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Where is stimulus for people that are financially responsible?

I hear in the news constantly about programs being put in place to help homeowners who are behind on their mortgages. I can totally sympathize with those who have lost jobs, have reduced salaries and higher bills. My anger is more geared toward government and banks.

No one considers those who are making their mortgage payments on time because we were smart enough to read the fine print, ask questions before signing, living within our means and getting a fixed rate loan instead of a too good to be true adjustable rate mortgage. My husbands business has been stalled for a good 8 months (its still very very slow, not enough to meet the bills) and our savings (yes we were smart enough to have a few months of his salary in savings because he's self employed) has dwindled to the point where its getting scary. How come the government is so hellbent on bailing out people that couldn't have made these types of payments in the first place, but signed the papers anyway? I even read some article where the lady said she was "made to sign". To me, that's a load of bull because I've threatened to walk away from a settlement when I didn't get what I was told would be the terms. You've never seen a real estate agent jump so high as when threatened by the prospect of no commission when they were betting on making $5000 off of you! No one put a gun to her head and threatened her with a house if she didn't sign. Anyway, I digress....

Why don't they offer "rewards" to those that aren't losing their homes, who don't carry a huge balance on their credit cards, who spend responsibly and the like?

Its very disheartening and frustrating to hear every day that this or that program is going into place that you don't qualify for unless I decide to consciously stop paying my mortgage, when all your life you've lived within your means and it means nothing at all now.

Am I the only frustrated homeowner that doesn't need a bailout but still feels that there should be a break for us as well? I'm not talking cash. I'm talking maybe two years of half payments, so we can all be on the same track. My financial strength is dwindling. By the time I can qualify for one of these programs, there will be no programs. Or perhaps an incentive to refinance and offering customers such as myself maybe an entire percentage point BELOW whatever their best rate is for not ever coming close to foreclosure. Any one else have any ideas?

I am not a rich person, I have two kids, one in high school and one we're putting through community college (and yes we planned for that as well with a state college fund program when they were in diapers), I just finished putting myself through college and I still don't make over $40K. How is it that I can afford my modest house, still pay everything else on my measly salary and I get no government consideration for any form of incentive to keep doing what I've done for all my life?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I feel like you read my mind. We are a single income family in Long Island, we called to refinance and got the run around for our bank. Why? Because they are helping people who fall behind on their payments. I said "wait, so your telling me that I have to go in the back of the line because our mortgage is on time every month? Maybe if I stopped paying my mortgage then you could help us refinance?"

    It's ridiculous, my husband works very hard so I could stay home, our medical deductible is 8,000 a year. We pay all our bills, don't splurge, we're responsible and get nothing back from the government?

    I feel your pain, I really do. I don't think the government will ever help people who are responsible, why? because as long as we pay our bills, on time, we get lost in a pot of responsible citizens. It's ridiculous and wrong.

    Source(s): me
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Maybe we should take a look at ourselves instead of blaming Bush, China, Or wal mart. Take a close look at the auto industry, You have a major percentage of workers in that industry without a college degree making between 50.00 and 65.00 per an hour. Sorry the only autoworkers I know of that deserve that type of money are putting together ferrari's and lamborghini's. The jobs in america's auto industry are not earned through education they are handed down in families. Another thing to point to would be the housing market, A portion of the blame can go to unscrupulous mortgage lenders using the deregulation to get into positions of folks going way over their income's ability to pay, However a large portion of this was directly due to Clinton/Pelosi and the initiative to put everyone into a home, Thus creating HUGE amounts of toxic paper that the american taxpayer is now responsible for. In closing we as a country cannot compete with china on a raw manufacturing stand technically we can compete but the difference in populous is staggering as they are an emerging economy with a hungry people willing to work for less then even the mexicans come across the border to earn from us. So the answer lies within folks like you will continue to blame the wrong people and throw more checks to those undeserving to receive and unwilling to earn

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I see where you are coming from and you're right, the only thing i see being done for us good people is they added a little bit more to our paycheck, Like $40 for me, so they don't have to give out a stimulus check at the end of the year. I want some help too, but i don't see it happening. The government makes crappy choices.

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