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Guys - What do you think when you find out a girl likes you?

Someone told everyone who I liked and I have no idea what to think.

I don't know why I'm crying-

I know it sounds really immature, but if you knew me,

I'm not the kind of person who opens up about these things.

It's hard for me :S

So after he found out, he acted like nothing happened.

Why are guys SO freakin confusing?



Would you think she's a freak?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, I'm not a guy (LOL, you probably already knew that) but I kind of had this experience a week ago. I liked this guy named Trystan, and he found out that I liked him. He was still my friend, and he still is right now. It's not that big of a deal! Guys don't really care. And don't cry especially over a guy! It's not worth it.

    I also just found out my best guy, Chase, friend likes me, and he has a girlfriend! Haha, oh well. I'll just have to wait for him (cuz I like him now).

    Happy David Archuleta day!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    cuz we arent like girls...when i found out a friend liked me i didnt change the way i was with her.....we arent cold like that

    also he might like u back idk for sure do so dont do anything stupid

    but found out bout it and just u know snoop around ask around etc

  • 1 decade ago

    atm i wuddent give a sht. girls have crushes that come and go all the time. all women are potential money grabbers and i dont feel like being used

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