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Do you think this freshman is interested? What do you think I should do?

I told one of my freshman friends (I'm a Junior) that I think this Freshman is really hot. I'm trying to figure out if that friend told the hot freshman what I said or if the hot freshman just randomly happened to start checking me out. The freshman that knows the hot freshman keeps telling me that he didn't say anything to him, but I'm not so sure.

Things that happened to make me wonder:

1.) This hot freshman has his class at one end of the building, and I have mine at the other end. There are water fountains in the middle of the building, and there are water fountains at my end of the building. Instead of using the fountains in the middle of the building he uses the ones around where I am usually standing during passing periods...What's that about?

2.) The other day he was talking to his friend and they both kept looking at me.

3.) Today I was walking about three feet behind him after lunch with one of my guy friends and he was walking and talking with someone that I happen to know. They both randomly just kept looking back at me in unison with half smiles on their faces.. And then the guy that I happen to know stopped where he was at (the hot freshy kept going) until I was right behind him...What's with that?

3.) His locker is in one of my classrooms (This happened right after what happened above) and he walked in there and I was staring at him (I swear he's one of the hottest freshman I've ever seen) and he happened to look up at me...right when he looked me in the eyes/noticed I was staring back at him he swiftly looked down with a slight smerk on his face.

4.) One of my guy friends caught him staring at my @ss...

I don't think I've given him the slightest bit of interest (noticably at least) until I guess the past couple of days. And just so you know...I don't like the freshman (I've never spoken to him before) I just think he's hot.

Do you think my my freshman friend told the hot freshman that I think he's hot?

Do you think the hot freshman is interested?

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes he told him be sure of that and it went to his little young brain that an older classman thinks he is hot so now it's up to you ask them guys you know what is going on and if he has said something to them about you they will be more willing to tell than you think they will but staring at him and walking behind him and the things you say happen don't seem to me that you have not show the slightest interest and I bet he is thinking that too and if you don't date freshman then you opened up an entire can of worms that is going to be hard to recap and end up maybe hurting this hot guy for no reason other than admiring his looks and that is going to end up costing you friends and problems if you are not clear on what you want or don't want from this guy you need to clear this up fast if you are not interested in more than just thinking he is hot before it gets any worse I hope it don't end up hurting anyones feelings or breaking a heart was careless of you to start this if you didn't like him I know I am going to get thumbs down and getting the best answer isn't the important thing when it comes to peoples feeling so sorry if I sounded rude or mean but when I answer a question I try to do it honestly not to achieve a best answer Good Luck

  • 1 decade ago

    By the looks of the hot freshman you are talking about, I think he's interested in you. Him looking at your *** is perverted, but a very big chance he really likes you. It doesn't matter if the freshman knows that you think he's hot. I don't know if you could choose your own locker location but if you could, I think that freshman wants it near yours. It makes no sense if you don't like him but you think he's hot. Just for advice, don't ask him if he likes you cause it might cause him to not come to school the next day or worse.

    ---Hopes This Helps---Thanks for reading!

  • 1 decade ago

    well it depends if the friend that you told has a big mouth and is known for telling things that other people say then yeah probably because this is really random that this "hot freshman" is starting to come around you a lot

    or this could just be a really big coincidence and you are just very paranoid about this situation.

    but on the other hand if your friend did tell the hottie this for sure interested in you because they wouldnt go out there way of there classes just for water.

  • 1 decade ago


    Considering the maturity level differences between a NINTH grade male and a high school junior female I think you should stick with guys your age or a bit older. Boys at fourteen-fifteen are emotionally several years behind girls their age. That means you are lusting after a boy who is emotionally at the same level as a sixth or seventh grade girl.

    That makes you a high school cougar! His parents would not approve of their son getting involved with an older woman.

    Find a boyfriend with whom you have something in common - not just because he's "hot". That is the most shallow reason to want to go out with someone. Join clubs in your school and you will find guys YOUR AGE to go out with.

    Leave the kid alone, okay?

    Source(s): Life
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My advice is go for it. But make it seem like you're a really kinky/sex starved person first, even if you're not. Males are predominantly designed to keep the human race going... He is just a mindless hot guy who is horny, if I were you, ask him out, what man could say no?

    Oh, by the way, that's a serious answer, however, I say go for it... Before someone else does!

    Source(s): I never fill this box in... Ooops.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like your freshman friend told the hot freshman. He sounds interested to me. I say go for it even though you claim not to like this hot freshman. ; )

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    idk wether or not ur friend told the other freshman u think hes hot, hopefully not becuase friends dont do that.

    idk if the freshman is interested, us guys usally crush on older girls(dont know why either)but the "hot" freshman probally just thinks ur "hot" too and have a nice ***

  • 1 decade ago

    1. I don't think your friends told him.

    2. I think he's interested in you, most freshmens are whores!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i do think the freshy is in to you but i think he knows you think he is hot so he thinks he has a chance to be with you.

  • runnn
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Probably interested, since the thing

    but hey guys look at girls and girls look at guys a.sses...


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