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Do you think that Adam Lambert can win American Idol?

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Heck yea Adam can win American Idol and will win in my opinion. Simon Cowell thinks that Danny is going to win. Its so obvious that Simon Cowell wants Danny to win. Simon is so transparent. Danny is a good singer I have nothing against him at all but Adam is a way better performer. Adam not only owns the stage he commands it. He so versatile and unique. He has that "It Factor", that stage presence,star quality,versatility,confidence and polish to win the entire thing. Not to mention Adam has an excellent vocal range. His vocal range is amazing he can really hit those big notes. Adam can really sing to. I rooting for Adam to win. GO ADAM!!!!!! This guy just totally rocks.. Hes the whole package

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Whether or not he wins,does not matter,because he will sell the most records out of all of them.

    He has a good chance,but you never know with these people that vote on American Idol anymore.They don't know real talent,from bad talent,and i am so sick of the Danny votes,especially the pity votes.I mean come on,he can sing alright,but not nearly as Good As Adam.

    Get with it America,Adam needs to win,and he is the most talented and versatile,out of all of them,And also very consistant,which as we saw Last week,with Danny,OMFG,that screeching!

    He better win,but if not,then maybe it is better for him,in the long run,as he will be able to record what he wants,and not just under the contract American Idol,Gives Them!


    Ego,that is not Adam,But Danny!

    Look at him every week,when it comes down to who gets eliminated,he is just there standing with that stupid Smerk on his Face,like i know i am not going to get voted off!

    Danny has A MAJOR Attitude!

    Source(s): Adam Fan!
  • 5 years ago

    I hope its between Adam and Allison I really want Allison to win I use to really like Danny but he just dosnt have that spark any more for me. American Idol has never had a true Rock chick before. So I voting for Allison. Adam needs to go back to the stage I think P.s They all want him to win, listen to there commets last night specially Simon.

  • 1 decade ago

    He could, however I'd like the see the Vote For The Worst people pull Danny through for the win.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Simon says that Adam should be out selling records and singing the phonebook, but, Simon also says that he thinks Danny will win. :[ Simon says that Adam is a very unique person, and thats what the shows all about. Adam has a lot of creativity and when he enters the stage, he commands it.

    My Review: Simon is wrong about Danny. BOO DANNY! Go Adam! I am so sure that Adam is going to win. 110% sure. I really hope I'm right though.

  • 1 decade ago

    i really like danny, however, when adam gets on stage he commands it, he has the natural ability to feel at home on stage and it shows, he would be great for broadway, he has a great voice and he loves the stage,who knows constantine is on broadway now in rock of ages, and i saw it, it was great and now hes up for a tony award, way to go american idol, there future are guaranteed as long as they give it there all and adam had a very hard work ethic to SUCCEED , EITHER WAY BEST TO THEM ALL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Was there any dobt that he would

    The powers that be at AI saw fit to eliminate the best singer in the competition [Allison ] last week

    Which leaves a really crappy singer [Adam ] competing against a pair of career lounge lizards

    [Danny and Kris ] for the title .

  • 1 decade ago

    a lot of people like him but i do not. i know adam will probably win with all of the votes but i want danny to. & kriss should have went home instead of allison. go dannnyyy !

  • 1 decade ago

    Yea he could but man he needs to let go of the ego a little bit..I meanyes you need a big ego to be a star i think but Adam already think that he is the bomb....I hope that Danny wins.

  • hey
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yeah but he won't win. I am 50% sure. But only because every year, something strange happens to the best contestants out there!

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