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L1t1g8r asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Pitbulls. Michael Vick's release from jail has me thinking,?

what responsibility do the dogs bear in this mess. These dogs are bred to be killers. They have no acceptable use in a civilized society. Don't get me wrong, I don't think they should be slaughtered, just in a zoo with other wild animals. Although no one really would want to visit a pit bull exhibit.


It makes no difference that they are bred to fight DOGs and not people. They would just as soon chew the face off a toddler as a poodle.

Update 2:

Brit -- Some lions have never attacked people, I still wouldn't have one in the house with my kids.

Update 3:

C'mon people, why aren't pit bulls responsible for their behavior? Two things: One - If 80% of them eat babies, sorry for the 20% good dogs, but you all have to go down, and "B"- If you own a pit bull, there is an 80% chance you are a drug dealer.

Update 4:

Launi -- no need to yell. I have never heard of any "dogtown", but if such a thing exists, we should send all pit bulls there. they can chase all the skateboarders.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    About your comment that they should be in a zoo. Here is a quote for you

    **The wild, cruel animal is not behind the bars of the cage. He is in

    front of it." - Joaquin Phoenix

  • 1 decade ago

    Pit bulls are not bred to be killers, they are bred to do whatever it takes to please their masters. There was a documentary about a man who openly bred pit bulls to be fighters. Do you know what he said? He said it takes 6-12 litters to produce one American pit bull that will be a decent fighter. The average number of puppies in a pit bull litter is 10, so in other words, 1 out of 60-120 puppies will turn out to be naturally aggressive.

    A good percentage of those puppies that are not aggressive end up becoming "bait dogs". They refuse to defend themselves, won't fight back, and if are luck enough to be rescued, make for excellent family dogs, passing the behavioral tests with an average 87%, higher then golden retrievers. The other puppies are usually sold off to other ruthless individuals, more abandoned, left starving.

    There are over 20 breeds of dogs that fall into the "pit bull" category. When bite statistics come out, they are the only dogs grouped together, while all other breeds are grouped separately. So if you take the pit bull bite stats, you need to divide the stats by at least 20. That right there will give you a much better estimate, BY BREED, on the dog bite.

    The problem with all these attacks, is the owners, not the dogs. Most dogs that have attacked have been kept tethered, which makes a dog 3.5 times more likely to bite, not socialized with children, other adults, and animals, again, being unfamiliar causes fear, under exercised, causing frustration, not trained, and most importantly, has an owner that cannot handle the dog. This is true with any breed.

    Take the border collie for instance. Many people ignorantly get border collies, yet, though being a working dog, do not train, work, or exercise the dog properly. This leads to frustration, and many of them end up destroying property and end up in shelters.

    My friend breed American Pit Bull Terriers. In fact, he is a fourth generation breeder. None of the dogs, in the 80 years or so of breeding in his family, have yet to be destroyed due to aggression. In fact, when he and his girlfriend had a baby, the first thing his breeding ***** did was present her belly and started lactating for the baby.

    My cousins both have APBT and both dogs go to hospitals and nursing homes to visit the sick and elderly. Not once did they lunge, not once did they show aggression, and not once have they bitten anyone.

    Please do proper research before condemning such animals. In relation to the shear number of the dogs, very few actually attack. I understand your fear if you or a loved on has been attacked, however, just because one dog attacked you, doesn't mean another will. I have no ill will towards cocker spaniels, even though Kim bit me and Kim's owner had to snap her neck while she latched onto a neighbor, not long after I was attacked. The neighbor ended up with extensive leg injuries, needing surgeries and physical therapy. Do I resent cocker spaniels? No, I resent Kim's drunken owner.

  • 1 decade ago

    What is your point to this comment? That you agree with Vick or dont? It doesnt make any sense? You dont seem to familiar with Pits to begin with therefore should really not be commenting. I have 2 pits and they have NO Agression to other dogs OR PEOPLE for that matter, its not always about breed but how they are raised. You can raise a poodle to mean if you wanted to so it doesnt have to do with breed so much as it does with what kind of life style the dog grows up in. Like i said i have 2 that are very friendly we have big and small children and other pets (dogs and cats) and ours are wonderful. They love the everyone and everything. I live in VA and i was actually one of the people who tried to get one of those dogs bc alot of them were rehabilitated and are now living with with familys that are connected to the shelters and the counties these dogs were sent to and they are doing wonderfully. And to answer the question i think you asked is the dogs bear NO responsibility to the mess they were put in. They were trained to do something and did just that, Fight. My advice is you should look up American pit bull terrior and read up on their history and background and then maybe you will understand YOUR concerns or thoughts or whatever they are a little more.

