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Tell me something intriguing I might not already know about American History.?

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    .During the term of Woodrow Wilson, he singed into effect a law that prohibited any hateful or disrespectful speech against the government.It was implace for a while but was eventually overturned.

    .At one point during the nation's infancy; the largest distributor of alcohol was George Washington.

    .There were two Boston tea parties.The original and most known, plus another the next year.

    Source(s): History Channel
  • 5 years ago

    History is biased, you'll hear emphasis on every bad turn in history with different books and historians. It all comes down to how the individual analyzes the event and how they think of it because there is not a single event that can be called the worst of the worst. In my opinion, what makes an event one of the worse is what happens in the event (obviously) but also the aftermath (consequences and benefits) For instance the Holocaust, if it were not for that event, we would not have had the Nuremberg Trials and coin the term 'genocide' and make it into a crime. So clearly yes, all those Jews dying made it an ugly mark in history, but in terms of the impact of the future, I find it has helped mankind. But I shall not speak further upon the Holocaust for I know someone will comment back vehemently to my comment otherwise. In my opinion, one of the worse events in History would be when Nero burned down the Colosseum. Yes, way back when during the emperors of Rome. My case in this is because during this time, Christianity was a cult, hardly a religion. Nero used the Christians as the scapegoat and accused them of the debacle of the Colosseum. It was just one of the most earliest and gruesome persecutions and a turning point in religious history. I also believe that this event is the worse because it set Christianity on a course to become one of the world's most common religions. Thus, it created gruesome consequences, such as the political turmoils England has suffered (with what the Protestants and Catholics and the Crusades). However, I don't find it the worse. Anyone can argue back things like the World Wars (although I see much benefit from them because of weapons technology advancement), Cold War, Slavery throughout history etc. etc. It really is a very general question and up to the opinion of the individual. ^^ (Although between Holocaust and slavery, I'd say Slavery, because slavery took the whole 'subhumans' thing to the next level. Jews were just denounced by Germans and killed. Africans were chained, forced into labour up to the point that it was cheaper to buy a new slave then to have him recover, AND flogged, beaten, and killed for no just reason, and started since the bloom of colonialism. Then even after slavery ended, there was prejudice and extreme racism towards Africans which wasn't attended to until after our Civil War, and even now lingers).

  • Like Ronnie said

    the olders and elderly as they die out take with them the reality and all that is left is what is written, and it is constantly being altered

    I remember being told by one who knew, that native americans, or Indians or First Nations what ever the political name is now.

    They were Indians at one time, the males did not have facial hair, they were smooth skinned and the mixing of the blood caused the mutation when the foreigners came in and took natives for spouses.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Most of the History you read in school has been doctored by the Spins (American Icons)

    If you want to read the truth may I suggest a great book by

    Dr. Beabear Penickle with Excerpts and Photos by Violet Ater-Smythe called

    'We Found This Stuff Out'

    Rare but available

    I hope this helped

    try e-bay


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  • 1 decade ago

    Modern history:

    US Money supply has trebled in the last 5 months.

    It shot up from 6% to 18% in 2006, the year George Bush stopped publishing the M3 figures.

    JFK had ordered US Treasury printing of dollars (under the control of the US government, not the private Fed) 3 months or so before he was assassinated.

    He was clearly shot from the front - most people do not believe the evidence of their own eyes, but when a bullet hits from the back (Oswalds direction) the head is thrown FORWARDS, not backwards... video evidence also shows his Secret Service detail ordered to withdraw (in confusion - it's not usual!) seconds before he gets shot.

    Woodrow Wilson said this on his deathbed:

    "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

  • 1 decade ago

    Canada (well, the British fighting through Canada) is the only nation to wage war with the U.S. on American soil and win.

    It was in the War of 1812. Not only did Canada capture a good deal of American soil (including most of Michigan), we also burned down the old presidential mansion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Prohibition increases consumption, education decreases.

    Discovered with alcohol, drugs whatever.

    If you dislike your daughter's boyfriend ... guess what.

    The forgotten white slaves. The potato famine, immigration, and cheapest of cheap labor.

    Wherever there were slaves, there were first indentured servants. For their creditors they were a better deal with no responsibility for property, and they wouldn't run off (no where to go), and they didn't have to search for, capture and transport them. Europe would sell it's prisoners as indentured servants to the colonies. Along with the Irish (who came out of desperation) they'd be used & abused in non skilled intensive labor tasks as canal building, forestry, farming.

    Australia (during the same period) was intimately familiar with this as well.

    Some sources say existed in Ohio until 1881. A change in syntax and they became sharecroppers.

    There is no appreciable difference in treatment between the three names.

  • 1 decade ago

    General Benedict Arnold was an American Hero before he became an American Traitor

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Knights Templars reached America long before Columbus. The templar chapel at Rosslyn was completed long before Columbus reached the Americas and contains carvings of plants such as corn that are found only in the Americas.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In 1859, America had it's own Emperor, Joshua Norton, a citizen of San Francisco. His title was "Emperor of these United States, and Protector of Mexico. He issued his own currency, which was honoured by the Cities Merchants, Proclaimed that Congress should be dissolved, (a decree which was conveniently ignored by congress) He even had the San Franciscan Police Force, salute him in the street, whenever he passed.

    and when he died in 1880, 30000 people took to the streets to honour him.

    Source(s): "At the peremptory request and desire of a large majority of the citizens of these United States, I, Joshua Norton, formerly of Algoa Bay, Cape of Good Hope, and now for the last 9 years and 10 months past of S. F., Cal., declare and proclaim myself Emperor of these U. S.; and in virtue of the authority thereby in me vested, do hereby order and direct the representatives of the different States of the Union to assemble in Musical Hall, of this city, on the 1st day of Feb. next, then and there to make such alterations in the existing laws of the Union as may ameliorate the evils under which the country is laboring, and thereby cause confidence to exist, both at home and abroad, in our stability and integrity."
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