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7 seater car good/bad points? Australia?

We need to replace our kia carnival (Mechanical probs) with another 7 seater (Large family).

Any one with with good or bad points on other models?



A large family - 4 children

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have a ford Territory, I don't like fords but with a big family it is really good and roomy.

  • 5 years ago

    The Ford Flex is a nice car for what it is, especially if you need 7 passenger seating. It gets about the same mileage as a minivan but isn't quite as boring to drive or to look at. They aren't ridiculously expensive (they start at under $29K for a front-drive model), but "I don't have much cash" is relative I guess. If you want to spend a couple thousand less you can get a decent Honda Odyssey, Toyota Sienna, or Dodge Grand Caravan too - minivans are practical if not exciting. You can always finance them with little money down if financing is an option for you and you want something new without having tons of cash to put down. If you're looking used to spend significantly less money, I'd go find an older Honda Odyssey, Toyota Sienna, or even a Kia Sedona minivan (depending on the age the Kia might still have quite a bit of its 100,000/10 year warranty remaining).

  • 7seaters are great for space, but if you don't NEED all those seats you should consider downsizing, it's amazing how much better gas mileage you get with a slightly smaller car. Other than that, stick with foreign, (Nissan, Honda, Kia... and the like) they run longer than American cars do

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you should get a suburban, it can seat upto 8 and sometimes even 9. that way, if you have guests it will make it easy too. my family has a suburban and it's a really good car =]

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