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On the last episode of 90210 Silver wears a white and blue floral dress to the bridal shower. Where is it from?

Its white with an elastic band and small scatters of blue flowers. Who makes it and where can I buy it?


Its not the dress that Adrianna wears, its the one silver wears.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have no idear about that. But that is really a beautiful dress

    It's the age-old classic: Girl gives birth at the prom.

    New life hits 90210 in the final two episodes, but it also brings death with it. Rob Estes teased that sex, drugs, alcohol and murder would all be a part of the season one send-off, but who the victim is still remains a mystery.

    Watch Navid throw down with Ty as Adrianna's (Jessica Lowndes) water breaks above, and then take the 90210 death poll below and discuss in the comments.

  • 1 decade ago

    i loved that dress too! it was pretty but i have no idea where its from--- maybe a maternity store?

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