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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 1 decade ago


I have a crush on one of my guy friends.

And we're pretty good friends.

And I think he's been showing me signs that he likes me.

Like he always says hi to me and not my friends! And he ignores his own friends even!

And he always likes to talk to me and I swear he looks at me sometimes!

We always talk on MSN and we always laugh.

And today, he was walking with his friend and I was walking with my friend, and when we got closer to them, I saw his friend nudge him from behind!!! And then my guy friend said "Cya" and he said my name but didn't say hi to my friend and his friend said hi to me too.

And also at lunch time, I was happy and motivated for indoor soccer, and then I was skipping around and I did this weird arm pointing thing and they were watching me and smiling!!!

Do you think these are signs???


By the way we talk tons as well even though we aren't in the same class. We talk just about everyday.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer this situation the guy likes you but is to scared to make the first move or at least he is right now....if you really like him give him some signs back, don't leave him hanging....that's if you want the guy to make the first move. If you're a girl that likes to make the first move....only one thing is left....find a time you two can spend alone together away from school.

    Remember "Everything Happens for a Reason"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is coming from a guy.

    I have had many friends who are girls who I have acted the same way to, but had no real desire to date them. I'm not saying I would never have dated them, but I cherished there friendship above anything else. There comes a point where it is really hard to get past the friend level and into the relationship realm. In my opinion, your best bet her is to not try to coax it out of him, but be direct. Ask him to hang out with you sometime, just the two of you, and complement what you like about him and why you enjoy hanging out with him, but come from a more emotional stand point. In other words, rather than just saying he is "funny" or "cool," tell him you enjoy the fact that you can talk to him for hours or tell him that he makes you feel special. If you start making more direct approaches to him and he is really into you, he will come out with it. But do it soon, if you wait to long you might get trapped in the friend zone.

  • 1 decade ago

    because you like him,you might be reading too much into the little things that he could be that he is just comfortable around you but then again on the other side..he might be interested..let him make the first move.DO NOT i repeat DO NOT make the first move or lead him on..he might just get the wrong impression about you

  • 1 decade ago


    and he's proud of it 2 because he points you out to your friends, he says hi and bye, he laughs at ur jokes and u laugh at his, U talk on msn all the time.

    I think he likes u, why don't you ask him??

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think he is

    i like a girl 2 and im trying to give her signes but she dosen't get them


    talk to him about it and maybe ull get together

    GD LUCK !!

  • I would guess he is likely into you, ask him to have lunch, just the Two of you, see what happens.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes the end of times is here! pay attention to the signs!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    yes. he totally wants you. He makes it so obvious. i do that with my boy but the girls cant tell cause we don't make it obvious.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes please n try 2 b urself.... guys lyk simple gurls 2 hang out wid, all de best

  • 1 decade ago

    Did you lose your brain or something, of course they are.

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