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Kip's Mom asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

If there really is a dog overpopulation problem...?

then why are 50% of the dogs in my local shelter imported from Louisiana, which in addition to being in a foreign country, is over 1300 miles away?

I see on here how my buying a dog from a responsible breeder apparently resulted in a shelter dog being killed (although that doesn't take into account that the breeds in my local shelter are not suitable for me, being mostly poorly-bred lab mixes), but really, is there an overpopulation problem?? Or is it simply a problem in certain areas??


Ella - then explain to me why my shelter has to *import* dogs??

Update 2:

Who says? Questions like this one:;_ylt=Ag...

Similar questions are asked daily, and many questions about buying from a breeder are answered with "buying means a shelter dog is killed".

Again, why do certain shelters have to import dogs if there is an overpopulation problem??

Update 3:

Not suitable for me isn't being picky - it's about knowing what breeds suit me and my lifestyle. One of the reasons so many dogs are abandoned is because people *don't* know what the breed is actually like - so no dog of mine would ever end up in a shelter because I would never get an unsuitable breed in the first place!!

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think there is still a big problem and certain areas have been hit the hardest. The shelters in my areas are packed and are working non stop to find foster homes and good homes.

    There is no excuse in the fact that LA has still done nothing about the dogs since Katrina. But seeing that they have done little or nothing for the people I don't know why I am surprised...sore subject with me since I was there for 6 weeks after the hurricane rescuing animals.

    Your shelter probably has some sort of contract with the SPCA or humane society but it is unfair to all concerned.

    I have seen answers that buying a purebreed kills a shelter dog but I still see no correlation in the two.

    People should have the right to buy a dog that was bred for a purpose or one that has been bred by a responsible breeder.

  • 1 decade ago

    8 million dogs are euthanized a year. 2 million of those are puppies under 4 months old. Each state has the statistics on all the shelters. How many they take in and how many are adopted. most rural shelters have less then a 2% adoption rate. that means 98% are put down. for nothing more then the fact that they are too many of them.

    Shelters in areas of higher adoption rates will assist shelters in other areas. I work with a rescue and we get our dogs from much further away because that is the area in most need of help. Local shelters do well with adoptions. (at least in my area)

    "Not suitable for you" why do you have such high standards? If your child came out not being "suitable" for you would you pass it by and ask for another one to be made?

    what would be a poorly breed lab mix? one that doesn't look like the lab you want? Mutts have been proven to be more healthy and well ajusted then pure breed dogs.

    On petfinder right now you can find thousands of Labs. Lab mixes. I'm sure you would find at least one that fills your need.

    To answer your question. It is an adsolutely awful problem that is getting worst every day!

    Even "pure breed" dogs are in shelters. Owners changing their minds after the cute puppy isn't a puppy any more, people losing their homes, having to choice between feeding their children or keeping the family pet.

    many areas euthanize the mom before she has her litter because it's the most cost effect way. Pups born in a shelter with little medical attention can become very ill and suffer. even very healthy pups live their short lives without a home... never given even a name.

    YES... it's a huge problem!

    Please take a look at There are so many pups looking for love.

    Source(s): Foster mom to many rescued dogs and pups
  • 1 decade ago

    I have never said that - I think that people should be able to buy a dog, if thats what they want.

    However, in my area, you can easily find purebred dogs in shelters and rescues. From talking to people around the country, I would say that is true in most areas. My rat terrier has papers, and I got him from a general rescue. There are also many specific breed rescues - I was a foster home for Sheltie Rescue for a few years.

    And there is definitely a problem, here, with dogs who need homes. I foster for a no kill shelter, and there is always a waiting list to get in.

    Given a choice between saving a dog who might be put down, and buying a dog who might look a little better, or be in better condition, I will always choose to save the dog. But thats just me. :o)

    Source(s): lots o dogs
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, there really is an overpopulation of dogs and cats!! Your shelter probably takes in animals from other places because they are not full like others. At my shelter they have 500 dog capicty and regularly reach max plus 200 because they are not aloud to turn away animals. Another good fact to know is that those 'poorly bred lab mixes' you speak of (and all other mixed breeds) are generally are of better health than pure bred dogs. You should go volunteer at your local shelter. Ask questions about how many dogs they put down a day. Go in the euthanasia room and i hope you think twice about buying and breeding dogs because really there are tooo many animals suffering in the world. People should educate themselves on dog breed but not all dogs follow breed guidlines remember. I hope you really do get to go to a shelter. It's eye opening.


