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what would you do if your partner got you arrested?

I'm a well known, respected member of our community. I had a row with my husband because he hacked into my laptop and accessed my bank account and emails. He found that my mother has given me several thousands of pounds which she asked at the time that he wasn't told about. He also found that I'd met an ex childhood sweetheart for a farewell drink last November (he is moving to another country with his wife). My husband was cross, he pursued me, I tried to lock myself away, he persisted in hounding me and called me a liar etc etc. I eventually ended up thumping him. He called the Police. I was arrested, carted off to the not so local nick, spent the night in a police cell with the friday night drunks and druggies. I was finger printed, DNA tested, interviewed and cautioned and I am now a registered criminal with a record. Would you stay with this man who now says he didn't mean for this to happen or would you leave him?


I should add that if I had told my husband, whom has his own thriving business, plenty of his own well stashed money and assets, he would have spent it, or at least allocated my mother's money as a matter of urgency, before even having his breakfast...

Update 2:

the 'ex sweetheart' and I grew up together from the age of 8 - 12 and then we were boyfriend and girlfriend from 18 - 20

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    leave him, he is not a man, no real man behaves like this.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you leave him get rid of the money as in "give" it back to your mom so she can hold on to it.. otherwise he will get some of it when you divorce.

    i think he is just maybe hurt, frustrated and angry that you would hide something like that from him and while she is your mom he is your husband and he should come before her. there shouldn't be a reason you would have to hide that from him unless he is psycho - which considering he hacked in to your stuff.. yikes...

    but then again you did go behind his back.

    why would you meet an EX to say goodbye anyway - you already said goodbye when you broke up.

    look in to the mirror - sounds like you are at fault here too and your husband is just reacting. apologize, let him know you understand where he is coming from, that he is right and let things work out again - with you being honest with him for once!! sheesh. it takes two make it work you know!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    As a citizen of Earth, he would have to abide by human laws and fundamentally every country has a no murdering law. He would be arrested when he returns to Earth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well.. you hit him, so you have been the violent one here.

    It shouldnt make a difference if it is a man who hits a woman, or a woman who hits a man... it is still domestic violence and you have been the perpetrator.

    You say you got a caution from the police... that means that you admitted the offence to them.

    You have also cheated on him by meeting an ex-flame without his knowledge.

    I am suprised he hasnt left you to be honest.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is such a thing as hurting the one you love for a good reason, but he's a pishy wanker for calling the cops i'd leave him. So what you gave him a smack its a matrimonial dispute not a spousal beating.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ummm, no. I don't think I would have hit him though, so it's hard for me to really put myself in your place.

    It doesn't sound like there is much here to salvage. Sorry, and good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    you should have left the marriage when YOU mentally checked out of is your behavior which merits the dissolution of this union(?)...though marriage is always 2, your husband has done the right things for a loveless situation

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sounds to me like your husband is paranoid, i think you should follow your instincts. on one hand he had you arrested for hitting him which he probably did in anger however on the other hand he obviously loves you but what he did was wrong and he should definitelyy be sorry for going through your private things. hope this helps.

    Source(s): Brain :p
  • 1 decade ago

    I'd stay with him alright.........until he was asleep, then using a bat I would give the little sh*t a right hard wrap around his kneecaps.

  • James
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Kick him to the curb.

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