A lot of people judge others based on their likes/dislikes, etc. While you shouldn't judge at all, there are worse things out there for you to be doing that would make you a "bad" person....I'm sure you have judged people at other times too.

    You are human. You have opinions.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Not really. I do it too.

    I mean, just look at my name. Horrible English just drives me nuts. It's not just on Y!A - I pointed out a poorly written sentence on a shop sign and my mum told me to shut up and leave it.

    A slip of the finger is okay, but if the whole thing is just crap on a stick and the writer hasn't told you that English is their second language or they have actual problems with learning English, then I just read it and think, 'the lazy bugger'.

    I laughed at KK's Grammar Nazi thing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For judging, yes, trust me, it gets annoying and seems snobby. Some people aren't educated enough to know how to use grammar in the "correct" way, it's nothing to assault them on.

  • M G
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No, you're not a bad person for

    being grammar conscious.

    We, all, have similar measuring

    sticks. Some have issue with bad

    breath, body odor, etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just remember the context.

    Perfect grammar isn't always necessary. If we're just speaking informally, or texting then grammar really doesn't matter. But if it's a paper, or professional communication, then grammar really counts.

    However: Remember, as far as the study of linguistics is concerned, slang dialects (Ghetto slang) are just as complex linguistically, as the prestige dialect of any given language('proper' english for example)

  • 1 decade ago

    Not in my book. A few small mistakes are no big deal but some people on this forum look like they had their cats write by stepping over the keyboard!! Spell-Check. Discover it! Love it! Hide (to some extent!) your stupidity!!

    Source(s): Calix me inebriens!! A judgemental b@stard!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    depends on how far you go with it.

    if you assume they are bad people, or very stupid people, well.. yeah.

    but if you just think they are a little dumb.. its understandable. it's annoying when people use bad grammar. Even though i'm sure I did in this answer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not really.. depends on the kind of judgments you make.

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