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Maturità e inglese..............?

Mia nipote fa la maturità. L'inglese è sempre stata la sua bestia nera. Ha preparato una tesina su Joseph Conrad e me l'ha mandata via mail per correggerla. A me sembra ben fatta, ma sono parecchio arrugginita! C'è qualche anima pia che ha la bontà di leggerla e di trovare eventuali errori?


Zia Simona

Joseph Conrad

The novels of Joseph Conrad, considered one of the main authors in between'800 and'900, are stories of the sea and of adventure: stories of men who live on the waves, dragged and dragged ships that address the unique solitude of the water, treacherous , infinite, eaters of worlds, the prey of risks. In fact, before a novelist, Conrad was truly a man of the sea: orphan of mother and father imprisoned for political issues (the family was originally from a part of Poland annexed by Russia), grew up in the dream to sail the seas in freedom and away from land that had brought, since childhood, so much pain.

Joseph Conrad, born Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, although born in Poland (a Berdicev on 3 December 1857), is actually considered an English writer. His family belonged to the landed nobility of Poland, then under Russian rule. His father, patriot and man of letters, died in 1867, after many years of political exile (the mother was already dead in 1865). Entrusted with the protection of an uncle, Conrad makes the young secondary studies in Krakow.

At only seventeen, impelled by an irresistible vocation for the life of the sea, partly for Marseille, where as a simple sailor sailed. Surfing means for him to know above all the world sailor who is also identified in trafficking, smuggling, the men who embarked for escape who knows what guilt. Meant short encounter worlds that were not only geographically, the antipodes of the calendar year. After many years of experience serving in the French merchant marine and, since 1878, in the UK, where it reaches the degree of master. In 1886 became British citizens.

For twenty years traveling to almost all the seas, but mostly Malaysian origin. Attention obtained from his first novel "The folly of Almayer," and the encouragement of some writers (Galsworthy, Wells, Ford Madox Ford, Edward Gamett) the lead, left the navy and settled in England, to devote himself entirely to ' literary activity.

Most unique rare, Conrad became a teacher of literature by writing in a language not his, learned when he was already a made man. Its theme is the loneliness of the individual, at the mercy of the blind shots of the case in the sea is often chosen as a symbol. The lone hero of Joseph Conrad is almost always a runaway or an outcast, marked by misfortune or remorse, close relatives fallen angel's dear to romantics, who gained his identity with stoicism facing the trials that fate has reserved.

Among his many masterpieces, we remember "An outcast of the islands" (1894), "The negro of Narcissus" (1896), "Youth" (1898), "Heart of darkness", "Typhoon" and "Lord Jim" (1900 ).

In this work, Conrad probe stages of evolution of unconscious which at times seem to anticipate the technique of "stream of consciousness" that Virginia Woolf and James Joyce and become a literary genre.

After several other publications, he gets a good success with "La linea d'ombra" (1917), another masterpiece, which became the emblem of the difficulty to grow and what this transition entails.

Unique writer, researcher as few of the human soul, Joseph Conrad dies of heart attack August 3 1924, Bishopsboume Kent (Ukraine).

Heart of darkness (Heart of Darkness) is a short novel by Joseph Conrad, published in 1902. It is considered one of the classic literature of the nineteenth century.

At the beginning of the novel five crew members discuss on a boat anchored in a port along the River Thames. Marlow took the floor and begins to remember an experience that, years before, had lived along the Congo River, a journey that had led him to come into contact with what, then, for him was an absurd reality. Entering the continent after a long journey, comes to the headquarters of the Society, a total state of abandonment. Party then in search of Kurtz, the agent that was supposed to receive and which you lost all trace. Laboriously going up the river, Marlow has the impression that the review time periods up to remote and wild.

Arrived in the new station Kurtz, Marlow is faced with the resistance of the natives, they, in fact, believe a deity Kurtz and prevent anyone to carry him away, although in need of care because in the end of life. Kurtz himself, now in the grip of his own omnipotence on the indigenous communities, do not want to return to the so-called civilization and Marlow can hardly drag on the boat. While away, followed by the wild for the last time with his eyes on their idol.