    Good luck.

    Source(s): i'm a CVT and during school all our labs were done at shelters. you wouldn't believe how many sweet dogs are there. before anyone buys from a breeder they should just go look at the shelter!
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because apparently Louisiana has a worse overpopulation problem than where you live (maybe it's hurricane related). It's not unusual for shelters to import dogs to a market where they can find them homes.

    There is a huge overpopulation problem, as others have said thousands of dogs are killed every day.

    There's also nothing "better" about a purebred, which is something I can confirm having worked with a couple hundred dogs. I find it impossible to believe all shelter dogs were unsuitable for you by the way, it sounds like you're trying to reverse justify your buying of a purebred. I've seen a lot of "poorly bred lab mixes" that put purebred labs to shame intelligence-wise.

  • 1 decade ago

    who said buying from a reputable breeder (one who puts you on a waiting list for a dog, doesn't advertise the pups after they are born, does all genetic testing prior to breeding, shows or works their dogs, can show you at least 5 generations of the dogs lines...etc) kills a shelter dog? I cannot think of anyone who has said that.

    It is a huge problem in our country. There are more puppies born a day than human babies. There will never, ever be enough homes. 10,000 pets are being killed today. Is that seen as a problem?

    I have seen happy, healthy pets euthanized. I have seen entire litters of puppies euthanized. I have seen pregnant bitches euthanized. I have seen throw away mommas euthanized. (the owner breeds the dog, sells the pups, dumps the dog) That is a huge problem to me.

    Many areas have pure breed rescues you can seek out. Try and enter the breed you seek. Also many shelters have volunteer transport to bring a specific dog to you in order to save a life. This is especially done in high kill areas, such as the south and midwest.

    In the US, people bring dogs in from other countries. Many other countries have a high population of street dogs, that continue populating over and over again, where the dogs are treated harshly by humans and often freeze or starve to death.

    Edit to add: I don't believe that was the point of that question. They never mentioned if they were referring to ethical breeders or not, just "breeders" and BYBs and mills fall into this category.

    If dogs need to be transported to different areas, that just means that the original area they were from are even more overwhelmed. Like I said, the midwest and the south are notoriously more crowded than other areas of the USA. Not only do less people neuter down there, but less people also donate to shelters so there is much less funding.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're in... Canada? [according to the bottom of the page that says "this question was originally asked in.."]

    I've never been to Canada, but perhaps you don't have as many dogs as the USA? That would be my guess as to why your shelter imported.

    Usually the ones that mention about a shelter dog being euthanized, are the ones that hate *everyone* that breeds - regardless of whether or not they have homes lined up for years.

    You could always ask your shelter about why they import. They could just have a very close connection with the other shelter in Louisiana; and if the dog isn't being adopted down there - they might wish to ship it up to Canada in case it has a better chance.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The shelter might be importing because the shelter that are exporting has an over population and your shelter has room.

    And if there is a certain breed you want, there is nothing wrong with buying from a breeder, as long as it is reputable.

    Hope I helped :D

  • 1 decade ago

    I know it's a big problem in the United States, I'm not sure about Canada (I assume you are in Canada, since the question says it was asked in Y!A Canada).

    There's a much larger problem with cats than there is dogs, but shelters around me are always filled to the brim with shelter dogs. People are constantly giving dogs up. And I'm in KS--obviously LA has an even larger problem if they are having to send dogs all the way to Canada in hopes that they will find homes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there's overpopulation problems EVERYWHERE-

    some areas are just more severe than others.

    a good friend of mine did rescue work in Louisiana during Katrina.

    the amount of unaltered pets who could not be found was phenominal. it's led to a lot of strays giving birth, so there are dogs without owners just breeding. the ACOs are trying to get them all speutered, but it's a big job.

    distasters like that usually make things worse.

    plus.... and i hate to say it....

    the higher concentration of uneducated folk with no idea about responsible breeding practices doesn't help...

    shelters are importing dogs because they have room- and other shelters are out of room- badly out of room.

    i ALWAYS encourage people to adopt- if all they want is a nice pet. but if someone KNOWS what they want, and plan to go to an ethical, reputable, responsible breeder, i'd never stand in their way.

    Source(s): ADD:::::::::::::::: if it sounds like the prospective "breeder" pup is from a BYB or a mill, i ALWAYS give the line about "killing the shelter dog"
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