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Who is stronger ? One who forgives or the one who chooses to take revenge ?


I prefer those who can forgive.

But few believe that since you are not in a position to take revenge you have no option but to forgive. Hence you forgive.

Chicken heart as they say.

Share your comments on this point also.

[A funny point came to my mind just to share with you. Giver is always stronger than taker. And revenge is taken. How come he is stronger ?] Forget the lighter side & share your views........


Update 2:


Society over the years has developed a system to run itself and to punish the culprit and bring justice to the victim.

Is it not a way to take revenge [ for the victim ]?


28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depends. We can see examples of revenge as well as forgiveness in our history and epics. What gives the world peace is better. Sometimes revenge will be better to give peace to the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    To forgive takes a lot of strength for some people. I have seen people who had loved ones murdered, yet, the individuals forgave. I know for me to take revenge seems like the easy way out. However, forgiving in the long run is more rewarding for me. For example, when i forgive i am free from any hurtful experience i had or when i forgive i don't become bitter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why not give up measuring by "strength"?

    Some people are "stronger" than others, but does that really signify anything? I can think of several people who are very strong, and I wouldn't cross the street to meet them.

    Steven Hawking can't move a muscle, and in many ways he's very strong. And yet, even if we could converse fluidly with him, many of us wouldn't want to spend a lot of time with him.

    Could it be that strength -- no matter what kind of strength you're talking about -- just isn't all that big a deal?

  • star
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    any 1 can take revenge but 1 needs a bigger n stronger heart to forgive . and to friendship with our own enemies.

    also no1 has ever got any thing but revenge,

    1st i side has to suffer n other, the war continues n there is no peace.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The forgiver

    It takes way more self control to forgive than to take revenge....

    Though, revenge usually makes people feel better

  • 1 decade ago

    Forgiveness is a choice not a feeling.

    Choosing to forgive gives you back your emotional freedom and happiness. It makes you wiser and stronger as forgiveness is an attribute of the strong - weak people can’t forgive. It makes you easier to love and life itself is just easier.

    Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you were.

  • 1 decade ago

    1)It depend on the person if he has got the power to take revange and he forgives then he is a riches and strongest person in the world coz he has

    got a power to control him self. A person who can control him self is a strongest person

    2)A person who dosn't has a power to take revenge then he forgive

    coz he dosn't has any choice so he is not strongest

    Note: A person who can't control him self is not being he is dead he is worst then a castle. He is like a driver who dosn't know driving but he is in car and on steering

  • 1 decade ago


    Forgiveness IF it is CONDUCIVE to GOOD;

    Punishment if forgiveness will NOT bring about reform, and if forgiveness will only serve to EMBOLDEN the CULPRIT.

    Every situation presents itself differently, so the best course of action is dependent upon the person and circumstances.

    So the 'strong' one, is he/she that uses their faculty of reason and intellect to come to the right decision.

  • dd
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    One who forgives raises his/her soul and it increases peacefulness within.

    One who take revenge only make his/her ego stronger, which is the cause of miseries of life.

  • 1 decade ago

    Forgiving need lot of strength than taking revenge .example for forgiving ( Jesus christ),example for revenge ( hitler ) . Now tell me who is stronger.

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