Kurtz dies, uttering the phrase "What horror! What horror! "Marlow had previously been in custody, right from Kurtz, a parcel containing a few letters addressed to his girlfriend. Mind to

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    E' pieno di errori, mi ci devo mettere con calma...adesso è tardi intanto ho fatto questi, domani e nei giorni a seguire aggiornerò il post

    - Innanzitutto io consiglio di sostituire tutti i "man of the sea" con "sailor" o "seaman"...Non perchè sia sbagliato ma perchè è una forma strana. Io lo lascio così nelle correzioni, ma se non c'è un'esigenza particolare sarebbe meglio sostituirlo.

    -one of the main authors in between'800 and'900

    "Among the main authors between the eight and the ninth century"

    -live on the waves, dragged and dragged ships

    immagino sia un refuso

    "live on the waves, and dragged ships"

    -that address the unique solitude of the water, treacherous , infinite, eaters of worlds,

    le accordanze sono incongruenti. Penso che gli aggettivi si riferiscano a solitude per cui:

    "... eater of worlds, ..."

    -the prey of risks

    letteralemte sarebbe: la preda dei rischi

    potendo solo intuire il significato che si voleva dare posso consigliare la forma

    "the prey of the reckless man"

    -In fact, before a novelist, Conrad was truly a man of the sea

    "in fact, besides being a novelist, Conrad actually was a man of the sea"

    -orphan of mother and father imprisoned for political issues

    La frase è poco scorrevole nel contesto. Meglio frasi corte e chiare che articolate e difficili.

    ". He was orphan of mother and his father was imprisoned...."

    -grew up in the dream to sail the seas in freedom and away from land that had brought, since childhood, so much pain.

    "grew up in the dream of freely seal the seas in order to escape from the land that, since childhood, had brought him so much pain"

    -Joseph Conrad, born Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, although born in Poland (a Berdicev on 3 December 1857), is actually considered an English writer.

    Actually significa veramente e non attualmente, dato che credo che si volesse dire "ai nostri giorni" lo sostituisco con nowadays.

    "Joseph Conrad, whose birth name was Jozef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski, although born in Poland (in Berdicev on 3 December 1857), nowadays is considered an English writer."

    -At only seventeen, impelled by an irresistible vocation for the life of the sea, partly for Marseille, where as a simple sailor sailed

    Costruzione logica sbagliata, peraltro la frase risulta incomprensibile. Impelled è un termine desueto, meglio overwhelmed.

    "When he only was seventeen, he sailed as a simple sailor because of an overwhelming vocation for the life of the sea."

    -Surfing means for him to know above all the world sailor who is also identified in trafficking, smuggling, the men who embarked for escape who knows what guilt......

    Sinceramente capisco in modo vago il significato di questa frase e di quelle a venire. A meno che io non sia molto più ignorante di quello che penso, sembra che questa traduzione sia stata fatta di sana pianta col traduttore di google vel similia. A questo punto mi risulta impossibile risalire al significato originale delle frasi. Tento comunque:

    -Surfing means for him to know above all the world sailor who is also identified in trafficking, smuggling, the men who embarked for escape who knows what guilt.

    Sailing meant to him to meet many sailors from all the world,

    sailors who are known for the guilt of smuggling the escaping men who embraked.

    Il resto mi sembra pressapoco corretto.

    N.B. io NON sono laureato in lingue occidentali, io ho solo un diploma da liceo linguistico, e non ho neanche mai raggiunto risultati eccelsi, pertanto non assicuro la correttezza della correzione. Ciò che posso dire è che, secondo le mie conoscenze e le mie esperienze, questa traduzione era quasi del tutto errata.

    Ho cercato di correggere al meglio, usando forme semplici in modo da limitare gli errori.

    Spero di essere stato utile

  • 1 decade ago

    al di là di qualche piccolissimo errore che ha fatto marco (e non tua nipote anche se credo che sei tu la nipote in questione.. :p )

    credo che LUI meriti i 10 punti a prescindere.

    che pazienza rispondere a sta domanda, equivale a una lezione.

    marco is the most tollerant answerman of the day :)))

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