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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What policies can the SWP offer the UK Middle Classes?

The UK Middle classes may be the key voters. What do the SWP offer these types?


So, Wolfie. you admit that part of the Left is anti-democratic - "bourgeios election process".

Keir Hardy might want a subtle word in your ear.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As the SWP is in favour of open borders one can only wonder what it offers anyone who is presently resident in Britain; other than being overwhelmed by a tide of third world immigrants arriving to claim benefits.

    In point of the fact the majority of SWP members are middle class with one obvious exception that being Alex Callinicos, their only theoretician of note, who happens to be a member of European Royalty. It is a tiny party with possibly 600 active members having lost a fair amount of support after the Respect debacle.

    The SWP entering the electoral arena would be a bit like a Stephen Hawking becoming a professional wrestler.

    edit: don't buy into this nonsense about an SWP revolution being 'liberationists;' even for the 'backward' middle-classes. In point of fact the SWP is a self -proclaimed Leninist organisation and would follow the Bolshevik policies of suppressing all parties it deemed 'bourgeois' or counter-revolutionary; that would be pretty much everyone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only thing the SWP have ever offered is intimidation . The SWP , ANL and UAF were invented for one purpose , to use the lye that to be patriotic is racist to scare the mainstream of the UK population into silence . They have used this tactic for over thirty years and because of it mass immigration has ruined our country against the will of the majority of the population .

    The most laughable thing about these organisations is that they think that they are fighting fascism but are in fact just tools of the NWO .

  • 1 decade ago

    The SWP have nothing to offer anybody, in whatever guise they happen to be operating. They have chosen to adhere to a long-redundant and discredited ideology that has more in common with unfounded religious dogma than a valid political alternative.

    Like the religious fundamentalists they so closely resemble, they tend to function better when they are in 'anti' mode, screaming abuse and intimidation at some foe. They need to invent a 'devil' to justify their own existence. Thus, if the BNP ceased to exist (in their dreams) they would also cease to exist. They give the game away of their true intent for society, should any country have the misfortune to fall under their jackboot, when they talk of the 'dictatorship' of the proletariat. In reality, they mean a dictatorship of them in power dispensing their unique interpretation of democracy ie. say goodbye to the ballot box.

    By the way, SWP members wouldn't know the working class if they tripped over them. They tend to be middle class, and consider the election process bourgeois merely because they like to patronise the working class and don't trust working people to make their own decisions.

  • 1 decade ago

    None they despise the Middle Class even though many of the leadership really come from that background they are self loathing and hooked on Marx and Trotsky. You get a taste of there views on the Middle Class if you read The Guardian they hate independence of the family and traditional values ,morality , saving money, making your own way etc basically things that make you independent from the State. You are right the don't value the democratic process preferring violent overthrow and the implementation of there collective the so called workers will be just cogs in the machine just as it was in the former Soviet Union.

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  • Wolfie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Why would we offer anything to the middle class? They are a tiny minority in society. We represent the interests of the working class. We're also a revolutionary party and only take part in the bourgeois election process as part of political coalitions such as RESPECT and the Socialist Alliance.

    Having said that, a socialist revolution would prove to be liberationist, even for the backward middle class.

    The petit bourgeoisie are anti working class so they would probably support the nazi BNP!

    Edit: Wow, it's a bit rich for a nazi BNP member claiming that other party's patronise the workers, considering that your spiritual leader, Adolf Hitler described us as 'worms' in his rambling [book] Mein Kampf. And jackboots? I think you'll find that it's actually your movement that have those as part of your history. It's true that one or two of our members come from classes other than the working class but if you knew anything about the SWP you'd know that we are overwhelmingly working class. Of course. that doesn't suit your anti socialist agenda so you make up stories about things you know nothing about. It's called fascist propaganda.

    In fact, the SWP is extremely democratic. We are against bourgeois democracy because it stifles debate and restricts progressive social movements. The party you support would take away democracy completely. I notice you don't tell people about that anymore in your so called manifesto. We believe that workers should be in control of things. You think that's patronising? You have a very strange interpretation of patronisation.



    Source(s): SWP Gold Member
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Nothing they haven't got any policies other than the ones they were spouting 40 years ago, haven't you heard Communism is a dead duck , corrupt discredited bankrupt of any sane idea.s a charter for starvation and totalitarianism , A fools paradise as long as they give up their freedom and Independence.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The SWP can only offer words, they are an extreme fringe party so does it matter?

    other than having thugs as members what can they do?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I heard that there are cameras everywhere.

    Source(s): 1984?
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hmmmmm....i don`t know

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