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The Sharks are toast but was it planned?

We all know that the NRL think there are too many teams in Sydney and that they want a team on the Central Coast. We also know that the Daily Telegraph is the propaganda arm of the NRL.

When the Greg Bird incident broke it was in the Daily Telegraph every day for over 2 weeks and they really whipped up a negative vibe for the Sharks and their sponsors. Same thing with the Matt Johns saga, front page coverage that just went on and on and on. More negative sentiment against the Sharks and more pressure on their sponsors. Now we have the assault allegations against Tony Zappia from 10 months ago and talk of sex toys being distributed to the players. The sharks sponsors can't get away from the club quick enough. Contrast all this with the response to the sexual assault charges laid against Brett Stewart. It hardly rated a mention and Stewart hasn't been pursued by the press like Greg Bird was prior to his trial. Neither has the Manly Club

I know the Sharks have been their own worst enemies but these things always seen to surface just as they look to be getting on top of their problems and once they are out there true or not they can't be taken back.

Do you think it has been a conspiracy to get rid of the Sharks or just really, really, really bad luck and stupidity? Surely they can't be the only club with skeletons in their closet?


Knights 09 - Agreed the NRL would be taking a risk with this type of strategy but any problems could easily be addressed. All they have to do is say that yes, the Sharks were a problem but we fixed the problem by getting rid of the club. Also I feel that there may be a hint of payback for the Super League debacle where the Sharks were on of the first clubs to jump ship.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You've made some good points but I wouldn't even begin to think it was planned. Its true the media has swarmed the NRL, but I dont think the NRL would tell the Daily Telegraph to cause so much drama for the game, it puts a bad name against Rugby League, and I dont think they would take the chance to turn sponsors away from Cronulla when they have a bigger risk of losing fans and other sponsors of Rugby League in general and worsen NRL's name even more. I blame the few stupid players first and the media second for the Sharks slump, hope they can turn things around before they lose LG for good and get dropped from the comp, I'd like to see them stay.

  • 1 decade ago

    The club is imploding. In clubs where the employees care about each other, the media is shut down and managed well. As you mentioned, Manly had a brief moment in the sun, but they've closed ranks and with no leaks to sustain the media, the well has run dry.

    At the Sharks, the story is completely different. There are former employees and players willing to sell out the Sharks to the media and as a result there is steady stream of drama for the media to feed on. The players don't feel any loyalty to the club, given how Bird and Tevita Latu were immediately thrown to the media, rather than dealt with in house.

    It's not really bad luck, it is poor corporate discipline and a no trust culture within the organisation. I'm sure most clubs have plenty of skeletons in the closet, but at the moment, the Sharks are the only ones giving the media the keys.

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't think it was a conspiracy ie planned - but i agree it's deeply opportunistic. And, clearly, largely from enemies inside the club (cos that's where the leaks are coming from).

    the boss is a joke, the finances are wrecked, the coach is a psycho and the central coast proposal was an insult. the fans and players have been let down and the club needs a clean-out.

    btw, the brett stewart comparison is unfair: manly could be filmed eating babies and they'd still get good press.

    i haven't seen anything more disturbing than the brett stewart coverage - his "victory lap" and sarah murdoch's love-you testimonial while the girl and her family are in hiding... totally sick-making.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Absolute Conspiracy Mate!!!

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Knights 09 answer is brilliant.

    I agree with him.

  • 1 decade ago

    excellent point excellent your right on the money , I STOPED BUYING THE TELLE LONG TIME AGO

  • 1 decade ago

    Only if it were amongst themselves

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