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What is the best legal self-defense tool that you can carry around?

I'm moving to a city to study Medical School and I'm afraid of getting mugged because the city is well below first class and the city is known for its crime rate. Due to reasons of privacy, I am not going to name the city. However, I can reveal that I must go because I have no choice as it's the only school that will offer me financial aid.

Carrying guns and/or knives/switchblades is not only illegal, but also harmful to both people and myself. So I do not wish to own tools of murder. And I only have this summer to learn some self-defense courses, but, with the exception of jujitsu, most of them won't work against a fully armed person, aka people with knives or guns.

I've heard of people recommending pepper sprays or bear sprays. Are there any other better suggestions? I want the tool to be light, concealable, and quick and easy to operate. And most of all, I wish for the tool to be LEGAL.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The problem is that you don't tell us where you're going. That does have an impact on what self defense tools you'll be able to use. While you can pretty much find state laws and sometimes city ordinances concerning the use use of less than lethal technology, sometimes you just have to ask local law enforcement.

    For someone who's concerned about their safety you sure are politically correct about it. I can assure you that muggers, rapists and thugs generally don't fell the same as you on that issue. In their eyes, your convictions just make you more of a target. Do try to understand their mindset, that's the first way in which you learn to protect yourself. Political correctness can engender a sense of superiority and that's the last thing you want to assume in a potentially violent situation. If you understand your enemy and their motivations, you can better predict what they will do and that in turn will suggest strategies for your survival.

    Now once, you've checked the laws on permissible tools you can decide what you want to use. I'd recommend a variety of tools. Personal alarms to distract and deter assailants, pepper spray for stand off value and the ability to engage more than one target and finally, stun guns or Tasers to deal with any opposition that just won't take the hint. Now you could just use one or two of these tools, but if you have overlapping defenses and defenses that complement one another, you really increase the chance that you'll survive an encounter. If you check my blog post on self defense synergy, I go into this in some detail. Anyway, I hope this helps and stay safe out there.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Please don't take this as an insult, but I'm going to be blunt because you need it. The first thing you need to do is educate yourself. The most dangerous people I've ever known -- dangerous to themselves and others -- are those who think they've got everything figured out, they know what is right, etc., when the truth is that they don't have a clue what they are talking about.

    Guns prevent crime and save lives millions of times every year. The fact that criminals ALSO use them to commit crimes doesn't mean that they aren't good tools. In fact, a gun is about the only tool that is going to protect you from someone else who has a knife or gun, and even from many people who have neither.

    Carrying a gun or knife also isn't necessarily illegal. Many people do so illegally, or use them to engage in illegal activities, but it is perfectly ethical (if not legal) for an honest person to carry a gun. We each have a duty and a right to protect innocent human life -- at least our own. Like it or not, a gun is the most effective way to accomplish that.

    If you are worried about being assaulted by someone who has a knife or gun, then you must have something that is as or more intimidating. The guy with the 45 pointed at your head or the knife at your throat isn't going to be very scared by your pepper spray, sound horn, or other nonsense.

    I think one of the best things you could do, since your time is limited, is go take an intensive, multi-week self defense course that isn't caught up in some kind of anti-gun philosophy, but actually is going to teach you about WHAT WORKS in real life. And please, check your a priori (erroneous) notions about weapons... if you care about protecting your life, that is.

    I hate to break it you, but there is no martial art that will "work against a fully armed person." No, not even jujitsu. Most won't even work against an aggressive person who is larger and/or more aggressive than you.

    Also, if your first concern is being "legal," then you are most likely going to find yourself "legally" assaulted, robbed, raped or murdered. As in "legally dead." Welcome to reality and adulthood. Legal or not doesn't mean squat when your life is on the line. Probably half of the laws in this country are arbitrary BS in the first place. You need to focus on doing what is right and ethical, whether it is legal or not. You also need to recognize that you can do everything "legal," and still find yourself dead or in jail because your attacker will claim that you assaulted him with your pretty little mace canister.

    Life is tough. You need to be tougher.

    Good luck, and stay safe.

    Source(s): I am a self defense instructor, and have been in martial arts for 30 years.
  • 1 decade ago

    Your best defense is good common sense. Avoid being alone in areas that are known for mugging activity, and don't carry a lot of cash around. Don't carry irreplaceable ID or cards that you do not need to carry around, and stay in well lit areas. Cities are like anywhere else. There are places you can go and places you should avoid. carrying sprays or batons or any other such device is generally going to make you a more likely target because you will look like you are trying to avoid a confrontation. If you are actually mugged, offer your wallet, with a few dollars in it, drop it and run away. Most muggers want money, not a lot of noise or trouble.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It really depends on the state and their laws about concealed carry. But to be safe, I would limit things to pepper spray. Even a tazer is illegal in some states. One thing I can suggest along with the pepper spray though, is carry your keys in your hand with the biggest key protruding between your fingers. Use it as a cutting weapon if attacked. You would be amazed at the damage a key can do. And you can't be busted for carrying an illegal weapon.

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  • Pascha
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Pepper spray and your key are probably the best choices. A whistle might also work in some situations to attract attention, or some other sort of loud siren if they make something like that.

    Also, always be aware who is behind you, do not walk to close to buildings where someone can jump out, and have your key ready to use before you get to your building so that you will not be in your vestibule looking for it when a mugger rushes in after you.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Technically, a weapon is anything used to instill fear in another person or to harm them in any way. So I'm assuming you're asking for something legal to be in possession of? I don't know where the hell in Canada you live (I live in Vancouver BC) but everywhere else lets you carry around the things you've listed (including snowballs). ANYWAY Just carry around large rocks if you wanna stay super suspicion-free

  • 1 decade ago

    honestly, if you are getting mugged, just hand over the money. I don't want to speak for you, but I think most people when they are confronted tend to freeze up.

    Whatever weapon you have is useless unless you are trained to be know how to react appropriately, which I don't think most people are.

    I live in a college town notorious for violent crime (college park) btw, and I always keep a fake wallet with $40 and some fake club cards so that I can give that up without losing my credit card or my IDs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pepper sprays are not only legal in most states, but they are HIGHLY effective, lightweight, and very concealable. The best thing about them is that they generally don't do any kind of permanent or extreme harm, and therefore the user is unlikely to face any criminal charges or lawsuits for their use.

    Really though, the best weapon is awareness. Awareness of your surroundings, of who's nearby, etc. Being aware and carrying yourself with confidence is the best way to avoid being victimized.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pepper spray works great, but you can also carry a small device that has a shrill alarm to it. I do not know what it is called though. Bst of luck on your studies. I know having this to worry about will make it difficult! I will keep you in my prayers.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you should contact the police, or victims assistance organization of the City itself, because laws vary by jurisdiction.

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