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how do we become a top contributor in any of the categories?

11 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    ☺☺☺Top contributor badge ☻☻☻

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    ■ A Top Contributor is someone in the Answers community who, through their participation on Answers, has shown that they are knowledgeable in a particular category. Each Answers user can be a Top Contributor in up to three categories.

    ☺☺☺How can you earn a top contributor badge☻☻☻

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    ►The Top Contributor badge is dynamic One,you earn it or lose it depending on your recent participation in a particular category.

    ○○You earn it by being an active participant who contributes quality answers in a particular category on Answers.Anyone can earn a Top Contributor badge as it does not depend on points or level.

    ► The exact formula is kept secret by yahoo but the common theory is that you need a minimum of 10 percent best answers in each particular category and is said to be reviewed weekly.No one is sure about it. Some users said that a total number of 70 best answer answers is required in a month and 10% best answer rate is required to earn TC badge. Some other people said that a total number of 20 best answers in 2 weeks in a particular category can earn a TC badge but these are all rumors(guessers). Just answer questions frequently and try to contribute as much possible as you can in particular category and try getting best answers

    ► If you are not a Top Contributor today, you can earn the badge by contributing high quality answers in any category or multiple categories of your choosing.

    ►The top contributor badges are distributed to their respective top contributors only in the Monday morning.The top contributor badge can be taken away from existing users in the same way on Monday morning.Once a person stops answering or stop contributing himself in yahoo answer and not being picked as a best answers in a particular category then he/she looses his/her top contributor badge in the same Monday morning.

    ► The top contributor badge is not permanent and can be removed at any time.So choose the category's you feel you can get best answer and research every detail you can find with links to add to the answer and do not answer questions you don't think you can get you best answer (it will lower your percentage of best answers).

    ► For more information read this blog regarding Top contributor badge:-

    ☺☺☺Why you lose top contributor badge☻☻☻

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    ♫ If you stop answering question frequently or stop contributing in a particularly category then you will lose Top contributor badge in that category.

    ♫ If your overall Percentage of best answer decreases less than 10% then you will lose Top contributor badge.

    ♫ If a TC's level of participation falls,he/she will likely lose his/her badge.


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    ♦ Don't attempt questions of ''Jokes & Riddles'' and "Polls and surveys'' category because these are the only categories which has no "Top contributor badges" and yahoo! didn't want to give "Top contributor badges" to their deserve "Top contributors" in.

    ♦ Choose the category's you feel you can get best answer and research every detail you can find with links to add to the answer and do not answer questions you don't think you can get you best answer.

    ♦You probably need around:

    1• Try to get at least 10% overall best answer or in a particular category.

    2• Try to answer at least 10-20 Questions per day in the category you wish to become a Top Contributor in.

    3• Try to get at least 20 to 30 number of best answer around 2 or 3 weeks.

    4• Do not attempt any questions which you don't think you can get you best answer (it will lower your percentage of best answers).

    5• Try to get (250 to 400) points in a two or three weeks.

    6• Try to answer a question in a point wise.This will attract asker's mind to read your answer.

    7• Use different type of symbols like ☺☻♥ ♦♣♠•◘ ○◙♂♀♪♫ ☼►◄↕‼¶. It will attract asker's mind to read your answer.

    8• Answer a question very politely ,courteously & as helpful as possible.

  • Lew
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    "A "Top Contributor" is a member of the Yahoo Answers community who has shown that they are knowledgeable in a certain category. Each user can be a top contributor in a maximum three categories.

    You earn it or lose it depending on your recent participation in a certain section.

    The more positively you contribute, the more chance there is that you will get a TC badge. Just like featured users or category leaders, it's another way to give credit to community members."

    The TC badge is awarded on the number of questions answered and best answers received by the user in a particular week, in a particular category.

    It is rumoured that you need at least a 10 percent best answers in your chosen category to get a TC badge although the actual percentage and the number of answers is Yahoo's secret.

    All you see and read on the subject is speculation, rumour, assumption, imagination, and guesswork.

    A user who is on the leader board may or may not have a TC badge, the criteria is measured on weekly participation in a particular category (number of answers and % of best answers in the category).

    The easiest way to get a TC badge is to concentrate on one category where many questions are asked and hope to get some best answers.

    The Polls and Surveys and Jokes and Riddles categories do not have Top Contributors.

    If you have contributed enough to meet Yahoo's criteria, the orange badge will appear below your avatar on Monday morning.

    It can disappear just as easily on Monday morning, if you don't keep answering questions in your chosen category.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Becoming a TC has to do with the amount of "best answers" received in a particular category. Rumor has it that the best answer percentage has to be at least 10% in a particular category in the last 4-6 weeks. And during that time period you must have answered at least 45 questions. You can get the TC badge for up to 3 categories, mouseover any users avatar and you'll find out in which categories they are most knowledgeable. You may loose this badge again when you get less active or receive less "best answers".

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm slightly sceptical about some of the top contributors, since some just copy and paste out of wikipedia, that most valid of reference sources.

    If you really want to be a top contributor, pick a topic you know a lot about and have interest in. If, for example, you know a lot about Maths but would get fed up of doing people's homework for them, then don't choose this subject. It has to be something you're prepared to answer a lot of questions on, and answer them well.

    To be honest, time of day when answering is significant. If there are loads of answers, yours is more likely to get lost.

    There's also luck / nepotism. Let's face it the answers chosen as best aren't always. Oh, and keep in mind that some people just want you to agree with them, and you'll never get the best answer if you disagree, even if you have a well reasoned answer.

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  • 4 years ago

    hi! ? To grow to be a contributor you need to get a greater reaction fee of 10% (a minimum of) in any particular section or type. approximately 25 appropriate solutions in 2 weeks. ? you would be able to desire to actively take section interior the class of selection. ? decide for a variety the place you have journey ? attempt to respond to a lot and proper. make a contribution all you may to the questioner, so as that the person is happy with the reaction ? you may excel in 3 categories (taking the appropriate solutions, the biggest quantity). ? notwithstanding, the orange sign, isn't everlasting, would seem or disappear consistent with their participation interior the class. ? subsequently, in case you supply up being lively the poster disappears ¡G???t??gs! ? J??i? ƒ???v?? ?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi F O D

    I believe you have to get most answers in any 3 categories

  • Moni
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You have to answer lots of questions in categories (focus on 3 or less) and get a decent amount of "best answer" awarded to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to devote more time and efforts in answering the questions in the category.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    By not having a life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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