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Is This SWINE FLU a real threat...........?

or is this just another '' bird flu '' or '' monkey pox '' media induces BS hype fest??

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Although the answer is already a NO, for those who protect us unseen have already neutralized the virus, there is a bigger picture behind this and other pandemic *scares*..

    As you indicate, there have been other *attempts* to spread fear and disease widely such as SARS and the AVIAN BIRD FLU, but all except AIDS have failed, not just because the media didnt fully play it*s fear-filled role, for the group who controls our governments known as the Illuminati, who have long wished to reduce our numbers for we are now too big a group to control fully, but because there are others who daily protect us from the worst of what our *leaders* would do to us (Obama excepted, as he has come to change that situation, even though he still has many dark individuals from the past around him for a reason, as you soon shall see) and they have already neutralized the Swine Flu virus!

    Sadly, they were not playing that role years back when the AIDS virus was also purposely released, as these others have been also..

    If you doubt that, go look up CHEM-TRAILS on the net, for our skies are daily filled with poisonous substances purposely released from aircraft which criss-cross the skies worldwide, causing growing health problems within the populations below..No, it isnt to control the weather..They have other methods of doing that!

    Ask yourself also why over 40 bio-chemists have met suspicious deaths in the recent past in America after they were involved in investigating the pandemic potential in such substances as Anthrax and the like?..Just why and who would these people pose a *problem* to?..Interestingly, a number of inventors of *free energy* technology around the world also met the same fate!

    Soon, these sad truths will finally be revealed to an unbelieving public as there are now a growing number of whistleblowers ready to come forward to *spill the beans*..The threatened charging of Bush is just the beginning..Indeed, to try to push that aside and to divert attention from such things is the very reason why this sudden *emergency* has arisen!..

    That*s the way they work, sometimes starting wars, at other times causing mayhem in other ways such as *terrorist* attacks and, incredibly, 9.11!..The controlled media tells us only what they wish us to believe, but that is becoming more and more transparent now as the time for the truth to come out finally arrives in the coming months..The true death toll in 9.11 is now over 75,000!

    Governments LIE!..

    Source(s): A long life aware of Angels
  • 1 decade ago

    Its a very real threat. Most version of the swine flu can't be passed between humans, but this one can. And it's so new that there is no current vaccine or previous version that might have bolstered your body's immune system against it.

    The most troubling thing is that a large number of the deaths in Mexico were young, healthy adults, which is abnormal in most cases of the flu. On the positive side, it is completely treatable if diagnosed within a couple days.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No way to know just yet. However here is a scary characteristic: it kills mostly the young and healthy. That's what the Spanish flu did. Its what pandemic type flus do. Your immune system is basically used against you in a "cytokine strorm" reaction in your lungs that results in pneumonia

    Its way too soon to tell how this will pan out though. It might stay mild. But the Spanish flu was mild at first too. Then it came back a few months later and killed about 50 million.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's the problem with the media. They scare everyone to the point, where we start freaking out. This is not something to freak out over. Monitor your symptoms and get medical attention right away if you have anything close to what a flu feels like. They can treat it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The jury's still out as far as I'm concerned. I agree that the media loves to stir everybody into a panic, and God knows I love a good government conspiracy theory. But for things like this I still like to get my info from folks I consider to be at least somewhat-reputable scientists. Go to the CDC and FDA websites for the latest, most reliable information--or at least the latest and most reliable that they're passing on to the public.

  • Me
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have no idea. I'm a little nervous since I'm only a few hours from Mexico and Mexico City shut everything down due to "the flu" deaths.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is another BIRD FLU epedimic for the media... or wait what about the MAD COW or the HOOF AND MOUTH none of these have effected me my family or even my state. I don't think it needs me to worry about it

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes it's a real threat. watch the news. Get flu shot.

  • sophia
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think everyone is getting pretty hyped up over something that isn't even confirmed yet. Just chill and keep informed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well this one is is a mixture of 4 different strains of flu that have violently mutated to easily jump from human to human. And already it is everywhere expert africa so we are in trouble...keep your trigger finger ready

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