  • 1 decade ago

    Too bad there are SO many NARROW MINDED, CLUELESS, IGNORANT people out there that give Pitbulls such a bad rep. Dogs ALL DOGS, are only as mean and vicious as their masters make them. IF you notice, the tan dog on the left is a Pit/Lab mix, and she is THE BEST DOG I HAVE EVER OWNED. I have a 4 year old grandson who since he was 1 1/2 years old has been around her all the time. He even bit her on the nose and made her whelp, and all she did was lick him and walk away. She basically lives in the house with my 4 cats, and the other dog, and she is afraid of the cats. She is the most loving dog, only thing I have trouble with is her always jumping up on people to lick them, and she has sharp claws. Please get informed before you down Pitbulls.

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  • 1 decade ago

    sounds like you want to ban all dogs because everyone knows any breed of dogs from to chihuahuas to pit bulls can become aggressive if raised the wrong way. a couple years back a pomeranian ate a babies fingers off... should we ban that breed to. any type of animals behavior depends on the way its raised. people have such problems with pits, rottweilers, dobermans, german shepards...ect... but people like you need to realize the problem is in irresponsible owners and ignorant people like you.

  • 1 decade ago


    Pitbulls are actually misunderstood dogs. Their full name is the American Pit Bull Terrier. Pit Bulls are used to classify many dogs such as the Bull Terrier(very silly and cute dogs), Staffordshire Bull terrier... etc. They don't have locking jaws or a mind just for killing. They're just like any other dog. They have acquired such a bad reputation because many "bad" people decided to use this breed of dog for fighting. On the ATTS (American Temperament Test Society), pit bulls scored a 85.32%, while the beloved Golden Retriever scored 84.6%. Still not convinced they're unacceptable? Many famous people in the world has had pit bulls: Steve Irwin, Hellen Keller, Theodore Roosevelt , Jessica Alba, Pink, Orlando Bloom, etc. Every year ( based on american stats) Cigarettes kill 440,000 people, Cars kill 42, 366 people, 2nd hand smoking kills 35,000 people, Guns kill 29,338 people and Pit bulls kill 3 people. Which would YOU ban? (I have the picture saved on my computer, you can ask me to send it to you if you'd like to see proof)

    The real pit bull: a breed that is loyal to friends and family, and friendly to strangers. People have been known to be afraid of them because of their bad reputations. Nonetheless, an american pit bull terrier can be a very congenial pet. Proper training can make the dog obedient and have a high desire to please. Without proper guidance, though, the breed can become dominant and destructive. (also has a high prey drive, but many dogs do)

    In our society, we learn to accept people for who they are. Why can’t we accept pit bulls the way they are, despite its misunderstood history? Hopefully, one day, the pit bull will be thought of in a new way, and can walk proudly with dignity.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Wow are you way off, uneducated about Pit Bulls and ignorant. You are the perfect example, of why some people UNFAIRLY, give Pit Bulls a bad name. I've never had a problem with Pit Bulls. I run into Pit Bulls all the time in the neighborhood I live in, because they are legal here. I have NEVER run into an aggressive Pit Bull. Every Pit Bull I've come across has always been very, very friendly. Before you come on here acting like you know everything, try educating yourself on the Real Truth about Pit Bulls. I put you in the same pathetic category as Michael Vick!

    ADD: Where in the world do you get your information from? Do you want to explain how you think that 80% of Pit Bull owners are drug abusers?

  • 1. There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.

    2. With proper training and rehabilitation, they could have a number of acceptable uses in a civilized society.

    3. Dogs are not wild animals and serve no place in a zoo. They are pack animals and deserve to be treated as part of a family.

    What the heck are you even asking, though?

  • 1 decade ago

    I saw a show on animal planet where the worse of the dogs were taken and retrained and all of them ended up with great, loving attitudes. I wish I could remember the name of the show, dog town or something. But the people always get dogs with issues and they retrain them and find new homes or keep them if they can't be rehabilitated. If you don't want a dog for any reason don't get it,leave that to people that do and can handle it. Any dog has the possibility of harming a child/adult.

  • 1 decade ago

    You really need to do your homework as you have it all wrong.Maybe if you watched the special on this case you would be more informative.These dogs have been adopted out and have done wonderfully,these dogs were trained not bred to fight other dogs..They are rehabilitated and that will go to show you that this can be done..These dogs never stood a chance in Vicks care as many were found buried on the property as they were killed because they did'nt win the fight.These dogs deserved a 2nd chance and they got it and now are in loving what the heck is your argument..

  • 1 decade ago

    They werent bred intentionally as fighters.

    Pits can be just as loving as any other dog.

    Its like a sterotype for them.

    The way I see it, if you dont like pits, dont own one.

    Everyone has an opinion on different dogs.

    But most of the time they dont know half of anything about the breed.

    I bet if you owned a pit, and raised it to be the way you wanted it, you would love the breed like any other.

    People made them the way they are. And like I said, they arent all fighters.

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