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V asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 1 decade ago

Help! My 11 year old sneaks and eats, and is severly overweight because of it. What should I do to help?

She's tall and has always been on the heavier side. Her father's probably 260lbs. Her weight is growing at a rapid rate, and in opposition to the workouts I have her do 2-3

times a week, she eats the meals I cook then eats over and over and over again. From fear of being told to put something back, she sneaks and hides and eats, wakes up early and through the night and eats, and will deny that she ate something up, when it is obviously gone. I've tried talking to her and the doctor's told us she needs to lose some weight, but I haven't found a gym that will accept a child her age. I really think she has an eating/self-image disorder and needs some help. Whats a mom to do? Counseling? Medical Weight-loss? WHAT???


I cant lock up the fridge, my mom and sis loss their jobs and live with me now too, my mom is overweight and gives her anything she wants. this desire to control her destiny and her weight has to come from within

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    For gosh sakes, just have healthy food home.

    Get rid of the junk and let her snack on celery , vegetables

    and whole grains.

    You don't have to be a rock scientist to figure this out, just watch Oprah

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you asked her why she sneaks and eats? Sometimes it's not just body image or because she likes food, it's fairly rare but, she could have a metabolic disorder. If she says she is always hungry, I would head to a specialist who deals with metabolic disorders. If the specialist doesn't find anything, I would then consult a weight lost/management consultant.

    You should also consider other possibilities, she could be using food as an emotional outlet. How do the other kids at treat her? How are her grades? How is her relationship with other members of the family? Does she feel lonely or depressed?

    I don't think she's eating like that just because she likes food or has poor self esteem. I really think it's something more.

  • 1 decade ago

    well I am not a doctor but it sounds like she may be an emotional eater. Its a type of eating disorder. Opposite starving herself. She may find a good amount of comfort in food. I think the best way to handle this is to talk to a pro. If you are constantly telling her not to eat things it will make her want it even more. You always want what you can't have. And she will resent you for it. So I think for right now the best thing you can do is set up a menu and schedule for her. Sit down with her and create a menu and a time when she will be eating. Try doing 3 regular meals. Bfast lunch dinner and in between bfast have a snack, after lunch have a snack and after dinner have a snack. I wouldn't force her into anything right now. I would take her to the doctors and get her checked out and make sure she is healthy. But you sound like a great mom!!!!!! <3 good luck with your daughter!!

    ps...if you have any questions about eating disorders feel free to contact me via email. (i have suffered from bulimia for years and years)

    EDIT: I just read a lot of the responses say to lock up the food. If you start putting locks on things she will feel like she is in prison. Just keep healthier foods in the house but please try not to deprive her of treats. Its okay to have a treat once in a while.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    first of all, you have to feel her throat for something called a goiter. if it's enlarged she probably has hypo-thyriodism and that causes rapid weight gain. i have hashimoto's and am 13. i'm not obese but i have a tough time losing. hashimoto's is the childhood disease that says i might have hypo as an adult. hypo is when the gland in you throat that distributes the hormons becomes slower and eventually stop.

    symtoms are:



    •Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight

    •Coarse, dry hair

    •Dry, rough pale skin

    •Hair loss

    •Cold intolerance (can't tolerate the cold like those around you)

    •Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches




    •Memory loss

    •Abnormal menstrual cycles

    •Decreased libido

    if she has an enlarged goiter, take her to the doctor and they'll do blood tests and she might have to take one pill a day. it's no big deal. my dad does it.

    anyways, if it isn't that, get her the lapband. my dad has that also and it's the safest thing. take all the food out of the fridge except fruit, water, and veggies. no fast food and take her running or bike riding. it isn't safe to be overweight especially at 11. get your daughter some help.

    good luck and God bless

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  • 1 decade ago

    Keep harmful foods out of your home. You'll not only save your daughter but the whole family. Gluten is one thing that kids get way too much of these days. Prepared snacks, pasta, breads, and rice all are packed full of gluten. She needs raw fruits and vegetables to be a large part of her diet and they only way that will happen is if you replace the bad foods and eliminate them from your home. There are lots of fun ways to healthy snacks with your kids. Try more homemade food than store bought items you prepare quickly at home. If you want to save your daughter from a life of pain, you will consider these changes. Make workout time a family event. Play games in the yard, go for family walks or bike rides. You have to really be determined and willing to change.

    Hope this helps.

  • Counseling first. There is something that is making her eat this much, you just need to find out what.

    Second, I would take all the junk out of the house. Replace it with healthier things and so on.

    As far as workouts go, try to do something that an 11 year old would enjoy. I would do something like swimming, or riding bikes with one of her parents, just something relatively easy so she can work herself up to doing more.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would make sure I was there for her emotionally, and never degrade her for her eating habit's, but at the same time be truthful to her about her health AND after all the junk or fattening foods are out of the house, buy healthier foods to stock your refrig and pantry with.

    Just be there for her positively,...some people turn to food for comfort.

    Best wishes!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Put a lock on the fridge. And make sure there is only healthy food in the house. No junk food at all!

  • 1 decade ago

    u might have to put a lock on the fridge and cabinets. i know a girl that had to do that bc her 2 kids(3&9) would get up at night when she was sleeping and pig out..try that. or take her to a diet doctor.

  • Fancy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    don't buy junk food buy health sweets ike apples pears strawberry buy work out videos make her do like 10 mins a day walk around the neighood for 30 mins a day with her take her for health class's so they can teach her how to be health slim fast controll hungry for up to four hours!!!

    Source(s): i hope i helped!! best wish's!!
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