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Philippine Hospitals?

If you are sick you go to hospital and when you are better you must pay the bill or you have to stay until you pay the bill! How the hell does somebody pay the bill if they have no money or can not go to work if they are held in hospital? What sort of rip off is that!


N.. yes maybe you are right. Perhaps that is the only way out! Escape! I don't know.

Update 2:

The good folks that do the billing seem to think that because my friends come from a poor village that they will not pay! You wont catch asthma, your safe.

Update 3:

You are right, I have not lived in the Philippines, but it is sad that such a wounderful country has such poor health service for its people. Even medicines are expensive.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obviously, you have not lived in nor visited the Philippines, I don't think "N" has either.

    Your friend should consider him/herself EXTREMELY lucky that the hospital let him/her in the front door. Most will require you to deposit a large lump sum in advance of any treatment. They will draw upon the deposit as treatment proceeds. When the money runs out the treatment stops.

    I know of a case where a person with a ruptured appendix was sent home to die because the family didn't have any money for the surgeon, medication and anesthesia.

    The folks at billing are right in their thinking. If the patient leaves without paying that's the last they'll ever see of him/her.

    Technically, it's illegal to hold a patient for unpaid services. However, this doesn't stop it from happening. In fact, it's common.

    If your friend had gone to a pubic hospital they'd have treated him/her without charge..... However, all medication would have to be purchased by the patient. The doctor at a public hospital just writes the scripts and gives them to the patient's family. If the family gets the medication then the hospital administers it as directed. If the family doesn't or can't get the medication then the patient goes without.

    Source(s): Lived in the Philippines 6 years.
  • 1 decade ago

    Filipinos generally don't have medical insurance and the government doesn't provide enough medical care either.If you are an employee (government and private) you can avail of the Medicare but it doesn't cover all of your hospital and other medical care.I have known a lot of Filipinos who has to spend life's savings or even sell properties when they get sick.Most private hospitals requires deposit after they gave the first aid and they will bill you every 3 days and has to pay at least partially on every bill if you require confinement.I personally experienced this with my father who suffered a heart attack.If you don't have savings or properties to sell your only option is to go to a public hospital which is often crowded and it will not be surprising if you will have to buy your own medicines and supplies because they ran out of them.I understand that Philippines is a third world country but it could have been a lot better if the political leaders are not corrupt and truly care for their constituents.

  • puran
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    bypass to a private well being facility here interior the Philippines yet that still dont garrantee no longer something.i understand of a number of Expats mysteriously dieing from a an infection whilst having user-friendly operations.even with the fact that Ive by no potential been in a Aussie well being facility, i'd think of their alot vetter than here. Joe, you need to bear in strategies one element and that's you're each little thing those varieties choose to be and by no potential would be. White skinned and foreigner with the potential to fly out of the depressing existence they understand they'll stay and die in. That creates jealousy. I even have been the centre of many vicious and untrue rumours in my spouse;s Barrio. many cases and a number of the memories i'm going to admit are produced from Hollywood stuff. I forget approximately all of them. what's the factor of reacting to utter rubbish? i understand who and what i'm and how I habit myself there and a number of the crap stated approximately me is so some distance out and ridiculous even the spiteful previous gossips who repeat it are informed to close that nonsense up by their very own people. forget approximately them mate, unhappy, ignorant, unfavorable and uneducated. Have pity. self reliant Mark2. If thats you who responded my question your a great time substitute around!unhappy, ignorant, unfavorable and uneducated has no longer something to do with "inebriated Pinoy".My question substitute into why they challenge and intimidate era.even with the fact that express maximum are inebriated yet no longer consistently.

  • 1 decade ago

    Perhaps you should meet with the good folks who do the billing, and set up a payment schedule.

    Most hospitals don't want space wasted, so I doubt they will keep you in a room until you pay.

    Which Island are you at, anyway. I'll try not to get sick there ;)

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  • jimmy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You are lucky you are able to get into the hospital and treatment some(at least one) countries, you have to pay upfront pay, no treat....even if you are half dead ....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How they gonna keep you there? They gonna beat you to death?

    Walk out.

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