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Can you believe Dick Cheney SUPPORTS Gay Marriage?

I was blown away watching CNN today. Apparently Dick Cheney believes that Gay Marriage should be decided at the state level.

Do you think he'll back off of that statement when the excrement hits the fan with the Republicans?


Wow I go away for awhile and get a ton of responses!

Yes I KNOW his daughter is a lesbian. So please nobody else mention that. It does not mean he necessarily supports gay marriage though.

I did not realize he supported it in 2004! Interesting...thanks to those that informed me. I just assumed he was with Bush when he lobbied for a constitutional amendment.

For those that had comments like "Why Not"? Obviously Cheney has been not the more socially progressive politician in the world. He is breaking from the ranks of Republicans and their platform. If you don't know this, you aren't well informed.

And finally, of course I am happy he is supporting equal rights and I agree with the statement that anybody should be able to have a relationship with anybody else. I can't wait to see if there's any fallout with Rush Lamebrain.

48 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am not surprised at all.

    In the October, 2000 Vice-Presidential debate Cheney said that ''people should be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to enter into'.'

    In August, 2004 Cheney said "With the respect to the question of relationships, my general view is freedom means freedom for everyone."

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    He said that he supported gay marriage at the state level way back when he and President Bush were running for reelection. He said it in the Vice Presidential debate with Senator John Edwards. What he means by it is that each state should be able to vote and decide for themselves whether or not they want gay marriage. The excrement will not hit the fans with Republicans, because many Republicans have the same belief about gay marriage that Vice President Cheney has. We may not approve of gay marriage, but as long as the people have a right to decide without judges interference, we'll accept the decision of the state.

  • Having rights decided at the state level is what's current policy. It's not breaking any new ground. His daughter, Mary, is a lesbian in a LTR with another woman. And they have a kid.

    What would be IMPRESSIVE is if he stood up for recognition of his daughter's state recognized marriage/union on a Federal level, so they get the 1100+ benefits of marriage, like social security survivor benefits, ability to file federal taxes jointly, spousal monetary gifts that aren't taxed, & no taxation by the feds on Mary's partner's portion of health insurance provided by Mary's employer. You know, so Mary & her partner would have the same benefits from the federal government that Dick enjoys with his WIFE, & ALL straight married couples enjoy with heir spouses.

    When Cheney champions the SAME rights of any state sanctioned union by the feds across the board, THAT will be news. Until then, this is all just smoke & ashes. His support is lukewarm, at best.

    Source(s): Livin Life In a state recognized marriage for 7 months today. Yeah!!! Missed out on $3000 in tax refund from IRS b/c we can't file jointly
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh Cheney, always crawling out of your cave to make the American people's jaws drop open again. :)

    I was surprised when this was announced, but then remembered how Republicans always twist the media to their advantage either to redeem themselves, or to do something that will eventually need redeeming.

    Anyways, ... I highly doubt that Dick is full heartedly diving into this liberal belief, and is doing it for personal gain. Thats what hes always done right?

    And like my friend one might exclaim "Maybe he is turning over to the good side" BAHH, Yeah.. and he never shot his lawyer in the face!

    I don't think the Republican party will do anything- he IS the Republican party, that or they all tremble in fear when he walks into the room.

    So in conclusion, I can believe that he "supports" gay marriage, almost as much as I can believe he has survived 4 effing heart attacks.

    God that man is a troll.

    Source(s): His daughters are probably lesbian because they were raised by him, so maybe hes trying to make it up to them.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe Dick Cheney supports Gay Marriage Because he is secretly gay and it wasn't just a lawyer he shot in the face but a boyfriend how just brock up with Cheney.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dick Cheney is an asshole. He knows most states won't ratify gay marriage and so is still an insufferable Republican. Federal law is required to make gay marriage work in America. Equality laws imposed from above are always the most fair and effective.

  • 1 decade ago

    That doesn't mean he supports it, only that he believes Gay Marriage should be decided at the state level.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think Dick Cheney has gotten wiser with age, he knows everyone knows and loves someone who is gay, and this is 2009, its time for everyone to wake up and smell the coffee, Its time for equal rights for everyone!!

  • 1 decade ago

    cheney's daughter is a lesbian with a committed partner.

    though i'm a liberal at heart and never really supported his politics, i do admire his support of his family and his readiness to call attention to a cause that affects him despite his party affiliation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I could care less if gay people got married. Thats the least of the government worries right now. IMO these needs to be done on a federal level for tax purposes. You could possibly file married on a state level but single on a federal level. It needs to be done country wide not on a state level

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