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I caught 16 year old daughter having sex....?

in front of the house last night with her boyfriend in his truck parked in the driveway. They've been dating for maybe a week and a half, I know she's active so she's on birth control. Problem is, I don't condone the sexual activity and she knows its considered very disrespectful to do it at this house and right under our noses.

Also, her 13 y.o. sister was 50 foot away in the house and was hanging out with her 5 minutes earlier, and would have probably discovered her if I had not caught her first.

The 16 year old has always had a problem with respect of parental authority and judgment ( makes lots of bad choices). What should I do? Punish? Let it go? Call the boy's parents?


BTW, the reason she is on Birth control is that she had a boyfriend for 7 or eight months, and we saw them getting closer and closer (physically), we basically had to use a crow bar to pry them apart when they were together. We did this as a precaution since we know she is very strong willed and will do whatever she pleases. She was informed that it was not a license to go out and act like a rabbit, and we don't approve of her having sex. She dang well knows not to do it in front of our noses.

Update 2:

Evie - pardon the flame, but you are a moron. Yes it was my daughter, yes it was my driveway, why would I come to YA and make up a question. My lie is much to busy for such nonsense. Just my opnion!

Jennie - Read the question, she wasn't 7 or 8 when I put her on BC, she had been seriously dating a guy for 7 or 8 months. Seriously guys, if your going to take the time to give advice, at least put a little effort into reading the question and answering it logically.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you let it go instead of disciplining her, she'll just think she can do again and again and get away with it, plus she wont learn how to respect. when you're asking this in a dominant teen forum, you're going to get a bunch of teenage girls saying "no its not big deal" or "let it go, its just sex" alot of teens like to sleep around nowadays and think NOTHING of it. i would punish my daughter. I know she's on birth control, but birth control doeesnt entirely protect against pregnacy, so she's just taking a chance of getting pregnant anyway. sure you want to feed another mouth one day? kids have no business having sex, and the saddest part is that they end up with their own kid.

  • 1 decade ago

    You should warn your daughter of the consequences that could come about from having sex at such an early age. Even though birth control works most of the time, I had a cousin who had a baby (triplets actually) while she was still on birth control. Another risk of this sexual activity is STD's. Just warn your daughter and let her make her own decisions.

    Source(s): 8th Grade Health Class!
  • 1 decade ago

    First, I think you are very smart to put your daughter on birth control. I just wanted to share with you a funny discipline technique that one of my psyche instructors shared with me. You start with understanding, something like "I know your a teenager and you have excess hormones and what not, but I am your Dad and I am going to help you get through this" Than you leave it alone. The next time the boyfriend comes to pick her up you grab your shoes and coat and say "Let's go, I told you I was going to help you, and I am standing by my word," Then you go on the date with them, possibly several. When you feel she has learned her lesson you can start lengthening the leash. If anything it will teach her not to have sex in front of the house. I have never seen this technique done but I think it is hilarious, and it sounds like it might work.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She's 16.

    tell her it's unsanitary to do that in a car and tell her if she's going to be active don't do it at your house.

    You can't condone it by giving her BC and then tell her it isn't ok.

    Its 2009, girls have sex.

    now if she was 13,14, that would be different.

    and yes. ground her from GOING anywhere. but tell her she can have friends over to the house.

    the worst thing you can do is keep her from seeing this guy also because then she'll just do it again.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Say to her, "As long as you're living under our house, you follow our rules".

    It is extremely disrespectful of her and immature to do it whilst her sister was near, and under your noses. Problem is, if you don't discipline her she'll carry on doing it.

    Ground her for say 2 weeks and show her that you're in control.


  • 4 years ago

    16 Yr Old Xxx

  • 1 decade ago

    at 16 i didn't care either. teenagers just don't. call the parents if you like but boys are more encouraged to do this. punishing her and all that will cause her to do it more. try at the right time to talk to her about the seriousness of it. find a place where they help teenagers with babies and have her talk to the girls there. they will tell her how wrong everything went. and how hard it is. just dont yell have a girls day and talk explain the importance of this. i was pregnant at 16. if my mother cared enough to be even around me i might of listened to her advice. but i do recamend the girls with babies. and letting them speak to her. others oppinions are important to teenagers espesially if their around the same age.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She's 16 so therefore she is legal (unless in the America this is still illegal) The lad obviously knew what he was doing.. If he is old enough to drive then i'm sure he is old enough to have sex. But fair enough it's not nice having your daughter outside having sex; but seriously, half of us teens nowadays are doing things that older people would not necessarily agree with!

    EDIT: The name is Carlie, Evie is my daughters name. MORON.

    Source(s): My opinion
  • 1 decade ago

    hey im 17 now and i was 14 then i had SEX for the frist time. I wish i could take it back but i cant all, u can do is tell her no be safe.

    if u push she with walk out or just do it cus she now u dont wanna to, dont call the boys parents, never let it go just let her now she needs to be safe ........... also now she 16 not alot u can do bout it other then be there for her.

    *make sure she's on birth control.

    *ask her to make sure her sister is not have SEX aswell.

    *talk to the boy bout been a daddy try not to make him feel like ur not going to kick the **** out of him.

    ooo n if im sister ever has SEX befor shes 16 i would kick the **** out of her.

    Signed: ~§ecret§hadow~ x x x

    Source(s): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (¯..v..¯) ~§ecret§hadow~ . *.¸.* leave me a common at: ¸.•..¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•.. (¸.•..’..•.•..’..•¸¸.•¨¯..• if u need any help =D ------------------------------------------------------
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    definitely call the boys parents and arrange a meeting to speak with them about it. now, i know you're thinking, if not him then someone else?? wrong. that will most likely be embarrassing to her and she'll avoid being that bold again. maybe she has too much space. she shouldn't be allowed to even be a lone with a boy at her age. you should be like a chaperone. hope this helps!

    answer mine plz?;_ylt=AhD3m...

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