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Need some songs like the description?

I thought that rap wasn't a good type of music until I heard "Stronger" by Kanye West. Now, I like rap and I was wondering what other songs are as awesome as this one. I just got a $50 iPod card I want to spend most on rock, but some good rap. Any suggestions?


...and to MUHILL!!! or however you spell that "wannabe gangsta" name...The category reads:

RAP AND Hip-Hop. So cool your jets, Speed Racer. I already know what songs I'm gonna buy in Rock, but I want some Rap in there too.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How about 30h!3 or hollywood undead ?

    they do rock AND rap in the same song.

    Richman by 3oh!3 is amazing

    Hollywood Undead's song Young is even more amazing (:

  • 1 decade ago

    put underground hip hop...kanye is a wack *** rapper dude...heres some real hip hop

    jedi mind tricks-monolith

    jedi mind tricks-trail of lies

    jedi mind tricks-godflesh

    jedi mind tricks-black winter day

    jedi mind tricks-deathbed doctrine

    jedi mind tricks-razoreblade salvation

    jedi mind tricks-and so it burns

    jedi mind tricks- put em in the grave

    jedi mind tricks-butcherknife bloodbath

    jedi mind tricks-suicide

    jedi mind tricks-serenity in murder

    jedi mind tricks-a blood red path

    jedi mind tricks-heavy metal kings

    jedi mind tricks-when all light dies

    jedi mind tricks-outlive the war

    jedi mind tricks-shadow business

    jedi mind tricks-gutta music

    jedi mind tricks-uncommon valor (a vietnam story)

    jedi mind tricks-before the great collapse

    jedi mind tricks-get this low

    jedi mind tricks-retaliation

    jedi mind tricks-tug of war

    outerspace-hail mary


    outerspace-what the future holds

    outerspace-lost battles

    outerspace-american me

    outerspace-gods and generals

    outerspace-living the life

    outerspace-anointing of the sick


    outerspace-the killing fields

    outerspace-love dont pay

    outerspace-the last supper

    outerspace-our father

    outerspace-conspiracy theory



    binary star-honest expression

    binary star-slang blade

    binary star-reality check

    gang starr-mass appeal


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well if you go to you can download mixtapes for free and download the song spit and download the my face cant be felt mixtape its amazing. and for the itunes get some 2pac or some Notorious B.I.G. 2pac is number 1 though haha

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