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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Does the UK Hard-Left advocate Totalitarianism?

Given that, by the admission of Left-wing posters on this board, that they take great delight in stopping Right-Wing meetings, does the Hard Left fear opposition to their views, or do they simply deny (by fair means or foul) anyone who is not of their ilk, their right to free speech and political expression?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am not sure if the phrase 'hard left' has any meaning these days: it is the 'soft left' nu-labor party which has introduced laws limiting freedom of speech.

    However, if one looks at groups life the SWP one can certainly say that were they to gain power totalitarianism would be the result. One can see this in the glee their members take about using the so-called 'organised working class' to physically intimidate their opponents. There is also the case that they are self professed admirers of Lenin. The history of Lenin’s Bolsheviks is well known and one can only assume that those who model themselves on them would, given the opportunity, follow the policy of violent suppression of all other political tendencies.

    If one likes it is possible to describe the SWP and its ilk as ‘social fascist’; they profess a progressive doctrine yet have allied themselves with Islamic purveyors of anti-semitism, homophobia and misogyny.

    Source(s): former 'hard leftist'.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do not see any "hard left" groups in the UK that restrict their membership to a few. Nor any that advocate restricting the democratic franchise and getting rid of universal suffrage - something that millions of ordinary people fought for.

    I, personally, do not take delight in "stopping Right-Wing" meetings. I feel sad that the sacrifices my family made in WW2 did not crush fascist ideas once and for all.

    It is the far-right, in the guise of the "respectable" BNP, who advocate limiting democracy, freedom of expression and encourage authoritarian totalitarianism. We on the left do not fear democracy, free speech and political expression. Reading some of the right wing questions and answers on here it is pretty obvious who are the real anti-democrats and wannabe totalitarians.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only a few people on the Left condone political violence other than in self-defence - where the racist right's history of unprovoked violence against ethnic and other minorities is notorious.

    And this is a joke in the very worst taste, coming from a supporter of a party which wishes to restrict British citizens' right to vote.

    Finally, if you mean the Newscorp Labor PLC right wing extremists' programme of creeping totalitarianism through universal state surveillance, ID cards, vehicle tracking etc, perhaps you have not noticed that virtually all of those protesting against it come from the Left?

    Since when were Nazis champions of democracy?

  • Brad
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Of course, the New Labour Party advocates and is implementing Totalitarianism. Living in the US (which is slowly devolving into a fascist dictatorship thanks to the Republicratic Party), it seems absurd to me to hear about people in your country being arrested for the "crime" of watching TV without paying a "license fee" to the BBC (nobody gets arrested over here for choosing not to "contribute" to NPR/PBS). From what I've heard, you've got cameras all over your country watching your every move and your government seems to act even more tyrannically than the government here in the US.

    Of course, Hard Left parties, such as Communists, are inherently Totalitarian, despite their pretenses to the contrary. Communism and Socialism are not an economic system, but rather the negation of an economic system and therefore inherently require a Reign of Terror to maintain (which was the case, even in the case of the Spanish "Anarchists" during their Civil War; those lunatics murdered anybody who was caught committing the "crime" of using money for transactions instead of engaging in primitive barter).

    I'm personally hoping for "my" government to hyperinflate the currency and bring on their final collapse (so that America can become a libertarian country). In Britain, I don't think that is possible (for example, Margaret Thatcher wouldn't even touch your sacred Socialist Health Care program), but I think there is hope that you can get rid of New Labour and possibly turn back some of their tyrannical legislation.

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  • nlv
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The hard core left wing are 'fascists' they are not for anything other than their dictatorial mind set.

    Yes they are totalitarian, left wing boot boy thugs!

    edit if you don't agree with them you deserve to get a kicking. That's their mind set.

    Luckily the majority of people do have thought and are able to articulate a discussion and are open to debate.

    Edit wolfie the SWP are thugs just like the rest of bizarre left.

    You guys or comrades are as vile as bankers.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Communism is totalitarianism , Total lose of freedom , total lose of choice, total state control of just about ever human activity . In fact the man in the iron mask was free as a bird compered to living under Communist control. Shudder the thought.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Interesting phrase "hard" left, makes them out to be thugs and the right to be squidgy by comparison. The truth is that neither side has a monolopoly on evil, two peas in a pod really..

  • flint
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They don't want any sort of political debate that is why they don't want freedom of speech. They seem to think that they are right and everybody else is wrong and want to dictate to the majority. I have also had very nasty emails for daring to say I am going to vote BNP. I am not a thug by any means, but I think that they are. Threats don't bother me. If they have to resort to these levels it shows you what sort of people they are.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lefties are supposed to be "tolerant" - Liberal is synonymous with tolerant you see.

    I have met not one tolerant Liberal on this board. I have seen many tolerant Right-wingers, however.

    They come accross as feisty bullies, and if you do not agree with their views, or do not stop believing your own views, they can get abusive. Abusive emails from lefties led me to stop receiving emails.

    Edit@ Wolfe says: "by any means necessary!" So you're a fascist then?

    Fascism = dictorial system - Your use of language is implying dictation by any means possible.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think there's a certain amount of self loathing amongst the left wing. Most of them are reformed racists who presume that all on the right are ignorant seething Nazis like they Wolfie? Have you considered self harming? It seems more appropriate.

    Oh, did I hit a nerve? Sorry :P

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