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Hillbillys and Redneks?

What is the differences and where did these titles originate

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i think of hillbillies and rednecks who live in the hills and mountains all alone. redneck can be anywhere and are like my neighbor who has a dead pig head staked of his fence and catfish heads hanging from a tree and walks around in his underwear drunk all day without bathing....well maybe thats just trashy!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't believe the two are interchangeable. Hillbillies have a distinct Appalachian culture and history, living in the great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee, etc. The are not necessarily racist and can even be tolerant, but are isolated people who go for days by themselves.

    Rednecks are just as easily found in Las Vegas as they are in a poor trailer park somewhere. Why get down on them because they're poor and dumb? They either never had a lucky break or weren't smart enough to see it when it came by.

    When I was a kid in school, a "redneck" meant a kid who's father was a farmer, and cared more about cows than cars. They were their own group and were nothing to be ashamed of. In those days, two of the small school's Future Farmers of America were Black! Can you believe it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are basically the same except hillbillies are more like people in the mountains. That is obviously where the term hillbilly comes from. These people are usually thought to be more from the areas of the Appalachians in North Carolina, Tennessee, Southeastern Kentucky, and Southwestern Virginia.

    Rednecks can be anywhere, even though they are thought to be more predominant in the south and places in the midwest. The term redneck comes from being a sunburnt farmer.

    However in modern society like I said the terms are now equivalent.

    Source(s): i know how to do the watermelon crawl, boot scootin' boogie, and knows that it gets hoter than a hoochie coochie way down yonder in the chattanhoochee. *shhh*don't tell anyone
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not sure about hillbillys but apparently the term rednecks comes from how they work out in the sun all day, and as they got older, the back of their necks got red, due to all of the sun exposure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    samething it came from the south around the 1800s

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm pretty sure they are the same.

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