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Is anyone else getting a little frightened by this "swine flu"?

I generally dont put too much thought into these sorts of things (not that it happens often) but Im actually getting a little concerned, it seems like all I see when i turn on the tv, or listen to the radio...or even check my email are more reports of this flu.

What really scares me is the idea that we may not be getting the whole story and this may be bigger than we can handle...

Is anyone else a little freaked out or am i way overthinking this???

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You should be scared, and there is little you can do about it. All I can suggest is don't go to public places unless necessary. Don't touch your face or your food with your hands. Prepare your own food. Wash hands regularly. Wear a surgical mask in public places if cases reported in your town

    It is a mix of human and pig flu strains. Now it can spread from human to human, which makes it very serious. The only cure is if your immune system can raise antibodies to it before it kills you. There is no vaccine yet - 9-12 months away.

    It is the A form of influenza, specifically H1N1. It could be as serious as the Spanish flu, but because our health care is better now (vaccines and anti-flu drugs), it probably won't be as bad. So far about 8% of cases die, about the same as Spanish flu. If the health system becomes overloaded with cases, the rate will go higher.

    An unusual aspect of this flu is that its origin is the Americas, not Asia where all others have emerged.

    Source(s): virologist
  • 1 decade ago

    Hi There, I think it's normal to be concerned about a flu epidemic. But, I wouldn't let my fears get away from me on this.

    The reality is that of all the US cases so far, nobody has died in the US. That's an even better record than the regular flu! Probably there will be deaths, because that is normal for any flu.

    Remember, this shouldn't be like the flu pandemic of years past, because back then they didn't even have IV fluids to help people stay hydrated who were having vomiting and diarrhea.

    There is a plan to get out flu shots and medications if it's needed. I think that we are scientifically more prepared to deal with a flu epidemic this time.

    We do have the power to control this too by washing our hands really frequently. Maybe I'm a little OCD but I also lysol-ed my mailbox, front railings, and front doorknobs. (I live in an apartment building).

    I plan to keep practicing longer and more frequent handwashing, (and making my family do it too), and use disinfectant more.

    I'll do this until we find out how this is going to run it's course and adjust if needed. Hey, if I have to, I'll wear a surgical mask out! hahaha...

    I think SARS was much more scary than this because of the high death rate and because it was a completely unknown infection.

    Source(s): My own opinion, but know about immunization and medication plans as a form county emergency medical technician.
  • At first I thought it was the media trying to make things worse than things really are. But the death toll keeps rising, and the levels keep raising. What's scaring me the most is JUST yesterday, health officials were all "Don't panic, this is mild" now they're talking about this being a potential pandemic. And NOW there is ANOTHER case in Ohio(my state) that should be confirmed tomorrow.

  • 5 years ago

    there is not any thank you to verify. The influenza virus is extremely malleable, and it adjustments actual and often. it extremely is why we could desire to continually get a flu shot each and every 3 hundred and sixty 5 days: by using fact the virus adjustments so often. They call this one the swine flu by using fact it began in pigs. From what i've got examine in this one, the pig virus met a fowl flu virus (no longer THE fowl flu; a distinctive one), and the blend likes human beings. that's needless to say passing from human to human, which the Asian fowl flu isn't doing. examine the genuine information at

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am worried but I am taking my kid to the doctor to have him tested because he hasnt been feeling well. But it is a a little frightening but everything is in Gods hands that what I believe anyway. Just wash your hands, and take vitamins especially if you are pregnant. Drinking cranberry juice and things that help wash toxins and like with any flu stay hydrated. I am guessing that is what is hurting people the most but I am not positive.Doctor told me to just drink things like gatorade and if you feel sick to see the doctor but dont panic

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. News journalists love making scare stories because it sells more newspapers and gets viewing figures up on TV. Stop watching the news and delete 'virus' emails.

    Get on with life - or if you'd prefer, live your life in continual fear of one scare after the next. Remember bird flu?

  • 1 decade ago

    no. youre being paranoid.

    the swine flu is passed between PIGS and rarely to humans. even more rarely from human to human.

    100 people (out of 1 MILLION) died in mexico. thats about it, even so, people in mexico are really crowded and cramped together, so 100 out of 1million people (basically living on top of each other) isnt so bad.

    Source(s): bbc
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm freaked. I live in Sacramento, Ca and there's been a confirmed case in the city. More are surely to follow, but I'm continuing to do my daily activities.

  • 1 decade ago

    no because you know that epidemic in 1918 called the black plague it was really bad people died by drowning themselves in their own saliva you should look it up

  • 1 decade ago

    Yess I am terrified honestly

    Iv'e been actin like I have OCD thats wat i think.

    I know i don't have it but i feel like I'm actin like i do.

    It's like a horror movie Zombie Invasion

    And military's gonna have to come or somethin.

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