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If we could "cure" gayness by finding and fixing some genetic defect, should we?

And, if the "cure" could work on adults, would you gays want to be "fixed" and have our current lives turned upside down?


Lighten up sweeties, I didn't say it was a disease or a problem, which is why "cure" and "fix" are in quotes. And no one is addressing the genetic modification in the womb issue.

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good question.

    Well, honestly, there are a lot of times where I wish I had something like this or just was never gay in the first place. I think a lot more people feel that way they just don't want to say it because they are too proud. But, it's normal to want to be "normal." I'm not saying it's a disease or problem either but I've thought about it a lot. I ask myself,

    "what if I was just straight?" and I think about how I would be different and there are somethings that appeal to me. It's just easier. But, when it comes down too it I don't think i would take it. It would be a hard decision for me though. But in the end I think I'm a better person for having gone thru this and I think I know myself a lot better because of all the self-searching and thinking ive done. To just "fix" myself like that would definitely turn my world upside-down and erase a lot of hard work. So, to answer your question, I don't think we should if there ever is a "cure" developed. We are who we are and I think we should just accept it and love ourselves and others for it. Besides, once we "cure" homosexuality what comes next?? it's a scary thought.

  • Sweetie, why don't we look for a "cure" or a "fix" for stupidity or dumbfounded people Cause I think if we could find a "cure" or a "fix" for dumb people and immature and just childish people maybe we can "fix" or "cure" them at birth.. Also If we find a "cure" or a "fix" for adult stupidity and childishness than would you be will to take it??? And btw don't tell me to lighten up cause I totally don't get offended by people that don't even use 1/4 of their brains...

    EDIT: btw always for love or whatever ur name is the blackwhite photo the one that wishes he was never gay.. Umm just out of curiousity can u please explain to me what "normal" is.. Cause for instance let me use a celebrity for ex. say britney spears her life is very "normal" to her, cause she lives it everyday and has been doing that forever. She records music and performs... Now say a woman who works a 9-5 job and is raising 3 kids and barely gets by.. Her life is also very "normal" to her.. So you can see those ex. show that two different people live completely opposite lifestyles but they are very "normal" to them both... So again What is normal.. And No I have never been to proud of anything, I am just very comfortable with whom I am and I hold my head up high and I don't let anyone bring me down. Or even try to.. Cause I know where my heart stands with a greater power.... good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well no, and some yes, well it depends on the person, some gay people have the best up bringing anyone could wish for, and some get thown out of their homes and beaten, you see if that was possible they could cure all the people who are born with Bipolar, and other genetic orders, but gay people don't need a cure.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it would be the individual´s choice (and there would be people who would gladly accept it, while others would be furious) but personally I find the world more interesting WITH gay people.

    Mind you, is this offensive to you?

    If we could "cure" religion by finding and fixing some genetic defect, should we?

    If we could "cure" being black by finding and fixing some genetic defect, should we?

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  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, homosexuality is not a defect. Genetic links found so far point to fertility factors in females. Therefore, you must want to cure overpopulation at the same time, but gay couples have a tendency to do that anyway.

    I wish a cure for intolerance is found.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think so. Most gays do not want to be "fixed". And what about bisexuals? They still are attracted to the opposite sex at the same time, so would you want to "fix" them as well? Even if it was something that was found to be possible, I don't think it should be used. People have a right to be who they are without the government forcing them to be one certain way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    No we shouldn't. There is nothing to be fixed. I learned and still am learning a lot about being gay. It helps to show the world how to celebrate diversity, and it taught me how to accept myself whether people are against me or not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    nope not at all! i mean if the person hates being gay and their very depressed because of it or something, then id say go for it! but overall i think we should find a cure for ingorant jerks instead! dont you agree? :D

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you serious? i don't need fixing or curing and even if they had something that could make me straight i would NEVER want to be.

    just look at you, why would i want to be like that? Gross!

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