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ANYBODY GOT ANY GOOD TIPS ON MAKIN A TROTT LINE FOR FISHING? I've never done it before, but it sounds interesting. How long should I let it sit for? How do u make yours?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hey man, trout lines can be some serious fun especially when you are camping out. all you need to do is get a roll of twine or cord. what ever you may call it. nothing really big. twine is sold just like fishing line and i mean that it is sold in weight streingth like 12 lb line 20 lb line. same thing with the twine. a good roll should be about 60-100 lb test. well what you are wanting to do is before you set out your line over a river or pond find out how deep the area is. after you get that information cut off different lengths of line to get to different levels of the body of water. say you are setting out over a pond and the deepest place is about 10 foot deep. well cut you off some 3 foot lengths, 5 foot lengths, 8 foot, 2 foot, of fishing line, you get the idea. well tie off to a tree or something and start to unwind your twine. how ever many hooks you want in the water depends in how many lines you put so lets say you are going to put out a hook bout every 6 feet. when you get about to your 6 foot mark, tie the twine into a loop. at the loop add you piece of fishing line with the hook. at the same time bait the hook keeps you from going over it twice for no reason. go another 6 foot and tie your line into another loop and add your fishing line, hook and bait and just keep doing that until you are at the other end. when you get to the other side tie your twine off to a tree. there has been many times that i have run a trout line from a stump sticking out of the water to another stump. you dont have to run it all the way across. another thing that i picked up on that is kinda like a bait alert is tie off one end of the line to a tree limb that is close to the water. not a big ol fat limb something flexiable. when a fish gets your bait it will herk around the trout line making the limb slap the water. but if all this sounds like a lot of work and it can be if you run a long line walley world does usually sell premade lines. but the problem with those are there is one depth that you set out at. all the line are the same length. oh yea. another thing is if you make your own trout line and if you get the twine get a florescent green color. it is easlier to see especially at night. check the line about every 2 to 3 hours. man i know that i said alot but it isnt hard at all, just a little time consuming. and can be just a little aggrivating but it is worth is and it is better than using a store bought trout line. and cheaper too. just go to the fishing section at the walley world and look at where the catfish baits are and that is uaually where the twine is. good luck good fishin be safe and remember to share the experience.

    oh yea, becareful about what you pull out the water at might, there has been a couple times that i thought that i had a monstor cats and i jerked the line into the boat and found out it was a gater turtle. there is no tellin what you will hook up with on a trout line...have fun man

  • dumdum
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well Mike, Trot lining is a lot of fun.My best advice to someone such as your self is to go to Wal-mart or some other store that handles the pre-made trot lines that sell for about $12. These will contain 25 hooks.This will enable you to get started trot lining and also you can get a pattern on how they are made, so if in the future you may wish to make your own, it would be fairly easy to do so. Here is how most people fish them.You locate an area that has somewhere to tie off the end of the trot line such as a tree or snag, and stretch the line to another tree or snag.Take extra line with you so if the distance is too great between the tie offs, you can add line. After tieing off the line, you can then start adding the hooks to the staging and baiting them. At the middle of the line you should add a weight that is attached to the trot line using a line that will allow the weight to bring the trot line to the bottom keeping the hooks a foot or so off the bottom. This will keep the boat traffic from cutting your line and put more hooks in the depth the catfish are likely to be at. I like to run my trot lines once a day, to collect the fish and re bait.My largest fish to date has been an 82 lb catfish.But I have hooked some that straightened out my hooks. If an 82 lb catfish didn't straighten out the hook, how much did these fish weigh? But even the smaller ones are great fun and good eating. Good luck and have fun!

  • 1 decade ago

    On a lake I used to use 2 liter bottles. Lots of fun to go chasing them around.

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