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Am I just a fling to him?

I've known this navy guy for a about 2 years now. Before he went to the navy, which was about 6 months ago, we hit it off good. We shared a lot in common, grew up the same, and he told me things that were very secretive to him. Before he left, we shared a night together and after that it was his time to go.I wrote him a couple of times while he was in boot camp and he would pass along to his mom or a friend that he was writing me back. Didn't get any letters though so I stopped writing. His mom gave me a picture of him, which I kept. About two weeks ago, he contacted me through Facebook. He said that he has been trying to contact me for a while through my old phone #, but never got through.Anyways we start talking on the phone and he would bring up how special I was to him and that the night we shared was special that he couldn't forget it. I thought he was talking about jus the sex, but he said that it was more of just waking up next to you, blah, blah, blah. AFter that point we texted every now and then. He would tell me that he was crazy about me and loved my mentality. So this weekend that passed, he came back home to see family and friends. He had plans to party and he invited me along. Friday, I texted him and got no response back until after he left a club. He claimed he didn't see me call or text. After the club he called back and I stopped over to where he was staying. No sex involved but just talked a little. Saturday he invited me to a bbq and that he would call me. So I didn't call him that day but waited for him. No call until about 9 pm, but that's when I texted him to see what was up. He told me he wanted to see me and wanted me to come so I did. I hit it off good with him and his friends once again. Later that night he asked if I could take him home. I dropped him off home and of course we talked a little but made out as well.Before making out though I asked if it was going to be another 6 months before I heard from him again. He said no and that he has been trying for that long to contact me. After making out I asked what he wanted me to do and he said he wanted me to just lay down with him. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same, but he fell asleep. I kissed him on the forehead and told him I was leaving. It seemed like things went ok, but Sunday the day he was leaving for the airport he sent a text saying sorry about the hecky and I heard nothing from him after that. I didn't call him yesterday just to see if he would and to my surprise, got no call. I know he is in the navy and he doesn't have a lot of time, but do you think it's the navy life that is causing him not to let me know how he feels and not keep that contact, or am I just a hit a go when he needs it when he comes back home. He says all the right things and from talking to his close friends, he not the type to play a girl and hurt her feelings.


Thanks for the comments. I'm sorry if I didn't break it down in paragraphs. This guy told me he looked forward to my letters and that was what brighten up his day. So far as his friend, this was a 50 year old guy that knew him from chilhood, so i dont think this guy would lie to me because I know him as well. The last time we hooked up he told me I was the last hook up he had. Not because he doesn't have someone there to hook up with but because he feels like no one out there can give him something special like we shared.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I wouldn't wait on him. Don't fool yourself into thinking it's the Navy making him act that way...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like a lonely guy needing a lil companionship. I am sure he is uncertain what to do because he is gone all the time and can't give you that much attention. If I were you I would focus on my own life and if he calls, he calls and if he doesn't he doesn't. As for y u got dissed while he was in town you have to realize that he hasn't seen his friends or family in a while so being with them was first priority. Give him a lil space and write him letters telling him that you want to wait for him and see what he says.

  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone's different, but when I was in Navy Boot Camp I wrote my girlfriend every day (we didn't have text messaging back then). She wrote me back as soon sd dhe got my letters.

    The happiest time of my day was when I went to mail call and got a letter from her.

    It sounds like this guy likes you, but that's about all.

  • 1 decade ago

    it's very funny that i'm kind of going through the same thing right now. with a guy in the navy as well. the best thing would be for both of us to move on. but it's harder than it seems. i've tried. i hope it works out for you, hun. i think i'm giving up. if you want to talk, email me.

    Source(s): <3
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think u already know the answer to this question

    stop being naive remember he will tell u what u want to hear if he didnt he wouldnt get what he wanted n they r his friends so i hope u dont really expect them to tell if he was a player

    i dont think he is a player but i dont think he wants to be in a relationship right now either thats y he is keeping that distance from u by that i mean the not calling u talking everyday..

  • -
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Use paragraphs next time so it's easier to read and obviously he isn't using you for sex because it sounds like it only happened once, but I doubt you'll ever have a relationship with him. He's always going to be away so move on.

  • 1 decade ago

    Only intested in the flings

    Source(s): I am a man
  • 1 decade ago

    He is just using you for his convenience don't be a doormat.

  • 1 decade ago

    wow what a novel

  • 1 decade ago

    This is too long! Shorten it

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