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Tom S
Lv 6
Tom S asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Obamas new tax plan will it help or hurt?

Will Obama's new plan to go after business for more tax revenue help or hurt the employment climate in America?

Will the 800 new IRS agents just focus on business or will they go after all Americans for taxes?


It appears we have a consensus , what are the thoughts on the 800 extra IRS agents?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If he taxes the businesses more won't that just cause the prices of their services to increase to make up the difference? Not only that, but an increase in taxes on the businesses will make an overseas move look more and more appealing. This would cause a huge hike in unemployment. Pretty soon we can just import all of our products from the companies that were once here! So it makes me wonder if Obama looks at anything long term or if he is only concerned with the four years he is in power (short term) outcomes.

    On the 800 new IRA agents, it will depend on if they only do the job they are assigned originally. This is to go after tax evaders and offshore tax havens. These men and women are supposed to eliminate some of the loopholes in the current tax system. Obama said that his plan would bring in $210 billion in new taxes in ten years. He projects that this will help businesses stay here, but since he is raising the business tax isn't he contradicting himself? I have to think so.

    Sometimes you just can't fix stupid!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if i were an international business based out of the USA i would consider moving my home base to Ireland and avoid Obamas new world order. we could learn alot form ireland lately.

    I wish Americans would wake up and smell the 2 party corruption and also eliminate the IRS, install the fair tax, but too many are too stupid and gullible and keep the 2 party corruption alive and well.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hurt. Of the 15 largest economies in the world, the US has the highest corporate tax rate.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh, it will definitely help with employment. Once the gov has more money they can hire more of us - I can't wait.

    Of course, I'll have to close my small business and let go the 9 people who work for me, BUT that will be ok because they can then get jobs working for the government.

    Looks like a win-win situation to me.

    YES WE CAN - screw up all the profitable employers in the U.S. - and then let *#it trickle down.

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  • 1 decade ago


    More companies who can afford it will move overseas completely. The rest will lay off people or shut their doors. Jobs wil be lost there is no doubt about that. I am not sure what Obama is trying to do, most economists will tell you this policy is bad for a struggling economy.

  • 1 decade ago

    This will send more companies permanently offshore, this was tried by Kennedy and in the 70's and 80's with no avail. The great messiah will give up on this and only pay it lip service because it would hurt his left wing friends at general electric

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hurt, of course. The top 1% of earners pay 43% of the nation's taxes anyway, but with his new tax plan it will force this group to make cuts, including jobs in their businesses.

    As for cutting back on corruption, he can just sign the FairTax into law.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm waiting for Obama to tell those corporations how to make themselves competitive with foreign markets.

    Let me guess Dems, you all think will make American corporations keep their business here right? Wrong, in fact this will force them to COMPLETLY move their operations overseas, guaranteed.

    EDIT: SHOVEL, CRUSADER both nailed it, exactly what I was saying. Did any of Obama's economic advisors actully go to college and take MacroEcon101???

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Double taxation on US Corporations with offshore earnings will encourage those corporations to reincorporate overseas (where the base tax rates on corporate profits are lower anyway). Bye, bye jobs.

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