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Should we legalise prostitution?

Why/Why not?


In Australia, there are licensed brothels - they are subject to police inspections, health and safety checks, taxes and professional recruitment procedures. No more people-trafficking, pimps and gangsters, disease, under-age workers or coercion. There has never been a single murder of a prostitute, or a single case of HIV infection.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have no problem with legalising that. In Germany and Holland, they are highly controlled, taxed and the prostitutes are regularly checked by doctors. Their crime/rape figures are far less than the UK's, their teen pregnancies are far less than ours also. Whilst I don't condone prostitution, I think it is a better option to legalise it. Let people have specific areas like small shopping centres with proper security and prices, and it takes it off the streets and almost eradicates sexually transmitted diseases.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes it should be legalized. There is nothing wrong with it in this day and age despite that it was Centuries and Millennia ago. You can find many surveys about prostitution, both illegal and legal. There is very little information that supports the ban on prostitution, and many statistics as to why it should be legalized. If people were not so offended by it, it would be legal today. The reason it isn't legal is because the people who find it offensive will use any means to make it illegal that are much worse than prostitution even in there eyes but would justify it because prostitution is "wrong". If prostitution should be illegal, so should alcohol and cigarettes (alcohol was banned once, riots broke out, and people supplied it on the black market and made things much worse. The same goes for prostitution.)

    Crowkit, instead of belittling the people who disagree with you, why don't you contribute to the discussion with valuable information on the subject, or are you incapable of that? Please present yourself like the avatar you display, unless your avatar is a symbol of your forever unfulfilled future goals.

    RipHamilton#32, Please enlighten us as to why such professions are bad and degrading and supply us with reliable sources. If you can't, go somewhere more useful, I'm sure you have knowledge on subjects that would better suite you, Give us statistics, or give us a reason to pity you.

    lollllllllll, Give us proper English.

    Source(s): Look up prostitution on, I've found subjects on there, one that I have a deep interest in and it was accurate, unlike 98 percent of people I've discussed it with (yes, 98 percent is about accurate, I've talked with at least 100 people on said subject that I am well informed on, and only 98 percent of those people knew at best 1/20th of what I did, in fact the people who did know more than that knew 20 times more than me, they are well known in the field and are some of the most informed on the american market, and were quite impressed at how much I knew.) If wikipedia is that accurate on such an ill informed subject, it has my backing.
  • 1 decade ago

    No, you know why? What happens when a teenage girl, maybe aged 17-20 runs away from home. What does she do to get money? Prostitution. If it were legalized, prostitution would become extremely easy for the girl to make the money and "thrive" on her own, and not go back home. Instead with prostitution illegal, and pimps beating their whores, the girl will have no choice but to go back home, seeing how going to the police is out of the question. Also prostitution causes quite a large break-out of STDs, pregnancy, all that the fancy stuff you really don't need spreading.

  • 1 decade ago

    No because there would be a slippery slope situation. I know that this has worked in other countries like the Netherlands, but I don't think that it would work here. It promotes sex for money and pregnancy with only a single-parent. Chances are if these people are going for prostitution, they need money, meaning that when they have a child, they will have to go for the government to help pay for expenses. And this is all your tax payer dollars.

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  • Yes, to remove the funding and association of black market and crime from prostitution. To make sure the girls are health checked and looked after, for their, and their customers benefit. And to minimise human trafficking, a lot of which is tied up with illegal prostitution.

    And lets not forgete it would generate tax for the economy too. (Some of these are also reasons that cannabis should be brought out of the black market too), Some things in life I would never pay for, and sex is one of them, but I dont see why consenting adults have to hide from the law to do something like that.

  • 1 decade ago

    we probably should because when something is made illegal it just means that it will happen in the black market with no safety guidlines or anything, which has lead to the spread of STIs etc. if the government were able to control the situation then there would be guidlines which could stop people from risking their life doing so. however it could be argued that there would be many people against this and that it would cause a huge uproar. furthermore, it could be said that it is too late now to do so.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. It would be safer for the prostitutes, less risk of disease transmission to clients, it could be controlled so it was only over-18s, compulsory HIV checks etc. and we could tax it...Why didn't we do this years ago?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes- Because it is happening all over (There is a whore house right next to where I work, unsuccessfully disguised as a therapy place) and legalizing it will make the government tax them instead of them getting away without paying taxes. Plus they can make sure they are not keeping the girls under slavery circumstances.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, because its disgusting and promotes HIV & Aids. We need to minimise Aids (not increase them)

    Plus if it was to be legalise, I can guarantee that it could promote underage prostitution. Some teenagers look older than they really are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I think prostitution is a job as any other. I think people should be allowed to do what they want and if they actually like it, why not? It's better when men get their unsatisfied sexual desires that way than raping by someone or so...

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