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Bo-chi or Bochi puppy (chihuahua mixed w/ boston terrier) HOW DO I PRONOUNCE THIS lol?

Is it a short or long o sound?


WOW the idiots on this site. A local lady had one litter with 2 pups- then had her female fixed. It was a total accident, and they didnt call him a bochi, I read this online. The parents were the most spoiled, overly loved dogs Ive ever met. People need to stop trying to *teach* the world when they are so lacking in knowledge themselves. You are sad.

Update 2:

You are all rude morons. NO **** it isnt a registered breed, does it make you feel better about yourselves to go around showing everyone you know the obvious? ANSWER THE F*CKING QUESTION or GET A LIFE and GET OFF UR DAM COMPUTERS.

Update 3:

I dont buy dogs and I dont look for purebred dogs, which you all seem to know alot about. I adopt mutts because they have better personalities. Unlike humans, who just get dumber the more their idiot parents breed.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's pronounced:


    It's really not that difficult.

    But it may take a short while to get used to.

  • oleson
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Bochi Puppies

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Bo Chi Puppies

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow...the comments here are almost "vicious" the question at hand...pronounce it however you want and dont listen to these responses telling you NOT to call it that...I am more amazed at the kind of reaction someone gets when they ask a BASIC and normal question...

    WHO CARES what you call your dog - BOCHI or BOWCHI...really is just an easier way to say boston-chihuahua...IS IT NOT...

    by calling the dog that we are NOT assigning a new breed name you idiots...we are just making the description easier...

    wooo watch out for the breed police! heaven forbid if i called MY dog a buhuahua....hahaha... boston just had 6 pups with our chihuahua....and i call them BOCHI's ALL THE TIME....

    why? because i dam well feel like it!

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  • 5 years ago

    All dogs play rough. However if his play is borderline aggressive or if he is actually HURTING the other dogs due to his exuberance, then i would stop bringing him to the park immediately. Learn here

    It's your job as his owner to keep him under control, and if you can't so that then you shouldn't be bringing him someplace where he could get into trouble.

    How often does he get walked? As a high energy breed he should be walked twice a day for as long as he can stand it. Jogging is even better. You can't count on the park to be your only way of exercising him because he obviously is not ready for it (based on the behavior you describe.)

    So start walking him every morning and evening. Enroll in an obedience class with a qualified instructor (i would find a private training facility as opposed to one at Petsmart - as good as some of those trainers can be, they're mainly for easy-to-train dogs and don't specialize in herding breeds OR dogs that may have aggression issues) and he/she will show you how to teach your dog how to come.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    Any age is perfect to train your dog. Especially at a very young age. A lot of dog trainers as well as breeders recommend training at this age. Reputable breeders teach puppies a few commands such as sit, down, and stay at a very early age. My puppies' first commands are sit and lay down. That should be a really easy trick to do to young puppies. Training at a very young age can make training a whole lot easier when she is a adult dog. Remember to give lots of praise, treats and love!

  • 1 decade ago

    You call the dog a mix because that's what it is. It is not a "Bochi," that's just a glorified marketing ploy by BYB's and puppy mills. They use these cutesy terms to justify breeding two pure (but poorly bred) dogs and charging several hundreds of dollars for a mixed breed you could easily adopt from the animal shelter. Continuing to use the terms they have coined only heightens their popularity. Call the dog a Chihuahua-Boston Terrier mix.

  • 1 decade ago

    A small breed dog. Long O. or just a small mutt with parents that happen to be boston terrier and a chihuahua.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You pronounce it Boston Terrier/Chihuahua mix or Chihuahua/Boston Terrier mix. Don't call it anything else. This is a mutt, not a breed. Pet Stores thrive on selling mutts for major bucks and calling them a "breed". Pet stores are very dishonest. This puppy's parents are living in abusive, neglectful situations. They are in puppy mills, which is why one should NEVER buy a pet store puppy.

    A mutt is a dog with two or more breeds, no matter if you know what they are or not.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You can start training her now if you want. And you should. You can start training puppies as young as you want to. They're sponges, they absorb everything! Make sure to reward her when she listens and does her training successfully! Happy training!

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